Alistair Coles 1e00e8564b Increasing ring partition power
This document describes a process and
modifications to swift code that together
enable ring partition power to be increased
without cluster downtime.

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2015-02-04 14:53:12 +00:00

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Increasing ring partition power

This document describes a process and modifications to swift code that together enable ring partition power to be increased without cluster downtime.

Swift operators sometimes pick a ring partition power when deploying swift and later wish to change the partition power:

  1. The operator chooses a partition power that proves to be too small and subsequently constrains their ability to rebalance a growing cluster.
  2. Perhaps more likely, in an attempt to avoid the above problem, operators choose a partition power that proves to be unnecessarily large and would subsequently like to reduce it.

This proposal directly addresses the first problem by enabling partition power to be increased. Although it does not directly address the second problem (i.e. it does not enable ring power reduction), it does indirectly help to avoid that problem by removing the motivation to choose large partition power when first deploying a cluster.

Problem Description

The ring power determines the partition to which a resource (account, container or object) is mapped. The partition is included in the path under which the resource is stored in a backend filesystem. Changing the partition power therefore requires relocating resources to new paths in backend filesystems.

In a heavily populated cluster a relocation process could be time-consuming and so to avoid down-time it is desirable to relocate resources while the cluster is still operating. However, it is necessary to do so without (temporary) loss of access to data and without compromising the performance of processes such as replication and auditing.

Proposed Change


The proposed solution avoids copying any file contents during a partition power change. Objects are 'moved' from their current partition to a new partition, but the current and new partitions are arranged to be on the same device, so the 'move' is achieved using filesystem links without copying data.

(It may well be that the motivation for increasing partition power is to allow a rebalancing of the ring. Any rebalancing would occur after the partition power increase has completed - during partition power changes the ring balance is not changed.)

To allow the cluster to continue operating during a partition power change (in particular, to avoid any disruption or incorrect behavior of the replicator and auditor processes), new partition directories are created in a separate filesystem branch from the current partition directories. When all new partition directories have been populated, the ring transitions to using the new filesystem branch.

During this transition, object servers maintain links to resource files from both the current and new partition directories. However, as already discussed, no file content is duplicated or copied. The old partition directories are eventually deleted.

Detailed description

The process of changing a ring's partition power comprises three phases:

  1. Preparation - during this phase the current partition directories continue to be used but existing resources are also linked to new partition directories in anticipation of the new ring partition power.
  2. Switchover - during this phase the ring transitions to using the new partition directories; proxy and backend servers rollover to using the new ring partition power.
  3. Cleanup - once all servers are using the new ring partition power, resource files in old partition directories are removed.

For simplicity, we describe the details of each phase in terms of an object ring but note that the same process can be applied to account and container rings and servers.

Preparation phase

During the preparation phase two new attributes are set in the ring file:

  • the ring's `epoch`: if not already set, a new epoch attribute is added to the ring. The ring epoch is used to determine the parent directory for partition directories. Similar to the way in which a ring's policy index is appended to the objects directory name, the epoch will be prefixed to the objects directory name. For simplicity, the ring epoch will be a monotonically increasing integer starting at 0. A 'legacy' ring having no epoch attribute will be treated as having epoch 0.
  • the next_part_power attribute indicates the partition power that will be used in the next epoch of the ring. The next_part_power attribute is used during the preparation phase to determine the partition directory in which an object should be stored in the next epoch of the ring.

At this point in time no other changes are made to the ring file: the current part power and the mapping of partitions to devices are unchanged.

The updated ring file is distributed to all servers. During this preparation phase, proxy servers will continue to use the current ring partition mapping to determine the backend url for objects. Object servers, along with replicator and auditor processes, also continue to use the current ring parameters. However, during PUT and DELETE operations object servers will create additional links to object files in the object's future partition directory in preparation for an eventual switchover to the ring's next epoch. This does not require any additional copying or writing of object contents.

