jonnary 3dee03c392 TrivialFix:Revise a typo and a link error
This patch revises a typo and a link error.
The link of the buleprint is in the developing and the link is
changed in senlin, so we'd better to update as well.

Change-Id: Ia4d3c53d5c54c7f05b815bfc8404d7faf3e93497
2017-04-12 13:23:06 +08:00

13 KiB


The URL of the launchpad blueprint:


This spec introduces a new way of managing VDU auto-scaling function.

Problem description

Tacker provides feasible functions of managing VNF which include auto-scaling. Currently auto-scaling function is provided by Heat AutoScalingGroup. But Heat AutoScalingGroup is not support a feasible enough feature for VDU auto-scaling. That is because Heat can only make the instruction of auto-scaling to VDU clusters but is lack of ability of managing the VDU cluster. For example, when VDU auto-scaling failed or VDU went to ERROR status, the only way to recover it is using Heat stack-update, but stack-update usually has a low possibility to recover the stack. Senlin[1] is an OpenStack project which provides clustering service. It defines the concepts of Profile, Cluster, Node, Policy, Receiver, etc. which is fit for the use case of VDU cluster management in Tacker. For example when auto-scaling failed user can use Senlin commands to delete the failed nodes directly. Senlin provides powerful policies(placement policy, deletion policy, etc.) which can be used to make VDU auto-scaling much more intelligent than Heat autoscaling group. If user wants to scale in a cluster, senlin deletion policy(which can added to tacker later) can decide which nodes should be deleted firstly(the elder ones or the young ones) and the nodes which are in ERROR status will always be deleted at first. For alarming management, Senlin does not only support Ceilometer, but also message service(Zaqar), and even some other monitoring tools defined by user himself, as long as those tools support webhook. Besides scaling function, Senlin also provides HA policy(will be introduced to Tacker in future) which can be used to support HA function for VDUs. By using senlin to manage the VDU cluster, the VDU cluster's health status are always checked by senlin, if the cluster is not healthy, for example, some nodes go to error status, senlin will send an event to notify user. After all it is reasonable to integrate Senlin into Tacker to manage VDU cluster.

Proposed changes

To use Senlin, necessary Senlin entities like Profile, Cluster, Policies, etc. should be created by Heat first. All the Senlin resources have been defined in HOT template already. By integrating Senlin with tacker, after all the Tacker resources translated into a HOT template file, the HOT file will be stored in Senlin profile, then Senlin will pass this template to Heat to create VDU, CP VL, etc. The whole workflow is like:

+-----------------+                             |   HOT template  |
| TOSCA template  |                             | Senlin resource |
| Senlin scaling  |                             +-----------------+
| policy resource |     +-----------------+
|  + other Tacker | --> | Heat translator | -->          +            -->
|   resource      |     +-----------------+     +-----------------+      |
+-----------------+                             |   HOT template  |      |
| Tacker resource |      |
+-----------------+      |
+----------------+                        +----------------------+ |
| Senlin Cluster |           +------+     |    HOT Senlin        | |
+----------------+      <--  | Heat | <-- | profile: Tacker.yaml | |
^                    +------+     +------------^---------+ |
|                                              |       <---+
+-------------+                         +-----------------+
| Senlin node |                         |   HOT template  |
|   VDU       |                         | Tacker resource |
+-------------+                         +-----------------+

Because Tacker supports TOSCA format template, it is necessary to define all the resources(both Tacker and Senlin resources)in one TOSCA template. Then the TOSCA template will be translated by tosca-parser and heat-translator to HOT template which will be used to deploy VDU cluster. Heat-translator has already supported most of the resources translation for Tacker and Senlin, So what is needed to be done is TOSCA template integration for Tacker and Senlin, and adding translation support for some resources in heat-translator. And in Tacker additional jobs like parsing the monitoring property of VDU needs to be done.

TOSCA template example for VDU auto-scaling management

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0

description: Demo example

  template_name: sample-tosca-vnfd


      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker
        image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec
        flavor: m1.tiny
        availability_zone: nova
        metadata: {metering.vnf: SG1}
          name: ping
            monitoring_delay: 45
            count: 3
            interval: 1
            timeout: 2
            failure: respawn

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
        management: true
        anti_spoofing_protection: false
        - virtualLink:
            node: VL1
        - virtualBinding:
            node: VDU1

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
        network_name: net1
        vendor: Tacker

    - cluster_scaling:
      type: tosca.policies.Tacker.Scaling
      description: Cluster node autoscaling
      driver: Senlin(Or some name else to distinguish Heat driver)
      targets: [VDU1]
        min_instances: 2
        max_instances: 10
        default_instances: 3
        increment: 1

    - vdu_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy:
          type: tosca.policies.tacker.Alarming
                      type: tosca.events.resource.cpu.utilization
                      implementation: Ceilometer
                  metrics: cpu_util
                      threshold: 50
                      constraint: utilization greater_than 50%
                      period: 60
                      evaluations: 1
                      method: avg
                      comparison_operator: gt
                  metadata: SG1
                  actions: [cluster_scaling]

