Enable in-process functional test policy to be configured

Currently the in-process tests build a 2 replica, 4 partition,
2 device object ring. This patch allows an alternative policy
and ring to be specified for testing via environment variables
that may optionally be set.

SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS_CONF_DIR - This points the test setup to a
  directory which may have a swift.conf file and ring file. The
  test setup will then prefer these conf files over the samples
  in '/etc'.

SWIFT_TEST_POLICY - This causes the in-process test to
  use the specified policy from the swift.conf file and its
  associated ring for testing (first copying the conf and ring file
  and modifying device parameters to suit in-process testing). If
  not set, the tests will use the default policy.

The in-process tests now start sufficient object servers for the
ring file being tested against.

This should allow in-process functional testing of various policies
and rings (e.g. EC policies) without needing to reconfigure an SAIO
for each test scenario.

The refactoring of the in_process test setup code should also
allow easier addition of other 'hard-coded' test policies/rings
in the future.

Change-Id: I24f5a13de3d296b400da1691dcb53423a9f8a463
This commit is contained in:
Alistair Coles 2015-02-25 17:33:44 +00:00
parent b7fabcc84a
commit 7e64c811fe
4 changed files with 255 additions and 45 deletions

@ -70,6 +70,35 @@ When using the 'in-process test' mode, the optional in-memory
object server may be selected by setting the environment variable
``SWIFT_TEST_IN_MEMORY_OBJ`` to a true value.
The 'in-process test' mode searches for ``proxy-server.conf`` and
``swift.conf`` config files from which it copies config options and overrides
some options to suit in process testing. The search will first look for config
files in a ``<custom_conf_source_dir>`` that may optionally be specified using
the environment variable::
If ``SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS_CONF_DIR`` is not set, or if a config file is not
found in ``<custom_conf_source_dir>``, the search will then look in the
``etc/`` directory in the source tree. If the config file is still not found,
the corresponding sample config file from ``etc/`` is used (e.g.
``proxy-server.conf-sample`` or ``swift.conf-sample``).
The environment variable ``SWIFT_TEST_POLICY`` may be set to specify
a particular storage policy *name* that will be used for testing. When set,
this policy must exist in the ``swift.conf`` file and its corresponding ring
file must exist in ``<custom_conf_source_dir>`` (if specified) or ``etc/``. The
test setup will set the specified policy to be the default and use its ring
file properties for constructing the test object ring. This allows in-process
testing to be run against various policy types and ring files.
For example, this command would run the in-process mode functional tests
using config files found in ``$HOME/my_tests`` and policy 'silver'::
SWIFT_TEST_POLICY=silver tox -e func
Coding Style

@ -114,6 +114,12 @@ class StoragePolicy(object):
self.object_ring = Ring(swift_dir, ring_name=self.ring_name)
def get_options(self):
"""Return the valid conf file options for this policy."""
return {'name': self.name,
'default': self.is_default,
'deprecated': self.is_deprecated}
class StoragePolicyCollection(object):

