Nitin Uikey fa81c77d4d VNF LCM API ETSI NFV-SOL specification update
Following points are updated:-

1. Removed 'scaleStatus' as it is not supported.
2. Added DB columns 'instantiation_level_id', 'additional_params'
   and 'task_state'. Explained the need of introducing 'task_state'.

Implements: bp/support-etsi-nfv-specs
Change-Id: I20f04fb08602f8d743efd483c9079b19740759c4
2020-04-07 08:27:11 +00:00

48 KiB

REST API for VNF based on ETSI NFV-SOL specification


ETSI specifications within the NFV Architecture Framework1 describe the main aspects of NFV development and usage based on of the industry needs, feedback from SDN/NFV vendors and telecom operators. These specifications include the REST API and data model architecture which is used by NFV users and developers in related products.

Problem description

At the moment, Tacker uses its own API which describes CRUD operations with components based on ETSI NFV MANO standards.

However, these operations are not aligned with the current ETSI NFV data-model. As a result, there might be lack of compatibility with 3rd party VNFs2, as they are developed according to ETSI NFV specifications. In addition, the mismatch with the generally accepted specifications brings additional complexity for integrations with 3rd party ETSI-compliant systems thereby increasing time and efforts for brownfield deployments. ETSI NVF specifications describe not just internal logic of MANO, but it also interacts with 3rd party systems as VIM, SDN Controllers, VNFs, EMSs and OSS and are actively used by multiple vendors in the market. Support of key ETSI NFV specifications will significantly reduce efforts for Tacker integration into Telecom production networks and also will simplify further development and support of future standards.

Proposed change

Introduce a new interface to invoke VNF lifecycle management operations of VNF instances towards the VNFM.

The operations provided through this interface are:

  • Create VNF Identifier
  • Query VNF
  • List VNF Identifier
  • Delete VNF Identifier
  • Instantiate VNF
  • Heal VNF
  • Terminate VNF

1) Flow of creation of a VNF instance resource

seqdiag {

Consumer -> VNFM [label = "1. POST .../vnf_instances"]; VNFM -->> VNFM [label = "2. Create VNF instance resource"]; Consumer <- VNFM [label = "3. 201 Created"];


The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence:

  • The Consumer sends a POST request to the "VNF Instances" resource including in the payload body a data structure of type "CreateVnfRequest".
  • The VNFM creates a new VNF instance resource in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, and the associated VNF instance identifier. Some attribute in a VNF instance resource come from VNF package given in "CreateVnfRequest".
  • The VNFM returns a 201 Created response containing a representation of the VNF instance resource just created by the VNFM, and provides the URI of the newly-created resource in the "Location" HTTP header.


VNF instance resource requires VNF package registerd in advance. And also VNFD in VNF package must comply to NFV-SOL001.

Postcondition: Upon successful completion, the VNF instance resource has been created in "NOT_INSTANTIATED" state.

2) Flow of Instantiation of a VNF instance

seqdiag {

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "instantiate VNF"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"]; WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"]; TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver [label = "instantiate_vnf(vnf_instance, instantiate_vnf_request)"]; VnfLcmDriver --> ToscaParser [label = "read csar"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- ToscaParser [label = "tosca object"]; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "get VNFD, prepare resource request"]; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "1. pre_instantiate_vnf(resources)"]; OpenstackDriver --> Glance [label = "createImage"] OpenstackDriver <-- Glance [label = "image created"] VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver [label = " resource created"]; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "instantiate_vnf(vnf_instance, instantiate_vnf_request, vnfd_dict, resource_list)"]; OpenstackDriver --> HeatClient [label = "create Heat Client"]; OpenstackDriver <-- HeatClient [label = "Heat Client"];

OpenstackDriver --> TranslateTemplate [label = "convert Tosca to HOT"]; TranslateTemplate --> ToscaParser [label = "get tosca template"]; TranslateTemplate <-- ToscaParser [label = "tosca template"]; TranslateTemplate --> HeatTranslator [label = "Tosca to HOT"]; TranslateTemplate <-- HeatTranslator [label = "HOT"]; TranslateTemplate --> ToscaUtil [label = "post processing HOT using resource info and instantiateVnf request"]; TranslateTemplate <-- ToscaUtil [label = "HOT"]; OpenstackDriver <-- TranslateTemplate [label = "HOT"]; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "2. create stack"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "stack created"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver [label = "return stack id"]; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "3 update DB"]; TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver [label = "instantiation completed"];


The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence:

  1. During the pre instantiation process of VNF, VNFM will create images as described in the VNFD of the given deployment flavor using Glance client. According to ETSI NFV documents, NFVO should hold image information and register images to VIM directly, then, NFVO should provide image ids to VNFM with Grant API, but in U release, VNFM will register images directly to VIM.
  2. Openstack driver will create stack using Heat and wait till it's status become CREATE_COMPLETE.
  3. VnfLcmDriver will update DB for instantiatedState as INSTANTIATED, vnf_state as STARTED and vnf package usage_state as IN_USE accordingly.