The TOSCA template above does not introduce new resource type, only some attributes of the policies resource are different from the existing scaling policy supported by Tacker now. The 'driver' attribute is added to distinguish the Heat-autoscaling-group driver and Senlin driver. User can switch the auto-scaling backend by configuring different drivers. This TOSCA template will be translated to HOT template. There will be two HOT template created after the translation. One contains all the resources related to VDU which is like what is done in Tacker now. This HOT template will be referenced by Senlin profile when Senlin resources are created by Heat. Another HOT template only contains senlin related resources which will be passed to Heat for resource creation first. After Senlin resources 'profile' and 'cluster' are created, three senlin node(the number of nodes depends on the desired_capacity of cluster property in line 196) will be created according to the senlin profile. The senlin node actually is the VDU, it will be created during the node creation. After that the VDU nodes belong to a cluster. There is a receiver which is a webhook pointing to the cluster, if the resource usage triggers the alarm limit, the webhook will be executed to start scaling the VDU cluster. The scaling obeys the scale-in and scale-out policies attached to the cluster.

HOT template for Senlin resources

heat_template_version: 2016-04-08

description: >
  This template demonstrates creation of senlin resources for vm auto-scaling

    type: OS::Senlin::Profile
      type: os.nova.server-1.0
        template: tacker.yaml

    type: OS::Senlin::Cluster
      desired_capacity: 3
      min_size: 2
      max_size: 10
      profile: {get_resource: Senlin}

    type: OS::Senlin::Receiver
      action: CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT
      type: webhook
      cluster: {get_resource: Senlin_cluster}

    type: OS::Senlin::Policy
      type: senlin.policy.scaling-1.0
        - cluster: {get_resource: Senlin_cluster}
        event: CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT
          type: CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY
          number: 1

    type: OS::Aodh::Alarm
      meter_name: cpu_util
      statistic: avg
      period: 60
      evaluation_periods: 1
      threshold: 50
      repeat_actions: True
        - {get_attr: [Senlin_scale_out_receiver, channel, alarm_url]}
      comparison_operator: gt

    type: OS::Senlin::Receiver
      action: CLUSTER_SCALE_IN
      type: webhook
      cluster: {get_resource: Senlin_cluster}

    type: OS::Senlin::Policy
      type: senlin.policy.scaling-1.0
        - cluster: {get_resource: Senlin_cluster}
        event: CLUSTER_SCALE_IN
          type: CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY
          number: 1

    type: OS::Aodh::Alarm
      meter_name: cpu_util
      statistic: avg
      period: 60
      evaluation_periods: 1
      threshold: 50
      repeat_actions: True
        - {get_attr: [Senlin_scale_in_receiver, channel, alarm_url]}
      comparison_operator: lt

HOT template for VDU

heat_template_version: 2016-04-08

description: >
  This template demonstrates a template for VDU

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec
      flavor: m1.tiny
      availability_zone: nova
        - network: net1

Then how does the scaling feature work? Take this template for example, after all the Senlin resources(a cluster with three VDUs created on it, a receiver and scaling policy attached to the cluster, and also an alarm) are deployed by Heat, the scaling management can be left to Senlin completely. VDUs can be created and deleted automaticaly under the rules of the scaling policy according to the resource consumption. If users don't want to scale in/out VDUs automatically, they can also use 'tacker vnf-scale' command to control the scalability manually. The request will trigger senlin backend to execute the scale in/out actions. If user wants to auto-scale selective VDUs, they can simply add these VDUs information into the template, Senlin will adopt the nodes into Senlin's cluster and then control the scalability. This feature[2] is under implementation by Senlin team now.

API impact

This feature has no impact to the existing feature of Tacker. The existing way of managing VDU scalibility can be used as usual. This feature only adds a new option for VDU auto-scaling.

Dependency required

Senlin should be installed to make this feature work, so it is necessary to update the tacker's Devstack installation procedure in the script and the manual installation guideline. Because Senlin resources are deployed by Heat using senlinclient and user may also want to use senlin command to do scaling manually, senlinclient is required. And senlinclient talks to other clients(Novaclient, Heatclient) by openstackSDK, openstackSDK is also required to be installed.



Primary assignee:

xuhaiwei<hai-xu@xr.jp.nec.com> xuan0802<thespring1989@gmail.com> Xinhui Li<lxinhui@vmware.com>

Working Items

  • Implement Senlin scaling policy for VDU in TOSCA template.
  • Update Devstack installation procedure and manual installation guideline.
  • Add unit test and function test for scaling feature.
  • Add guideline for how to use Senlin scaling feature.


  • Add function test for vnf auto-scaling.
  • Add tosca template sample for Senlin based auto-scaling.

Documentation Impact

Update documentation for vnf auto-scaling and add new documentation.


..[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Senlin ..[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/senlin/+spec/senlin-adopt-function