'mock' is built in to python as unittest.mock since python 3.3. The mock package on pypi is a backport, and not required here. The test code throughout this repo used a mix of unittest.mock and the mock package. This makes it consistently unittest.mock now, and makes the import styles consistent too. Change-Id: I643247ac4061c095b327a73cba75a1fa67f1c32e
This charm deploys the openstack-hypervisor snap.
It is expected to be related to the control plane via cross model relations. To achieve this assuming the control plane is in a model called k8s.
juju offer k8s.rabbitmq-k8s:amqp
juju offer k8s.keystone:identity-credentials
juju offer k8s.certificate-authority:certificates
juju offer k8s.ovn-relay:ovsdb-cms-relay
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.rabbitmq-k8s
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.keystone
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.certificate-authority
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.ovn-relay