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import eventlet
import eventlet.debug
import functools
import random
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
from time import time, sleep
from httplib import HTTPException
from urlparse import urlparse
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ from gzip import GzipFile
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from swift.common.middleware.memcache import MemcacheMiddleware
from swift.common.storage_policy import parse_storage_policies, PolicyError
from test import get_config
from test.functional.swift_test_client import Account, Connection, \
@ -50,6 +52,9 @@ from swift.container import server as container_server
from swift.obj import server as object_server, mem_server as mem_object_server
import swift.proxy.controllers.obj
DEBUG = True
# In order to get the proper blocking behavior of sockets without using
# threads, where we can set an arbitrary timeout for some piece of code under
# test, we use eventlet with the standard socket library patched. We have to
@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ orig_hash_path_suff_pref = ('', '')
orig_swift_conf_name = None
in_process = False
_testdir = _test_servers = _test_sockets = _test_coros = None
_testdir = _test_servers = _test_coros = None
class FakeMemcacheMiddleware(MemcacheMiddleware):
@ -113,29 +118,187 @@ class FakeMemcacheMiddleware(MemcacheMiddleware):
self.memcache = FakeMemcache()
# swift.conf contents for in-process functional test runs
functests_swift_conf = '''
swift_hash_path_suffix = inprocfunctests
swift_hash_path_prefix = inprocfunctests
class InProcessException(BaseException):
max_file_size = %d
''' % ((8 * 1024 * 1024) + 2) # 8 MB + 2
def _info(msg):
print >> sys.stderr, msg
def _debug(msg):
_info('DEBUG: ' + msg)
def _in_process_setup_swift_conf(swift_conf_src, testdir):
# override swift.conf contents for in-process functional test runs
conf = ConfigParser()
section = 'swift-hash'
conf.set(section, 'swift_hash_path_suffix', 'inprocfunctests')
conf.set(section, 'swift_hash_path_prefix', 'inprocfunctests')
section = 'swift-constraints'
max_file_size = (8 * 1024 * 1024) + 2 # 8 MB + 2
conf.set(section, 'max_file_size', max_file_size)
except NoSectionError:
msg = 'Conf file %s is missing section %s' % (swift_conf_src, section)
raise InProcessException(msg)
test_conf_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'swift.conf')
with open(test_conf_file, 'w') as fp:
return test_conf_file
def _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, conf_file_name, use_sample=True):
Look for a file first in conf_src_dir, if it exists, otherwise optionally
look in the source tree sample 'etc' dir.
:param conf_src_dir: Directory in which to search first for conf file. May
be None
:param conf_file_name: Name of conf file
:param use_sample: If True and the conf_file_name is not found, then return
any sample conf file found in the source tree sample
'etc' dir by appending '-sample' to conf_file_name
:returns: Path to conf file
:raises InProcessException: If no conf file is found
dflt_src_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__),
os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir,
conf_src_dir = dflt_src_dir if conf_src_dir is None else conf_src_dir
conf_file_path = os.path.join(conf_src_dir, conf_file_name)
if os.path.exists(conf_file_path):
return conf_file_path
if use_sample:
# fall back to using the corresponding sample conf file
conf_file_name += '-sample'
conf_file_path = os.path.join(dflt_src_dir, conf_file_name)
if os.path.exists(conf_file_path):
return conf_file_path
msg = 'Failed to find config file %s' % conf_file_name
raise InProcessException(msg)
def _in_process_setup_ring(swift_conf, conf_src_dir, testdir):
- look in swift.conf file for specified policy
- move this to be policy-0 but preserving its options
- copy its ring file to test dir, changing its devices to suit
in process testing, and renaming it to suit policy-0
Otherwise, create a default ring file.
conf = ConfigParser()
sp_prefix = 'storage-policy:'
# policy index 0 will be created if no policy exists in conf
policies = parse_storage_policies(conf)
except PolicyError as e:
raise InProcessException(e)
# clear all policies from test swift.conf before adding test policy back
for policy in policies:
conf.remove_section(sp_prefix + str(policy.idx))
policy_specified = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_POLICY')
if policy_specified:
policy_to_test = policies.get_by_name(policy_specified)
if policy_to_test is None:
raise InProcessException('Failed to find policy name "%s"'
% policy_specified)
_info('Using specified policy %s' % policy_to_test.name)
policy_to_test = policies.default
_info('Defaulting to policy %s' % policy_to_test.name)
# make policy_to_test be policy index 0 and default for the test config
sp_zero_section = sp_prefix + '0'
for (k, v) in policy_to_test.get_options().items():
conf.set(sp_zero_section, k, v)
conf.set(sp_zero_section, 'default', True)
with open(swift_conf, 'w') as fp:
# look for a source ring file
ring_file_src = ring_file_test = 'object.ring.gz'
if policy_to_test.idx:
ring_file_src = 'object-%s.ring.gz' % policy_to_test.idx
ring_file_src = _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, ring_file_src,
except InProcessException as e:
if policy_specified:
raise InProcessException('Failed to find ring file %s'
% ring_file_src)
ring_file_src = None
ring_file_test = os.path.join(testdir, ring_file_test)
if ring_file_src:
# copy source ring file to a policy-0 test ring file, re-homing servers
_info('Using source ring file %s' % ring_file_src)
ring_data = ring.RingData.load(ring_file_src)
obj_sockets = []
for dev in ring_data.devs:
device = 'sd%c1' % chr(len(obj_sockets) + ord('a'))
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1'))
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1', 'tmp'))
obj_socket = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
dev['port'] = obj_socket.getsockname()[1]
dev['ip'] = ''
dev['device'] = device
dev['replication_port'] = dev['port']
dev['replication_ip'] = dev['ip']
# make default test ring, 2 replicas, 4 partitions, 2 devices
_info('No source object ring file, creating 2rep/4part/2dev ring')
