* Add sunbeam project template to run pep8, py3 tests * Add zuul.d/zuul.yaml to run pep8, py3, cover tests * Update charmcraft and requirements for each charm * Add global tox.ini to invoke fmt, pep8, py3, cover, build * Add gitreview file * Fix py3 test failures in ciner-ceph-k8s, glance-k8s, openstack-exporter * Add jobs for charm builds using files option so that job is invoked if files within the component are modified. Add charm builds to both check and gate pipeline. * Make function tests as part of global. Split the function tests into core, ceph, caas, misc mainly to accomodate function tests to run on 8GB. Add function tests as part of check pipeline. * Add zuul job to publish charms in promote pipeline Add charmhub token as secret that can be used to publish charms. Note: Charmhub token is generated with ttl of 90 days. * Run tox formatting * Make .gitignore, .jujuignore, .stestr.conf global and remove the files from all charms. * Make libs and templates global. Split libs to internal and external so that internal libs can adhere to sunbeam formatting styles. * Add script to copy common files necessary libs, config templates, stestr conf, jujuignore during py3 tests and charm builds. * Tests for keystone-ldap-k8s are commented due to intermittent bug LP#2045206 Change-Id: I804ca64182c109d16bd820ac00f129aa6dcf4496
designate-k8s is an operator to manage the designate services on a Kubernetes based environment.
designate-k8s is deployed using below command:
juju deploy designate-k8s designate --trust
Now connect the designate operator to existing database, messaging, keystone identity, and bind9 operators:
juju relate mysql:database designate:database
juju relate rabbitmq:amqp designate:amqp
juju relate keystone:identity-service designate:identity-service
juju relate bind9:dns-backend designate:dns-backend
This section covers common and/or important configuration options. See file
for the full list of options, along with their descriptions and
default values. See the Juju documentation for details
on configuring applications.
This section covers Juju actions supported by the charm.
Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis. To
display action descriptions run juju actions designate
. If the charm is not
deployed then see file actions.yaml
designate-k8s requires the following relations:
: To connect to MySQLamqp
: To connect to RabbitMQidentity-service
: To register endpoints in Keystoneingress-internal
: To expose service on underlying internal networkingress-public
: To expose service on public networkdns-backend
: To register DNS records
OCI Images
The charm by default uses following images:
Please see the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and CONTRIBUTING.md for developer guidance.
Please report bugs on Launchpad.