Renu 4eed572aa5 Heal and scale method support of lcm_user_data
Customization of stack parameter during heal and scale through

Change-Id: I2b7b6f61a6a4a7a7de45f15dd66b905cf553c19a
Implements: blueprint stack-parameter-customization
2021-12-16 03:52:18 +00:00

6.4 KiB

Heal and scale method support of lcm_user_data



The aim of this specification is to provide support for stack parameter customization during heal and scale operation.

Problem description

As regards the stack parameter to be passed at the time of updating the Heat, the user can create the stack parameter using lcm_user_data during Instantiation, but during Heal and Scale, the creation of the stack parameter is a fixed process and user cannot do the customization.

For example, at the time of scale, the desired_capacity value is rewritten as a Tacker process by setting up a get_param naming convention (VDU name_desired_capacity) on the HOT (Heat Orchestration Template) without going through the lcm_user_data script. Since desired_capacity is also in the scope of rewriting HOT with parameters, it needs to be modified through the script of lcm_user_data.

Proposed change

  • At the time of stack parameter generation process before Heat Update in the Heal process, if the heal method exists in lcm_user_data, call it to get the stack parameters.
  • At the time of stack parameter generation process before Heat Update in the Scale process, if the scale method exists in lcm_user_data, call it to get the stack parameters.

Below is the definition of scale and heal functions in user_lcm_data.py in VNF package. The vnfc_resource_info in heal represent the vnfc resource list and resource_number represent number of resources to set as desired_capacity.

def heal(base_hot_dict=None,
         param=None, vnfc_resource_info=None):

def scale(base_hot_dict=None,
          param=None, resource_number=None):

Flow of the Stack update process

  • Heal VNF instance (POST /vnf_instances/(vnfinstanceId)/heal)
seqdiag {

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "1. HEAL VNF"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"]; WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"]; TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver [label = "heal_vnf(vnf_instance, heal_vnf_request)"]; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [note = "Determine the following:n 1. If UserData Class is specified in Instantiate.n 2. heal exists in the specified class.n 3. If heal does not exist in the UserData Class, do existing process."]; OpenstackDriver --> OpenstackDriver [note = "Execute heal of UserData Class based on the HOT info,n VNFD info, Stack parameter info and VNF info, n and create Parameter"] OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "2. Mark resource unhealthy"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "3. update stack"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "stack updated"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "post_heal_vnf(vnf_instance, vim_connection_info,heal_vnf_request)"]; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "4. get updated resource data"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "resources"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "5. update DB"]; TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver [label = "request successfully completed"];


Precondition: The resource representing the VNF instance has been created and instantiated.

  • Scale VNF instance (POST /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/scale)
seqdiag {

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "1. Scale VNF"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"]; WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"]; TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver [label = "scale_vnf(vnf_instance, scale_vnf_request)"]; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [note = "Determine the following:n 1. If UserData Class is specified in Instantiate.n 2. Scale exists in the specified class.n 3. If Scale does not exist in the UserData Class, do existing process."]; OpenstackDriver --> OpenstackDriver [note = "Execute heal of UserData Class based on the HOT info,n VNFD info, Stack parameter info and VNF info, n and create Parameter"] OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "2. update stack"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "stack updated"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "post_scale_vnf(vnf_instance, vim_connection_info,scale_vnf_request)"]; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "3. get updated resource data"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "resources"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "5. update DB"]; TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver [label = "request successfully completed"];


Precondition: The resource representing the VNF instance has been created and instantiated.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Users can now create stack parameters through the lcm_user_data script.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Renu Rani <renu.rani@gmail.com>

Work Items

  • Call heal method in lcm_user_data
  • Call scale method in lcm_user_data
  • Generation utility method of desired_capacity information
  • Testing




Unit and functional test cases will be added for heal and scale operation with updated lcm_user_data script.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain how to use lcm_user_data script for stack parameter update in heal and scale operation.