The filesystem path for future partition directories is determined as follows. In general, the path to an object file on an object server's filesystem has the form:



  • epoch is the ring's epoch, if non-zero
  • policy is the object container's policy index, if non-zero
  • dev is the device to which partition is mapped by the ring file
  • partition is the object's partition, calculated using partition = F(hash) >> (32 - P), where P is the ring partition power
  • suffix is the last three digits of hash
  • hash is a hash of the object name
  • ts is the object timestamp
  • ext is the filename extension (data, meta or ts)

Given next_part_power and epoch in the ring file, it is possible to calculate:

future_partition = F(hash) >> (32 - next_part_power)
next_epoch = epoch + 1

The future partition directory is then:


For example, consider a ring in its first epoch, with current partition power P, containing an object currently in partition X, where 0 <= X < 2**P. If the partition power increases by a factor of 2, the object's future partition will be either 2X or 2X+1 in the ring's next epoch. During a DELETE an additional filesystem link will be created at one of:


Once object servers are known to be using the updated ring file a new relinker process is started. The relinker prepares an object server's filesystem for a partition power change by crawling the filesystem and linking existing objects to future partition directories. The relinker determines each object's future partition directory in the same way as described above for the object server.

The relinker does not remove links from current partition directories. Once the relinker has successfully completed, every existing object should be linked from both a current partition directory and a future partition directory. Any subsequent object PUTs or DELETEs will be reflected in both the current and future partition directory as described above.

To avoid newly created objects being 'lost', it is important that an object server is using the updated ring file before the relinker process starts in order to guarantee that either the object server or the relinker create future partition links for every object. This may require object servers to be restarted prior to the relinker process being started, or to otherwise report that they have reloaded the ring file.

The relinker will report successful completion in a file /var/cache/swift/relinker.recon that can be queried via (modified) recon middleware.

Once the relinker process has successfully completed on all object servers, the partition power change process may move on to the switchover phase.

Switchover phase

To begin the switchover to using the next partition power, the ring file is updated once more:

  • the current partition power is stored as previous_part_power
  • the current partition power is set to next_partition_power
  • next_partition_power is set to None
  • the ring's epoch is incremented
  • the mapping of partitions to devices is re-created so that partitions 2X and 2X+1 map to the same devices to which partition X was mapped in the previous epoch. This is a simple transformation. Since no object content is moved between devices the actual ring balance remains unchanged.

The updated ring file is then distributed to all proxy and object servers.

Since ring file distribution and loading is not instantaneous, there is a window of time during which a proxy server may direct object requests to either an old partition or a current partition (note that the partitions previously referred to as 'future' are now referred to as 'current'). Object servers will therefore create additional filesystem links during PUT and DELETE requests, pointing from old partition directories to files in the current partition directories. The paths to the old partition directories are determined in the same way as future partition directories were determined during the preparation phase, but now using the previous_part_power and decrementing the current ring epoch.

This means that if one proxy PUTs an object using a current partition, then another proxy subsequently attempts to GET the object using the old partition, the object will be found, since both current and old partitions map to the same device. Similarly if one proxy PUTs an object using the old partition and another proxy then GETs the object using the current partition, the object will be found in the current partition on the object server.

The object auditor and replicator processes are restarted to force reloading of the ring file and commence to operate using the current ring parameters.

Cleanup phase

The cleanup phase may start once all servers are known to be using the updated ring file. Once again, this may require servers to be restarted or to report that they have reloaded the ring file during switchover.

A final update is made to the ring file: the previous_partition_power attribute is set to None and the ring file is once again distributed. Once object servers have reloaded the update ring file they will cease to create object file links in old partition directories.

At this point the old partition directories may be deleted - there is no need to create tombstone files when deleting objects in the old partitions since these partition directories are no longer used by any swift process.

A cleanup process will crawl the filesystem and delete any partition directories that are not part of the current epoch or a future epoch. This cleanup process should repeat periodically in case any devices that were offline during the partition power change come back online - the old epoch partition directories discovered on those devices may be deleted. Normal replication may cause current epoch partition directories to be created on a resurrected disk.

(The cleanup function could be added to an existing process such as the auditor).

Other considerations


The swift-dispersion-[populate|report] tools will need to be made epoch-aware. After increasing partition power, swift-dispersion-populate may need to be run to achieve the desired coverage. (Although initially the device coverage will remain unchanged, the percentage of partitions covered will have reduced by whatever factor the partition power has increased.)


During preparation and switchover, the auditor may find a corrupt object. The quarantine directory is not in the epoch partition directory filesystem branch, so a quarantined object will not be lost when old partitions are deleted.

The quarantining of an object in a current partition directory will not remove the object from a future partition, so after switchover the auditor will discover the object again, and quarantine it again. The diskfile quarantine renamer could optionally be made 'relinker' aware and unlink duplicate object references when quarantining an object.


