This spec describes the plan to add VNFFG support in tacker for network service. Blueprint: vnffg-ns Co-Authored-By: Tim Rozet <> Co-Authored-By: Yan Xing an <> Co-Authored-By: Dharmendra Kushwaha <> Co-Authored-By: Trinh Nguyen <> Co-Authored-By: Cong Phuoc Hoang <> Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <> Change-Id: Ibefb340ca8e180e9a4f7b3b38a57438e74278f77
19 KiB
VNF Forwarding Graph support in Network Service Descriptor
This spec describes the plan to add support for VNF Forwarding Graphs (VNFFG) into Tacker Network Service Orchestration (NSO). In its current state Tacker contains an NSO feature which can deploy a set of VNFs in one shot using NSD 1. Tacker also supports VNFFG, but it is used as a separate VNFFGD template schema and cannot launch VNFs. The purpose of this spec is to add support for traffic flow, and VNFFGs via NSD.
Problem description
| +----------------------------+ |
| | VNFFG | |
| | +--------+ +--------+ | |
+-------+| |/| VNF 2A | | VNF 2B |\| |
/ End / | / +--------+ +--------+ \ |
/ Point / \| /| \ / |\ |
+-------+ \ / | \ / | \ |
|\ +-------+ | \ / | +-------+ |
| \| VNF 1 | | +--------+ | | VNF 3 | |
| +-------+ | | VNF 2C | | +-------+ |
| | +--------+ | |
| +----------------------------+ |
This is a desire by NFV community to be able to orchestrate and manage network traffic by using NSD templates. Adding support of VNFFGs is an essential part of network service which describes a graph of inter-connected VNFs. The traffic flow through a VNFFG is controlled by a Forwarding Path element, which also include policy for which traffic may traverse a Forwarding Path of connected VNFs in the graph. An NSD contains a description of all VNFs within the network service, how those VNFs are connected via Virtual Link (VL) elements (Layer 2 connection), and a VNFFG which describe how the traffic should flow.
In order to achieve full NSO driven by a single NSD, this spec intends to address gaps of missing NSO functionality by integrating VNFFGs into NSO.
- This spec focus on integrating VNFFG into NS and in the current implementation of VNFFG, there's only one path supported.
- The future works on VNFFG will add support for multiple paths. Then NS will be able to contain multiple paths through the graph depending on the desired traffic flow.
Background Knowledge
How VNF is supported in NS
Firstly we need to onboard the VNFDs, then import the onboarded VNFDs in NSD.
Basic sample tosca template for VNF with NSD:
tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0
description: Import VNFDs(already on-boarded)
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF1
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF2
When instantiating this NSD, nfvo_plugin retrieves these VNFDs from DB, generates mistral workflows, and then execute these workflows.
Next, mistral invokes tacker's API to instantiate VNF according to the workflows2.
Proposed changes
Introduce a new template for network service which topology contains VNFs, connection points, virtual links, a forwarding path, and a VNF forwarding graph. The future work will add support for multiple forwarding paths and the groups property will contains a set of VNFFGs.
+------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+
| | | |
| Service Template <------------------------+ Network Service |
| | | Descriptor (NSD) |
| +-------------------+ | | |
| | Topology template | +-------------+ | | +----------+ |
| | +---------+ | | Node types <------------------+ VNFD | |
| | | Node <----------+substitutable| | | +----------+ |
| | | Template| | +-------------+ | | |
| | +---------+ | | | +----------+ |
| | +---------+ | +-------------+ | +--------+ VLD | |
| | | Node <----------+ Node types <---------+ | +----------+ |
| | | Template| | +-------------+ | | |
| | +---------+ | | | +----------+ |
| | +---------+ | +-------------+ | +--------+ VNFFGD | |
| | | Node <----------+ Group types <---------+ | +----------+ |
| | | Template| | +-------------+ | | |
| | +---------+ | | | +----------+ |
| | +---------+ | | +--------+ PNFD | |
| | | Node | | +-------------+ | | | +----------+ |
| | | Template<----------+ Node types <---------+ | |
| | +---------+ | +-------------+ | +--------------------+
| | | |
| +-------------------+ |
| |
Multiple changes will be required, which includes changes to tacker Client, Horizon, and Server.
