Yoshito Ito f35dcdf06e Update DB info and k8s version in CNF spec
* "vnf_resources" is added in Data model impact
* Supported kubernetes version: v1.5.0 -> v1.16.0

Change-Id: I1b2ae0d8c173f5e76563b6c617e2e8c6c109c135
2020-09-23 18:33:38 +09:00

30 KiB

Container Network Function (CNF) with VNFM and CISM


This specification describes enhancement of VNF Lifecycle Management for Container Network Function in Tacker.

Problem description

Container based virtualization is OS level virtualization, whereas Virtual Machine (VM) is hypervisor-based virtualization. Advantages of container-based virtualization is that it is lighter for memory and CPU consumption. They are easier for deployment, migration and service chaining. Kubernetes is most widely used container orchestration platform with built in scalability and high availability feature.

Tacker has Kubernetes infra driver which can instantiate CNF using TOSCA definitions provided in VNFD. It supports limited number of Kubernetes objects. Also it doesn't comply with VNF LCM APIs. This spec intends to add support for additional Kubernetes objects and VNF LCM APIs. Current ETSI SOL standards do not specify how to include CNF definitions in VNFD. Hence this spec proposes an additional way to read Kubernetes object files as CNF definitions from artifacts provided in the CSAR package.


Although VNFD based CNF definitions will be supported in future, they are out of scope of this specification.

The NFVO is expected to perform validation of artifacts provided in the CSAR package using APIs mentioned in spec add-artifact-support-for-vnf-package. Such changes in NFVO will be a future work. In this spec the validation will be performed in VNFM.

Proposed Change

This spec assumes the case of CNF deployment on pre-installed Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes infra driver will need following changes:

  1. To load Kubernetes object files from artifact specified in additionalParams.
  2. To support additional Kubernetes objects specified in Kubernetes resource kind support.
  3. To support VNF LCM APIs by implementing additional methods from VnfAbstractDriver.
    • pre_instantiation_vnf
    • instantiate_vnf
    • post_vnf_instantiation

Following block diagram shows components involved in CNF instantiation on pre-installed Kubernetes cluster:

+--------------------------+    |                NFVO  |
|    Instantiated CNF      |    |                      |
|                          |    +----------------------+
|  +------+      +------+  |    +----------------------+
|  | App  |      | App  |  |    |                VNFM  |
|  +------+      +------+  |    |  +-------------+     |
| +---------+  +---------+ |    |  |Infra driver |     |
| |Container|  |Container| |    |  +----+--------+     |
| +---------+  +---------+ |    |       |              |
+--------------------------+    +-------+--------------+
+--------------------------+    |       v         VIM  |
|+---------+   +---------+ |    |  +----------+        |
||  CIS    |   |  CIS    |<+----+--+  CISM    |        |
|+---------+   +---------+ |    |  +----------+        |
|                          |    +----------------------+
|     Pre-installed        |
|   Kubernetes cluster     |

In this case Container Infrastructure Service Management (CISM) is embedded in VIM. Infra driver will instantiate a CNF on pre-installed Kubernetes cluster with help of CISM. Container Infrastructure Service (CIS) can run on a bare metal or VM.

The diagram below shows CNF instantiation on pre-installed Kubernetes cluster:

|    VNFD    |
+----+-------+     +---------------+
     |             | Instantiation |
+-----------+       +----v-------+     | Request with  |
|CNF        +-----> |            |     | additional    |
|Definition |       |    CSAR    |     | Params        |
+-----------+       +--------+---+     +-+-------------+
         |           |
         |           |
|           v           v           |
|  +----------------------+         |
|  |   Tacker-server      |         |
|  +-----+----------------+         |
|        |                          |
|        v                          |
| +------------------------------+  |
Instantiate CNF             | |  +--------------+            |  |
+-------------+------------------------+-+--+ Kubernetes   |            |  |
|             |                        | |  | Infra Driver |            |  |
v             v                        | |  +--------------+            |  |
+------------+  +-----------+                 | |                              |  |
| Container  |  | Container |                 | |                              |  |
+------------+  +-----------+                 | |                              |  |
+---------------------------+                 | |                              |  |
|     Pre-installed         |                 | |      Tacker conductor        |  |
|    Kubernetes cluster     |                 | +------------------------------+  |
+---------------------------+                 +-----------------------------------+

The diagram shows that Kubernetes driver will use Kubernetes object files as CNF definition in YAML format to instantiate CNF on pre-installed cluster. VNFD will not contain any resource information such as VDU, Connection points, Virtual links because all required components of CNF will be specified in Kubernetes object files. VNFD will be used only to identify the flavour of CNF.

