2015-01-01 14:25:13 +08:00

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Welcome to the Senlin developer documentation!

Senlin is a service to create and manage cluster of multiple cloud resources. Senlin provides an OpenStack-native ReST API and a AWS AutoScaling-compatible Query API is in plan.

What is the purpose of the project and vision for it?

  • Senlin provides a clustering solution for OpenStack cloud. A user can create clusters of node and associate policy to such a cluster.
  • The software interacts with other components of OpenStack so that clusters of resources exposed by those components can be created and operated.
  • The software complements Heat project each other so Senlin can create and manage clusters of Heat stacks while Heat can invoke Senlin APIs to orchestrate collections of homogeneous resources.
  • Senlin provides policies as plugins that can be used to specify how clusters operate. Example policies include creation policy, placement policy, deletion policy, load-balancing policy, scaling policy etc.
  • Senlin can interact with all other OpenStack components via profile plugins. Each profile type implementation enable Senlin to create resources provided by a corresponding OpenStack service.

This documentation offers information on how Senlin works and how to contribute to the project.

Getting Started

getting_started/index policies/index profiles/index glossary

Man Pages


Developers Documentation

architecture pluginguide

API Documentation

  • Senlin REST API Reference (OpenStack API Complete Reference - Clustering)

Operations Documentation


Code Documentation


Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search