The README was discussing future design decisions as if they were already implemented. This can be confusing for new users. This separates that discussion into a separate doc page and clarifies its intentions. Also, fix sphinx doc build warnings. Change-Id: Ie66b60d972cae25a9805804ad17632aed0932627
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Future Design Discussion
This document discusses a new approach to the Shade library and how we might wish for it to operate in a future, not-yet-developed version. It presents a more object oriented approach, and design decisions that we have learned and decided on while working on the current version.
Object Design
Shade is a library for managing resources, not for operating APIs. As such, it is the resource in question that is the primary object and not the service that may or may not provide that resource, much as we may feel warm and fuzzy to one of the services.
Every resource at minimum has CRUD functions. Additionally, every resource action should have a "do this task blocking" or "request that the cloud start this action and give me a way to check its status" The creation and deletion of Resources will be handled by a ResourceManager that is attached to the Cloud :
class Cloud:
ResourceManager<Server> server
servers = server
ResourceManager<FloatingIp> floating_ip
floating_ips = floating_ip
ResourceManager<Image> image
images = image
ResourceManager<Role> role
roles = role
ResourceManager<Volume> volume
volumes = volume
getting, listing and searching
In addition to creating a resource, there are different ways of getting your hands on a resource. A get, a list and a search.
list has the simplest semantics - it takes no parameters and simply returns a list of all of the resources that exist.
search takes a set of parameters to match against and returns a list of resources that match the parameters given. If no resources match, it returns an empty list.
get takes the same set of parameters that search takes, but will only ever return a single matching resource or None. If multiple resources are matched, an exception will be raised.
class ResourceManager<Resource>:
def get -> Resource
def list -> List<Resource>
def search -> List<Resource>
def create -> Resource
Cloud and ResourceManager interface
All ResourceManagers should accept a cache object passed in to their constructor and should additionally pass that cache object to all Resource constructors. The top-level cloud should create the cache object, then pass it to each of the ResourceManagers when it creates them.
Client connection objects should exist and be managed at the Cloud level. A backreference to the OpenStack cloud should be passed to every resource manager so that ResourceManagers can get hold of the ones they need. For instance, an Image ResourceManager would potentially need access to both the glance_client and the swift_client.
class ResourceManager
def __init__(self, cache, cloud)
class ServerManager(ResourceManager)
class OpenStackCloud
def __init__(self):
self.cache = dogpile.cache()
self.server = ServerManager(self.cache, self)
self.servers = self.server
Any resources that have an association action - such as servers and floating_ips, should carry reciprocal methods on each resource with absolutely no difference in behavior.
class Server(Resource):
def connect_floating_ip:
class FloatingIp(Resource):
def connect_server:
Resource objects should have all of the accessor methods you'd expect, as well as any other interesting rollup methods or actions. For instance, since a keystone User can be enabled or disabled, one should expect that there would be an enable() and a disable() method, and that those methods will immediately operate the necessary REST apis. However, if you need to make 80 changes to a Resource, 80 REST calls may or may not be silly, so there should also be a generic update() method which can be used to request the minimal amount of REST calls needed to update the attributes to the requested values.
Resource objects should all have a to_dict method which will return a plain flat dictionary of their attributes.
class Resource:
def update(**new_values) -> Resource
def delete -> None, throws on error
create, get, and attach can return resources that are not yet ready. Each method should take a wait and a timeout parameter, that will cause the request for the resource to block until it is ready. However, the user may want to poll themselves. Each resource should have an is_ready method which will return True when the resource is ready. The wait method then can actually be implemented in the base Resource class as an iterate timeout loop around calls to is_ready. Every Resource should also have an is_failed and an is_deleted method.
Optional Behavior
Not all clouds expose all features. For instance, some clouds do not have floating ips. Additionally, some clouds may have the feature but the user account does not, which is effectively the same thing. This should be handled in several ways:
If the user explicitly requests a resource that they do not have access to, an error should be raised. For instance, if a user tries to create a floating ip on a cloud that does not expose that feature to them, shade should throw a "Your cloud does not let you do that" error.
If the resource concept can be can be serviced by multiple possible services, shade should transparently try all of them. The discovery method should use the dogpile.cache mechanism so that it can be avoided on subsequent tries. For instance, if the user says "please upload this image", shade should figure out which sequence of actions need to be performed and should get the job done.
If the resource isn't present on some clouds, but the overall concept the resource represents is, a different resource should present the concept. For instance, while some clouds do not have floating ips, if what the user wants is "a server with an IP" - then the fact that one needs to request a floating ip on some clouds is a detail, and the right thing for that to be is a quality of a server and managed by the server resource. A floating ip resource should really only be directly manipulated by the user if they were doing something very floating-ip specific, such as moving a floating ip from one server to another.
In short, it should be considered a MASSIVE bug in shade if the shade user ever has to have in their own code "if cloud.has_capability("X") do_thing else do_other_thing" - since that construct conveys some resource that shade should really be able to model.
Functional Interface
shade should also provide a functional mapping to the object interface that does not expose the object interface at all. For instance, for a resource type server, one could expect the following.
class OpenStackCloud:
def create_server
return self.server.create().to_dict()
def get_server
return self.server.get().to_dict()
def update_server
return self.server.get().update().to_dict()