Sample VNFD file:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2

description: Deployment flavour for Kubernetes Cluster with
    "pre_installed" flavour ID

  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml

      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: list
        type: string
      type: string
      type: string

    node_type: Company.Tacker.KubernetesCluster
      flavour_id: pre_installed

      type: Company.Tacker.Kubernetes
        flavour_description: The pre_installed flavour

Sample Kubernetes object file:


Kubernetes object files as CNF definition file can contain definitions of Kubernetes objects mentioned in Kubernetes resource kind support section. Sample contains definition of Deployment.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: curry-test001
  namespace: curryns
  replicas: 2
      app: webserver
        app: webserver
        scaling_name: SP1
      - env:
        - name: param0
              key: param0
              name: curry-test001
        - name: param1
              key: param1
              name: curry-test001
        image: celebdor/kuryr-demo
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: web-server
        - containerPort: 8080
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 512M
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 512M
        - name: curry-claim-volume
          mountPath: /data
      - name: curry-claim-volume
          claimName: curry-pv-claim
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0

Register VIM

VIM of type kubernetes need to be registered before CNF instantiation. The VIM registration process will remain same. Following sample vim-config.yaml provides necessary information to register VIM of type Kubernetes.

auth_url: ""
username: "admin"
password: "admin"
project_name: "default"
ssl_ca_cert: None
type: "kubernetes"

This VIM can be used in the instantiation request for CNF. If VIM is not specified in the request, the user must ensure that the default VIM is of type kubernetes.

CNF instantiation

Following is a sample of instantiation request:

  "flavourId": "pre_installed",
  "additionalParams": {
    "lcm-kubernetes-def-files": [
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "8a3adb69-0784-43c7-833e-aab0b6ab4470",
      "vimId": "7dc3c839-bf15-45ac-8dff-fc5b95c2940e",
      "vimType": "kubernetes"

Kubernetes driver will need changes to introduce an additional way to load CNF definitions from artifacts provided in the CSAR package. The artifacts will be one or more YAML files. The list of such Kubernetes object YAML artifact files will be provided in lcm-kubernetes-def-files parameter in additionalParams of the instantiation request. The create() method of Kubernetes driver will look for this parameter and load the Kubernetes objects. The table vnf_artifacts introduced by spec add-artifact-support-for-vnf-package will be used for validation of artifacts. The order of files specified in the list need to be maintained as the objects specified in those files may have dependency.

Following sequence diagram describes the components involved and the flow of CNF instantiation:

seqdiag {

node_width = 100; edge_length = 115;

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label =

"POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances"];

Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "200 Success"]; Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{id}/instantiate"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"];

NFVOPlugin; WSGIMiddleware -> VnfLcmDriver [label = "Trigger asynchronous task "]; VnfLcmDriver --> NFVOPlugin [label = "get VNF Package"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- NFVOPlugin; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "create VIM connection object"];

VnfLcmDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "pre_instantiation_vnf()"]; KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "No Action"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;

VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label =


KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label = "1 create()"] VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver [label = "instance_id"]; VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label ="create_wait()"]; KubernetesDriver -> KubernetesPythonClient [label = "check deployment status"]; KubernetesPythonClient -> Kubernetes [label = "get deployment status"]; KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "status"]; KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;

VnfLcmDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "post_vnf_instantiation()"]; KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver[label = "2. Update DB for VNFC resources[TBD]"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;


  1. create() method will get instantiation request and VNF package path as parameters. It will look for lcm-kubernetes-def-files in additionalParams to decide where to get Kubernetes object files. This spec focuses on the case when this parameter is present.