| +------------------+ |
| |Client Application| |
| +--------+---------+ |
| | |
| +------v-----+ |
| | NFVO NS +----------------+ |
| +-----+ API | | |
| | +------+-----+ +--v---+ |
| | | | VNFM | |
| | | +---+--+ |
| | | | |
| | +----------v---------------+ +---v--+ |
| | |Network Service Descriptor| | VNFs | |
| | +--------------------------+ +------+ |
| +-------------+ |
| | |
| +-------v--------+ |
| | VNFFGs | |
| +----------------+ |
The VNF-mapping feature was introduced in VNFFG. This feature allows the operator to decide which specific VNF instances to use when instantiating a VNFFG. VNF-mapping is an orchestrator choice. The default mapping of VNFs will be based on random selection.
In NSO, VNFs are instantiated by NSO so we can use the new-created VNFs for VNFFG.
VNFFGD Changes
VNFFG creation
The proposed way to support VNFFGD in NS is to define the VNFFGD in NSD:
Proposed sample Tosca template for VNFFG with NSD:
tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0
description: Import VNFDs(already on-boarded) with input parameters
- sample-vnfd1
- sample-vnfd2
type: string
description: name of VL1 virtuallink
default: net_mgmt
type: string
description: name of VL2 virtuallink
default: net0
type: string
description: neutron port id of source port
type: string
description: IP prefix of destination port
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF1
- virtualLink1: VL1
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF2
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: {get_input: vl1_name}
vendor: tacker
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
network_name: {get_input: vl2_name}
vendor: tacker
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.FP.TackerV2
description: creates path inside ns (src_port->CP12->CP22->dst_port)
id: 51
type: ACL
- name: block_tcp
network_src_port_id: {get_input: net_src_port_id}
destination_port_range: 80-1024
ip_proto: 6
ip_dst_prefix: {get_input: ip_dest_prefix}
- forwarder: sample-vnfd1
capability: CP12
- forwarder: sample-vnfd2
capability: CP22
type: tosca.nodes.nfv.FP.TackerV2
description: creates path inside ns (src_port->CP12->dst_port)
id: 52
type: ACL
- name: block_tcp
network_src_port_id: {get_input: net_src_port_id}
destination_port_range: 8080-8080
ip_proto: 6
ip_dst_prefix: {get_input: ip_dest_prefix}
- forwarder: sample-vnfd1
capability: CP12
type: tosca.groups.nfv.VNFFG
description: HTTP to Corporate Net
vendor: tacker
version: 1.0
number_of_endpoints: 2
dependent_virtual_link: [VL1, VL2]
connection_point: [CP12, CP22]
constituent_vnfs: [sample-vnfd1, sample-vnfd2]
members: [Forwarding_path1]
type: tosca.groups.nfv.VNFFG
description: HTTP to Corporate Net
vendor: tacker
version: 1.0
number_of_endpoints: 1
dependent_virtual_link: [VL1]
connection_point: [CP12]
constituent_vnfs: [sample-vnfd1]
members: [Forwarding_path2]
To instantiate NS from this NSD, nfvo_plugin extracts the VNFGD from the NSD, generates mistral workflows, and then execute these workflows.
VNFFG listing
The VNFFG created via NSD then will be available in the results of the following command.
openstack vnf graph list
VNFFG updating
We can update the VNFFG created via NSD using NSD updates.
NSO changes
Current implementation of Tacker lacks of the ability to update NS. Updating feature will be supported in the future.
openstack ns update --nsd-template <NSD template to update NS> <NS name or id>
Like mentioned above, the VNFFG can be updated via this method.
Due to the limitation of networking-sfc which does not support NSH (Network Service Header), the neutron port-ids information needs to be available before we can create the flow classifiers for VNFFGs3. That will add complexity to the networks and VNFFGs creation via NSD implementation. Therefore, in this spec we will only focus on the VNFFG creation via NSD and requires all the networks available beforehand. Future works will add support for networks creation via NSD.
Data model impact
- The data model for NS will need to be updated to include a list of VNFFGs it contains.
- The VNFFG data model already exists, and can track the Forwarding Path and VNFs which belong to each VNFFG. A new column names ns_id will be added to keep track of the NS in which that VNFFG belongs. If that VNFFG does not belong to any NS, the ns_id column's value of that VNFFG will be blank.
- For VNFFGD, a new column names nsd_id will be added too to identify the NSD it belongs.