obj_sockets = [eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0)) for _ in (0, 1)]
ring_data = ring.RingData(
[[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
[{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
'port': obj_sockets[0].getsockname()[1]},
{'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
'port': obj_sockets[1].getsockname()[1]}],
with closing(GzipFile(ring_file_test, 'wb')) as f:
pickle.dump(ring_data, f)
for dev in ring_data.devs:
_debug('Ring file dev: %s' % dev)
return obj_sockets
def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
print >>sys.stderr, 'Using object_server: %s' % the_object_server.__name__
_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__),
os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
proxy_conf = os.path.join(_dir, 'etc', 'proxy-server.conf-sample')
if os.path.exists(proxy_conf):
print >>sys.stderr, 'Using proxy-server config from %s' % proxy_conf
_info('Using object_server class: %s' % the_object_server.__name__)
conf_src_dir = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS_CONF_DIR')
print >>sys.stderr, 'Failed to find conf file %s' % proxy_conf
if conf_src_dir is not None:
if not os.path.isdir(conf_src_dir):
msg = 'Config source %s is not a dir' % conf_src_dir
raise InProcessException(msg)
_info('Using config source dir: %s' % conf_src_dir)
# If SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS_CONF specifies a config source dir then
# prefer config files from there, otherwise read config from source tree
# sample files. A mixture of files from the two sources is allowed.
proxy_conf = _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, 'proxy-server.conf')
_info('Using proxy config from %s' % proxy_conf)
swift_conf_src = _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, 'swift.conf')
_info('Using swift config from %s' % swift_conf_src)
@ -148,9 +311,8 @@ def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sdb1'))
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sdb1', 'tmp'))
swift_conf = os.path.join(_testdir, "swift.conf")
with open(swift_conf, "w") as scfp:
swift_conf = _in_process_setup_swift_conf(swift_conf_src, _testdir)
obj_sockets = _in_process_setup_ring(swift_conf, conf_src_dir, _testdir)
global orig_swift_conf_name
orig_swift_conf_name = utils.SWIFT_CONF_FILE
@ -221,11 +383,6 @@ def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
acc2lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
con1lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
con2lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
obj1lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
obj2lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
global _test_sockets
_test_sockets = \
(prolis, acc1lis, acc2lis, con1lis, con2lis, obj1lis, obj2lis)
account_ring_path = os.path.join(_testdir, 'account.ring.gz')
with closing(GzipFile(account_ring_path, 'wb')) as f:
@ -243,14 +400,6 @@ def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
{'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
'port': con2lis.getsockname()[1]}], 30),
object_ring_path = os.path.join(_testdir, 'object.ring.gz')
with closing(GzipFile(object_ring_path, 'wb')) as f:
pickle.dump(ring.RingData([[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
[{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
'port': obj1lis.getsockname()[1]},
{'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
'port': obj2lis.getsockname()[1]}], 30),
eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.default_request_version = "HTTP/1.0"
# Turn off logging requests by the underlying WSGI software.
@ -270,10 +419,13 @@ def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
config, logger=debug_logger('cont1'))
con2srv = container_server.ContainerController(
config, logger=debug_logger('cont2'))
obj1srv = the_object_server.ObjectController(
config, logger=debug_logger('obj1'))
obj2srv = the_object_server.ObjectController(
config, logger=debug_logger('obj2'))
objsrvs = [
config, logger=debug_logger('obj%d' % (index + 1))))
for index in range(len(obj_sockets))
logger = debug_logger('proxy')
@ -283,7 +435,10 @@ def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
with mock.patch('swift.common.utils.get_logger', get_logger):
with mock.patch('swift.common.middleware.memcache.MemcacheMiddleware',
app = loadapp(proxy_conf, global_conf=config)
app = loadapp(proxy_conf, global_conf=config)
except Exception as e:
raise InProcessException(e)
nl = utils.NullLogger()
prospa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, prolis, app, nl)
@ -291,11 +446,13 @@ def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
acc2spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, acc2lis, acc2srv, nl)
con1spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, con1lis, con1srv, nl)
con2spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, con2lis, con2srv, nl)
obj1spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, obj1lis, obj1srv, nl)
obj2spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, obj2lis, obj2srv, nl)
objspa = [eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, objsrv[0], objsrv[1], nl)
for objsrv in objsrvs]
global _test_coros
_test_coros = \
(prospa, acc1spa, acc2spa, con1spa, con2spa, obj1spa, obj2spa)
(prospa, acc1spa, acc2spa, con1spa, con2spa) + tuple(objspa)
# Create accounts "test" and "test2"
def create_account(act):
@ -396,8 +553,13 @@ def setup_package():
if in_process:
in_mem_obj_env = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_IN_MEMORY_OBJ')
in_mem_obj = utils.config_true_value(in_mem_obj_env)
mem_object_server if in_mem_obj else object_server))
mem_object_server if in_mem_obj else object_server))
except InProcessException as exc:
print >> sys.stderr, ('Exception during in-process setup: %s'
% str(exc))
global web_front_end
web_front_end = config.get('web_front_end', 'integral')

@ -512,6 +512,19 @@ class TestStoragePolicies(unittest.TestCase):
for policy in POLICIES:
self.assertEqual(POLICIES[int(policy)], policy)
def test_storage_policy_get_options(self):
policy = StoragePolicy(1, 'gold', True, False)
self.assertEqual({'name': 'gold',
'default': True,
'deprecated': False},
policy = StoragePolicy(1, 'gold', False, True)
self.assertEqual({'name': 'gold',
'default': False,
'deprecated': True},
if __name__ == '__main__':