container GET: return 503 if policy index mismatches

Return a 503 to the original container listing request if a GET from a
shard returns objects from a different policy than requested (e.g. due
to the shard container server not being upgraded).

Co-Authored-By: Tim Burke <>
Change-Id: Ieab6238030e8c264ee90186012be6e9da937b42e
This commit is contained in:
Alistair Coles 2021-08-16 10:53:26 +01:00
parent 56510ab3c3
commit 2992f14176
2 changed files with 76 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -413,7 +413,16 @@ class ContainerController(Controller):
'Aborting listing from shards due to bad response: %r'
% all_resp_status)
return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
shard_policy = shard_resp.headers.get(
if shard_policy != req.headers[policy_key]:
'Aborting listing from shards due to bad shard policy '
'index: %s (expected %s)',
shard_policy, req.headers[policy_key])
return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
'Found %d objects in shard (state=%s), total = %d',
len(objs), sharding_state, len(objs) + len(objects))

View File

@ -1184,15 +1184,19 @@ class TestContainerController(TestRingBase):
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0,
'X-Backend-Record-Storage-Policy-Index': 0,
'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'shard',
shard_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': 2,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': 4,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0,
'X-Backend-Record-Storage-Policy-Index': 0,
shrinking_resp_hdrs = {
'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'shard',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0
@ -1916,6 +1920,67 @@ class TestContainerController(TestRingBase):
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
StoragePolicy(0, 'zero', True, object_ring=FakeRing()),
StoragePolicy(1, 'one', False, object_ring=FakeRing())
def test_GET_sharded_container_mixed_policies_error(self):
# scenario: shards have different policy than root, listing requests
# root policy index but shards not upgraded and respond with their own
# policy index
def do_test(shard_policy):
# only need first shard for this test...
sr = ShardRange('.shards_a/c_pie',, '', 'pie')
sr_objs = self._make_shard_objects(sr)
shard_resp_hdrs = {
'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs]),
if shard_policy is not None:
shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = \
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs])
num_all_objects = len(sr_objs)
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Backend-Timestamp': '99',
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
# NB root policy 1 differes from shard policy
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 1}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, [dict(sr)], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs, shard_resp_hdrs),
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# get root shard ranges
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
# get first shard objects
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': '1'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
# error to client; no request for second shard objects
mock_responses, [], expected_requests,
def _build_request(self, headers, params, infocache=None):
# helper to make a GET request with caches set in environ
query_string = '?' + '&'.join('%s=%s' % (k, v)