REST API impact
The current REST API includes functionality to query VNFFG objects and its sub-components. Changes to the REST API for NS will include returning the associated VNFFGs for that NS instance.
JSON Request and Response Sample:
GET /v1.0/nss/{ns_id}
Show ns - Show information for a specified ns id.
- show_res:
"ns": {
"name": "NS_vnffg_demo"
"description": "ns vnffg demo",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"created_at": "2018-07-19 01:28:36",
"tenant_id": "a7f7c7a319ab4b6bb5217712e8e62c38",
"vim_id": "8010ece7-0e9a-420f-8ec9-08d87304f7fd",
"updated_at": "2018-07-19 01:30:23",
"mgmt_urls": "{'VNF2': {'VDU1': ''},
'VNF1': {'VDU1': ''}}",
"vnf_ids": "{'VNF2': '28f957ea-4cdb-4611-9b3d-25f5711d88b6',
'VNF1': '287a0084-7ddf-4682-b286-20304a143078'}",
"error_reason": null,
"vnffg_ids": "{'VNFFG2': '23268756-ea57-4958-aa19-493c8d697bbf',
'VNFFG1': '69683863-d3da-4ff1-badc-f16ca36b40e5'}",
"nsd_id": "2ab5c205-e526-4176-a22e-219242346dab",
"id": "26257a53-e0c2-423f-9385-0ff5ccc02839",
Security impact
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
No impact on end user side. Behaviour will be the same as earlier ns operations. Support for vnffg will be supported inside ns. As per the earlier ns CRUD operation behaviour, first we need to create vnfd and mention the vnfd name in nsd template. Example CLI calls:
First create required VNFDs:
openstack vnf descriptor create --vnfd-file <tosca vnf1 yaml file> VNFD1
openstack vnf descriptor create --vnfd-file <tosca vnf2 yaml file> VNFD2
openstack vnf descriptor create --vnfd-file <tosca vnf3 yaml file> VNFD3
Mention the vnfd name in nsd template:
To create NSD:
openstack ns descriptor create --nsd-file samples/nsd/tosca-vnffg-nsd.yaml NSD1
To create NS
openstack ns create --nsd-name NSD1 --param-file <PARAM-FILE> NS1
Performance impact
Developer impact
Mistral will be used to generate VNFFG from NS follow these steps:
1. Getting the vnf-mapping parameter from the imported VNFs or the VNF created through NSD and use it as the parameter for the VNFFG creation function.
2. Extracting nested VNFFGs template from NS template (similar to nested Heat template, we can extract groups attribute and its forwarding path in members).
3. Using Mistral workflow to create VNFFG directly from VNFFG template above (don't need to create VNFFGD).
| +------------------+ |
| |Client Application| |
| +--------+---------+ |
| | +-------------+ |
| +-----v----+ | Workflow | |
| | NFVO:NSD +---------> Generator | |
| +-----+----+ +---------+---+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| +------------v-------------+ +----v---+ |
| |Network Service Descriptor| | Mistral| |
| +--------------------------+ +-+----+---+ |
| | | |
| +--------+ | +---v--+ |
| | VNFFGs <--+ | VNFs | |
| +--------+ +------+ |
Network Service creation procedure is showed as below diagram
| |
| NSD template |
| |
| |
| extract templates
| |
+----v------------+ +---------v------+
| | | |
| VNFFGD templates| | VNFDs |
| | | |
+----+------------+ +---------+------+
| | create VNFs
| +-----------+------+-----------------+
| | | |
| | | |
| +----v---+ +---v----+ +----v---+
| | VNF1 | | VNF2 | | VNFn |
| +----+---+ +---+----+ +----+---+
| | | |
| | +---------+ |
| | | +--------------------------------+
| | | |
| | | |on-success
| | | |
| +---v-v-v---------+
| | VNFFGs |
+------------> (optional) |
create VNFFGs | |
- Primary assignee:
Cong Phuoc Hoang <>
- Other contributors:
Tim Rozet <>
Yan Xing an<>
Dharmendra Kushwaha <>
Trinh Nguyen <>
Work Items
- Changes in NS to add support for 'vnffg'.
- CLI changes in tackerclient
- Add unit tests.
- User guide docs for vnffg-ns.
- Add devref to document how VNFFG in NSD works
Documentation Impact
Devref guide will be added to describe the vnffg support in NSD features, operations with samples.