Prior work

The swift_ring_tool enables ring power increases while swift services are disabled. It takes a similar approach to this proposal in that the ring mapping is changed so that every resource remains on the same device when moved to its new partition. However, new partitions are created in the same filesystem branch as existing (hence the need for services to be suspended during the relocation).

Previous proposals have been made to upstream swift:

https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/933803 suggests a 'same-device' partition re-mapping, as does this proposal, but did not provide for relocation of resources to new partition directories.

https://review.openstack.org/#/c/21888/ suggests maintaining a partition power per device (so only new devices use the increase partition power) but appears to have been abandoned due to complexities with replication.

Create future partitions in existing objects[-policy] directory

The duplication of filesystem entries for objects and creation of (potentially duplicate) partitions during the preparation phase could have undesirable effects on other backend processes if they are not isolated in another filesystem branch.

For example, the object replicator is likely to discover newly created future partition directories that appear to be 'misplaced'. The replicator will attempt to sync these to their primary nodes (according to the old ring mapping) which is unnecessary. Worse, the replicator might then delete the future partitions from their current nodes, undoing the work of the relinker process.

If the replicator were to adopt the future ring mappings from the outset of the preparation phase then the same problems arise with respect to current partitions that now appear to be misplaced. Furthermore, the replication process is likely to race with the relinker process on remote nodes to populate future partitions: if relocation proceeds faster on node A than B then the replicator may start to sync objects from A to B, which is again unnecessary and expensive.

The auditor will also be impacted as it will discover objects in the future partition directories and audit them, being unable to distinguish them as duplicates of the object still stored in the current partition.

These issues could of course be avoided by disabling replication and auditing during the preparation phase, but instead we propose to make the future ring partition naming be mutually exclusive from current ring partition naming, and simply restrict the replicator and auditor to only process partitions that are in the current ring partition set. In other words we isolate these processes from the future partition directories that are being created by the relinker.

Use mutually exclusive future partitions in existing objects directory

The current algorithm for calculating the partition for an object is to calculate a 32 bit hash of the object and then use its P most significant bits, resulting in partitions in the range {0, 2**P - 1}. i.e.:

part = H(object name) >> (32 - P)

A ring with partition power P+1 will re-use all the partition numbers of a ring with partition power P.

To eliminate overlap of future ring partitions with current ring partitions we could change the partition number algortihm to add an offset to each partition number when a ring's partition power is increased:

offset = 2**P part = (H(object name) >> (32 - P)) + offset

This is backwards compatible: if offset is not defined in a ring file then it is set to zero.

To ensure that partition numbers remain < 2**32, this change will reduce the maximum partition power from 32 to 31.

Proxy servers start to use the new ring at outset of relocation phase

This would mean that GETs to backends would use the new rings partitions in object urls. Objects may not yet have been relocated to their new partition directory and the object servers would therefore need to fall back to looking in the old ring partition for the object. PUTs and DELETEs to the new partition would need to be made conditional upon a newer object timestamp not existing in the old location. This is more complicated than the proposed method.

Enable partition power reduction

Ring power reduction is not easily achieved with the approach presented in this proposal because there is no guarantee that partitions in the current epoch that will be merged into partitions in the next epoch are located on the same device. File contents are therefore likely to need copying between devices during a preparation phase.



Primary assignee:


Work Items

  1. modify ring classes to support new attributes
  2. modify ringbuilder to manage new attributes
  3. modify backend servers to duplicate links to files in future epoch partition directories
  4. make backend servers and relinker report their status in a way that recon can report e.g. servers report when a new ring epoch has been loaded, the relinker reports when all relinking has been completed.
  5. make recon support reporting these states
  6. modify code that assumes storage-directory is objects[-policy_index] to be aware of epoch prefix
  7. make swift-dispersion-populate and swift-dispersion-report epoch-aware
  8. implement relinker daemon
  9. document process


No new git repositories will be created.


No new servers are created.

DNS Entries

No DNS entries will to be created or updated.


Process will be documented in the administrator's guide. Additions will be made to the ring-builder documents.


No security issues are foreseen.


Unit tests will be added for changes to ring-builder, ring classes and object server.

Probe tests will be needed to verify the process of increasing ring power.

Functional tests will be unchanged.