    The next sequence diagram shows details about create() method.

  2. TODO: As per discussion it has been decided that information about resources such as containers, pods etc. will not be stored in vnfc_resource_info because it is difficult to directly map such objects to existing vnfc_resource_info structure. The implication of this decision is that information about such resources will not be shown when user queries about the VNF instance. It still in discussion to decide where to store the information about resources created for CNF.

Following sequence diagram shows operation of create() method in Kubernetes infra driver:

seqdiag {

node_width = 100; edge_length = 115;

KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesUtil [label =

"1. cnf_to_kube_objects(ncnf_def_dict)"];

KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesUtil [label =

"Kubernetes modelnobjects"];

KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesPythonClient [label =

"2. call client APIs for eachnmodel object"];

KubernetesPythonClient --> Kubernetes [label =

"deploy kubernetesnobjects"];

KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "deployed objects info"]; KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient [label = "3. deployed objects info"]; KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "prepareninstance id"];


  1. Definitions extracted from Kubernetes object YAML files will be translated into Kubernetes model objects1. KubernetesUtils module will be added for the translation.
  2. Kubernetes model objects will be passed to Kubernetes-client APIs 2 to deploy objects. Kubernetes-client's APIs will be called depending on kind of an object. The order of objects in which they are deployed will be important considering their dependency. Refer Kubernetes API group support
  3. Deployed object's information will be used for preparing deployment names. Deployment names will be returned as instance_id to maintain compatibility with VNF LCM API.

Following diagram shows how CNF will be deployed:

         +-----------+ +------------------+
         |           | |Kubernetes object |
         |   VNFD    | |YAML file         |
         |           | |                  |
         +--------+--+ +---+--------------+
                  |        |
                  |        |
+---------+     +--v--------+     +-----------+     +------------+     +----------+     +----------+
|Command/ |     | VNFM      |No   | Parse k8s |     | Kubernetes |     |Kubernetes|     |Kubernetes|
|REST Api +---->|           +---->| object    +---->| Object     +---->|Python    +---->|          |
|         |     |Is CNF def |     | YAML files|  ^  |            |     |Client    |     |          |
+---------+     |VNFD Based?|     +-----------+  |  +------------+     +----------+     +----------+
                +--+--------+                    |
                   |      +-----------+          |
                   |Yes   | Parse     |          |
                   +----->| TOSCA CNF +----------+
                          | definition|
                         | from VNFD |
                         This case is out
                         of scope of this
  • The instantiation process will be called using either command or REST API call.
  • The VNFM will process the VNFD and Kubernetes object files depending on additionalParams in the instantiation request.
  • The VNFD will contain only the flavour definition.
  • The Kubernetes model objects3 will be created from the definitions provided in Kubernetes object YAML files.
  • The kubernetes-client will instantiate objects on the Kubernetes cluster.

CNF termination

Following sequence diagram shows flow of termination of CNF.

seqdiag {

node_width = 100; edge_length = 115;

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "Terminate VNF"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"]; WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"]; TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver [label = "terminate_vnf(vnf_instance, terminate_vnf_request)"]; VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label = "delete(context, instance_id, access_info)"]; KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "get deployment infromation"]; KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesPythonClient [label = "delete deployment"]; KubernetesPythonClient --> Kubernetes [label = "delete deployment"]; KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "deployment deleted"]; KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver; VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label = "delete_wait(context, instance_id, access_info)"]; KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesPythonClient [label = "get deployment status"]; KubernetesPythonClient --> Kubernetes [label = "get deployment status"]; KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "deployment status"]; KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient [label = "deployment status(deleted)"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver [label = "resources removed"]; TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver [label = "request successfully completed"]; TackerConductor -->> TackerConductor [label = "update DB"];


Current implementation of Kubernetes driver handles limited objects such as Service, Deployment, HorizontalPodAutoscaler etc. Since this spec introduces more objects mentioned in Kubernetes resource kind support, the delete() APIs implementations need to delete such objects.

