Stop reading from object server when client disconnects.

If a client were in the middle of an object GET request and then
disconnected, the proxy would wait a while (default 60s) and then time
out the connection. As part of the teardown for this, the proxy would
attempt to close the connection to the object server, then drain any
associated buffers. However, this didn't work particularly well,
resulting in the proxy reading the entire remainder of the object for
no gain.

Now, the proxy closes the connection hard, by calling .close() on the
underlying socket._socket object. This is different from calling
.close() on a socket._socketobject object, which is what you get back
from socket.socket() and similar methods. Calling .close() on a
socket._socketobject simply decrements a reference counter on the
socket._socket, which has been observed in the past to result in
socket leaks when something holds onto a reference. However, calling
.close() on a socket._socket actually closes the socket regardless of
who else has a reference to it.

I had to delete a test assertion that said the object server never got
SIGPIPE after a GET w/X-Newest. Well, you get a SIGPIPE when you write
to a closed socket, and now the proxy is actually closing the sockets
early, so now you *do* get a SIGPIPE.

closes-bug: 1174660

Note that this will cause a regression on bug 1037337; unfortunately,
the cure is worse than the disease, so out it goes.

Change-Id: I9c7a2e7fdb8b4232e53ea96f86b50e8d34c27221
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Merritt 2013-09-25 10:41:41 -07:00
parent 34340ddf49
commit def37fb56a
3 changed files with 56 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ class BufferedHTTPResponse(HTTPResponse):
def __init__(self, sock, debuglevel=0, strict=0,
method=None): # pragma: no cover
self.sock = sock
# sock is an eventlet.greenio.GreenSocket
# sock.fd is a socket._socketobject
# sock.fd._sock is a socket._socket object, which is what we want.
self._real_socket = sock.fd._sock
self.fp = sock.makefile('rb')
self.debuglevel = debuglevel
self.strict = strict
@ -74,9 +78,25 @@ class BufferedHTTPResponse(HTTPResponse):
self.msg = HTTPMessage(self.fp, 0)
self.msg.fp = None
def nuke_from_orbit(self):
Terminate the socket with extreme prejudice.
Closes the underlying socket regardless of whether or not anyone else
has references to it. Use this when you are certain that nobody else
you care about has a reference to this socket.
if self._real_socket:
# this is idempotent; see sock_close in Modules/socketmodule.c in
# the Python source for details.
self._real_socket = None
def close(self):
self.sock = None
self._real_socket = None
class BufferedHTTPConnection(HTTPConnection):

View File

@ -987,17 +987,17 @@ class Controller(object):
:param src: the response from the backend
except Exception:
src.swift_conn = None
except Exception:
# Since the backends set "Connection: close" in their response
# headers, the response object (src) is solely responsible for the
# socket. The connection object (src.swift_conn) has no references
# to the socket, so calling its close() method does nothing, and
# therefore we don't do it.
# Also, since calling the response's close() method might not
# close the underlying socket but only decrement some
# reference-counter, we have a special method here that really,
# really kills the underlying socket with a close() syscall.
src.nuke_from_orbit() # it's the only way to be sure
except Exception:

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import os
import sys
import unittest
import urlparse
import signal
from contextlib import contextmanager, nested, closing
from gzip import GzipFile
from shutil import rmtree
@ -681,41 +680,31 @@ class TestObjectController(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(res.status_int, expected)
def test_GET_newest_large_file(self):
calls = [0]
def handler(_junk1, _junk2):
calls[0] += 1
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, handler)
prolis = _test_sockets[0]
prosrv = _test_servers[0]
sock = connect_tcp(('localhost', prolis.getsockname()[1]))
fd = sock.makefile()
obj = 'a' * (1024 * 1024)
path = '/v1/a/c/o.large'
fd.write('PUT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: localhost\r\n'
'Connection: close\r\n'
'X-Storage-Token: t\r\n'
'Content-Length: %s\r\n'
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n'
'\r\n%s' % (path, str(len(obj)), obj))
headers = readuntil2crlfs(fd)
exp = 'HTTP/1.1 201'
self.assertEqual(headers[:len(exp)], exp)
req = Request.blank(path,
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
'X-Newest': 'true'})
res = req.get_response(prosrv)
self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
self.assertEqual(res.body, obj)
self.assertEqual(calls[0], 0)
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, old_handler)
prolis = _test_sockets[0]
prosrv = _test_servers[0]
sock = connect_tcp(('localhost', prolis.getsockname()[1]))
fd = sock.makefile()
obj = 'a' * (1024 * 1024)
path = '/v1/a/c/o.large'
fd.write('PUT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: localhost\r\n'
'Connection: close\r\n'
'X-Storage-Token: t\r\n'
'Content-Length: %s\r\n'
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n'
'\r\n%s' % (path, str(len(obj)), obj))
headers = readuntil2crlfs(fd)
exp = 'HTTP/1.1 201'
self.assertEqual(headers[:len(exp)], exp)
req = Request.blank(path,
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
'X-Newest': 'true'})
res = req.get_response(prosrv)
self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
self.assertEqual(res.body, obj)
def test_PUT_expect_header_zero_content_length(self):
test_errors = []