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Diskimage-builder tools for creation cloud images
Steps how to create cloud image with Apache Hadoop installed using diskimage-builder project:
1. Clone the repository "" locally.
.. sourcecode:: bash
git clone
2. Add ~/diskimage-builder/bin/ directory to your path (for example, PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/diskimage-builder/bin/ ).
3. Export the following variable ELEMENTS_PATH=/home/$USER/diskimage-builder/elements/ to your .bashrc. Then source it.
4. Copy file "img-build-sudoers" from ~/disk-image-builder/sudoers.d/ to your /etc/sudoers.d/
.. sourcecode:: bash
chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/img-build-sudoers
chown root:root /etc/sudoers.d/img-build-sudoers
5. Move elements/ directory to disk-image-builder/elements/
.. sourcecode:: bash
mv elements/* /path_to_disk_image_builder/diskimage-builder/elements/
6. Call the following command to create cloud image is able to run on OpenStack:
6.1. Ubuntu cloud image
.. sourcecode:: bash
JAVA_FILE=jdk-7u21-linux-x64.tar.gz DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=1.1.2 disk-image-create base vm hadoop ubuntu root-passwd -o hadoop_1_1_2
6.2. Fedora cloud image
.. sourcecode:: bash
JAVA_FILE=jdk-7u21-linux-x64.tar.gz DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=1.1.2 DIB_IMAGE_SIZE=10 disk-image-create base vm fedora hadoop root-passwd -o fedora_hadoop_1_1_2
Note: If you build Fedora 19 image from a non-Fedora 19 host (e.g. Ubuntu or Fedora 18), you should use the parameter 'WORKAROUND_BUG_1204824'. If this bug doesn't have status 'fix-commited', give to parameter 'WORKAROUND_BUG_1204824' not empty value.
.. sourcecode:: bash
WORKAROUND_BUG_1204824=true JAVA_FILE=jdk-7u21-linux-x64.tar.gz DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=1.1.2 DIB_IMAGE_SIZE=10 disk-image-create base vm fedora hadoop root-passwd -o fedora_hadoop_1_1_2
In this command 'DIB_HADOOP_VERSION' parameter is version of hadoop needs to be installed.
You can use 'JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL' parameter to specify download link for JDK (tarball or bin).
'DIB_IMAGE_SIZE' is parameter that specifes a volume of hard disk of instance. You need to specify it because Fedora doesn't use all available volume.
If you have already downloaded the jdk package, move it to "elements/hadoop/install.d/" and use its filename as 'JAVA_FILE' parameter.