Kubernetes API group support

Current Kubernetes infra driver supports following API groups:

  1. AutoscalingV1Api
  2. CoreApi
  3. CoreV1Api
  4. ExtensionsV1beta1Api

This spec proposes to add support for following API groups:

  1. AppsV1Api
  2. ApiregistrationV1Api
  3. AuthenticationV1Api
  4. AuthorizationV1Api
  5. BatchV1Api
  6. CoordinationV1Api
  7. NetworkingV1Api
  8. RbacAuthorizationV1Api
  9. SchedulingV1Api
  10. StorageV1Api

Kubernetes resource kind support

In this spec we will support Kubernetes v1.16.0 and Kubernetes python client v11.0. Following Kubernetes APIs will be supported.

  • API Group core (CoreV1Api)

    API Version
    Container v1
    Pod v1
    Service v1
    ConfigMap v1
    Secret v1
    PersistentVolumeClaim v1
    Volume v1
    LimitRange v1
    PodTemplate v1
    Bindings v1
    ComponentStatus v1
    Namespace v1
    Node v1
    PersistentVolume v1
    ResourceQuota v1
    ServiceAccount v1
  • API Group apiregistration.k8s.io (ApiregistrationV1Api)

    API Version
    APIService v1
  • API Group apps (AppsV1Api)

    API Version
    DaemonSet v1
    Deployment v1
    ReplicaSet v1
    StatefulSet v1
    ControllerRevision v1
  • API Group authentication.k8s.io (AuthenticationV1Api)

    API Version
    TokenReview v1
  • API Group authorization.k8s.io (AuthorizationV1Api)

    API Version
    LocalSubjectAccessReview v1
    SelfSubjectAccessReview v1
    SelfSubjectRulesReview v1
    SubjectAccessReview v1
  • API Group autoscaling (AutoscalingV1Api)

    API Version
    HorizontalPodAutoscaler v1
  • API Group batch (BatchV1Api)

    API Version
    Job v1
  • API Group coordination.k8s.io (CoordinationV1Api)

    API Version
    Lease v1
  • API Group networking.k8s.io (NetworkingV1Api)

    API Version
    NetworkPolicy v1
  • API Group rbac.authorization.k8s.io (RbacAuthorizationV1Api)

    API Version
    ClusterRole v1
    ClusterRoleBinding v1
    Role v1
    RoleBinding v1
  • API Group scheduling.k8s.io (SchedulingV1Api)

    API Version
    PriorityClass v1
  • API Group storage.k8s.io (StorageV1Api)

    API Version
    StorageClass v1
    VolumeAttachment v1

Data model impact

Table name: vnf_instantiated_info

Column Name Old data type New data type
instance_id VARCHAR(255)


The instance id returned by Kubernetes driver will be a string containing deployment names. It can grow beyond 255 characters. Hence, we propose to change the data type of instance_id field of vnf_instantiated_info table from VARCHAR(255) to TEXT.

Table name: vnf_resources

Column Name Old data type New data type
resource_name VARCHAR(255)


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Yoshito Ito <yoshito.itou.dr@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Other contributors:

Nitin Uikey <nitin.uikey@nttdata.com>

Tushar Patil <tushar.vitthal.patil@gmail.com>

Prashant Bhole <prashant.bhole@nttdata.com>

Work Items

  • Kubernetes infra driver will be modified to implement:
    • VNF LCM compatibility
    • CNF instantiation from definitions provided in artifacts
    • Support for additional Kubernetes objects
  • Add new unit and functional tests.




Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.

TODO: Since there is assumption that Kubernetes cluster will be pre-installed, gate job needs to fetch the information about existing cluster and create kubernetes VIM.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain CNF instantiation and termination from the perspective of VNF LCM APIs.


  1. : https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/master/kubernetes/README.md#documentation-for-models↩︎

  2. : https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/master/kubernetes/README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints↩︎

  3. : https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/master/kubernetes/README.md#documentation-for-models↩︎