External network such as extVirtualLinks, extLinkPorts and extManagedVirtualLinks are assumed to be created by customer. According to ETSI NFV documents, these networks should be created by NFVO, however, functions related to NFVO will be future work. So, Tacker will not create external networks.

3) Flow of Heal of a VNF instance

Precondition: VNF instance in "INSTANTIATED" state.

seqdiag {

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "1. HEAL VNF"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"]; WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"]; TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver [label = "heal_vnf(vnf_instance, heal_vnf_request)"]; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "heal_vnf(vnf_instance, vim_connection_info,heal_vnf_request)"]; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "2. Mark resource unhealthy"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "3. update stack"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "stack updated"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "post_heal_vnf(vnf_instance, vim_connection_info,heal_vnf_request)"]; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "4. get updated resource data"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "resources"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "5. update DB"]; TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver [label = "request successfully completed"];


The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence:

  1. Consumer sends a POST request to the "HEAL VNF Instance" resource.
  2. OpenstackDriver will send request to HEAT to mark resource unhealthy based on HEAL Request.
  3. OpenstackDriver will send request to HEAT to update the stack.
  4. OpenstackDriver will send request to HEAT to get the updated resource data of the stack.
  5. VnfLcmDriver will update the details of updated resource in DB.

Postcondition: VNF instance in "INSTANTIATED" state, and healed.

4) Flow of Termination of a VNF instance

seqdiag {

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "Terminate VNF"]; WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"]; WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"]; TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver [label = "terminate_vnf(vnf_instance, terminate_vnf_request)"]; VnfLcmDriver --> OpenstackDriver [label = "terminate_vnf(vnf_instance, terminate_vnf_request, resource_list)"]; OpenstackDriver --> Heat [label = "1. delete stack"]; OpenstackDriver <-- Heat [label = "stack deleted"]; OpenstackDriver --> Glance [label = "2. delete images"] OpenstackDriver <-- Glance [label = "images deleted"] VnfLcmDriver <-- OpenstackDriver [label = "resources removed"]; TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver [label = "request successfully completed"]; TackerConductor -->> TackerConductor [label = "update DB"];


The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence:

  1. Consumer sends a POST request to the "Terminate VNF Instance" resource.
  2. OpenstackDriver will delete the stack using Heat.
  3. The image created during instantiation will be deleted.

Postcondition: "instantiationState" should be set to "NOT_INSTANTIATED".

5) Flow of deletion of a VNF instance resource

Precondition: VNF instance in NOT_INSTANTIATED state.

seqdiag {

Consumer -> VNFM [label = "1.DELETE .../vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}"]; VNFM -->> VNFM [label = "2. Delete VNF instance resource"]; Consumer <- VNFM [label = "3. 204 No content"]; }

The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence:

  1. Consumer sends a DELETE request to the "Individual VNF Instance" resource.
  2. The VNFM deletes the VNF instance resource and the associated VNF instance identifier.
  3. The VNFM returns a "204 No Content" response with an empty payload body.

Postcondition: VNF instance resource removed.

Error handling: If the "Individual VNF instance" resource is not in

NOT_INSTANTIATED state, the VNFM rejects the deletion request.

Support subset of SOL001 VNFD TOSCA service template

We are planning to provide limited support of VNFD TOSCA service template defined in NFV-SOL001

Supported Data Types

  1. tosca.datatypes.nfv.ConnectivityType
  2. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory
  3. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpu
  4. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduProfile
  5. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VlProfile
  6. tosca.datatypes.nfv.InstantiationLevel
  7. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel
  8. tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleInfo
  9. tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScalingAspect
  10. tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitrateRequirements
  11. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfAdditionalConfigurableProperties
  12. tosca.datatypes.nfv.SwImageData
  13. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualBlockStorageData
  14. tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkBitrateLevel
  15. tosca.datatypes.nfv.ChecksumData

Supported Artifact Types

  1. tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage

Supported Capability Types

  1. tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable
  2. tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable
  3. tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualCompute
  4. tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage

Supported Interface Types

  1. tosca.interfaces.nfv.Vnflcm

Supported Node Types

  1. tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF
  2. tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
  3. tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage
  4. tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
  5. tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink

Supported Policy Types

  1. tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
  2. tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
  3. tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels
  4. tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
  5. tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectsDeltas
  6. tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta

Add task_state to perform atomic operation on vnf instances

Add task_state to the vnf_instances db table. The main purpose of introducing task_state is to allow actions to be performed on VNF in atomic way. Meaning, if you are instantiating a VNF, it won't allow you to perform same action or any other action on the VNF until that operation is complete. If user attempts to instantiate it again before completing the previous request, it will reject that request with 400 error.

Types of task_state:

  • INSTANTIATING: Set when a user calls instantiate API. After the VNF is instantiated completely, it will be set to None. If it fails to instantiate a VNF successfully, then it will be set to ERROR.
  • HEALING: Set when a user calls heal API. After the VNF is healed completely, it will be set to None. If it fails to heal a VNF successfully, then it will be set to ERROR.
  • TERMINATING: Set when a user calls terminate API. After the VNF is terminated completely, it will be set to None. If it fails to terminate a VNF successfully, then it will be set to ERROR.
  • ERROR: An user won't be able to perform any actions on a VNF whose task_state is ERROR. An Operator will need to fix all such issues manually. We plan to fix VNFs in such states using periodic tasks in future.



Data model impact

Add below new tables in 'tacker' database. The corresponding schemas are detailed below:-


id uuid

vnfd_id uuid

vnf_instance_name varchar(255) NULL

vnf_instance_description varchar(1024) NULL

vnf_provider varchar(255) NOT NULL

vnf_product_name varchar(255) NOT NULL

vnf_software_version varchar(255) NOT NULL

vnfd_version varchar(255) NOT NULL

instantiation_state varchar(255) NOT NULL

task_state varchar(255) NULL

vim_connection_info json NULL

tenant_id varchar(64) NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. vnfd_id will be foreign key of vnf_package_vnfd.vnfd_id.


id int(11)

vnf_instance_id uuid

flavour_id varchar(255) NOT NULL

ext_cp_info json NOT NULL

ext_virtual_link_info json NULL

ext_managed_virtual_link_info json NULL

vnfc_resource_info json NULL

vnf_virtual_link_resource_info json NULL

virtual_storage_resource_info json NULL

vnf_state varchar(255) NOT NULL

instance_id varchar(255) NOT NULL

instantiation_level_id varchar(255) NULL

additional_params json NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. vnf_instance_id will be foreign key of vnf_instances.id. flavour_Id will be foreign key of vnf_deployment_flavours.flavour_id.


id uuid

vnf_instance_id uuid

resource_name varchar(255) NULL

resource_type Integer NOT NULL

resource_identifier text NOT NULL

resource_status text NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. vnf_instance_Id will be foreign key of vnf_instances.id.


The json data types for columns vim_connection_info, ext_cp_info, ext_virtual_link_info, ext_managed_virtual_link_info, vnfc_resource_info, vnf_virtual_link_resource_info, virtual_storage_resource_info will contain json data. While saving the data in DB, The version object will be serialized and stored as json and during retrieving it from DB, The json data will be deserialized to create the version object.

REST API impact

The following restFul APIs will be added:

  • Name: Create VNF Identifier
    Description: Creates a new VNF instance resource
    Method type: POST
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
    Data type Cardinality Description

    +==================+======+======+==============================+ | CreateVnfRequest | 1 | The VNF creation parameters. | +------------------+-------------+------------------------------+

    Attribute name Data type Cardinality Supported in (U)
    vnfdId Identifier 1


    vnfInstanceName String 0..1


    vnfInstanceDescription String 0..1


    metadata KeyValuePairs 0..1


    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    VnfInstance 1 Success 201 Error 400 401 403 A VNF Instance identifier was created successfully.
  • Name: Query VNF
    Description: Request to existing VNF instance resource by its id
    Method type: GET
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}
    Resource URI variables for this resource:
    Name Description
    vnfInstanceId Identifier of the VNF instance.
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    VnfInstance 1 Success: 200 Error: 401, 403 404 Information about an individual VNF instance was queried successfully.
  • Name: List VNF Instances
    Description: Request to list all existing VNF instances
    Method type: GET
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    VnfInstance 0..N Success: 200 Error: 401, 403 Information about zero or more VNF instances was queried successfully.
    Attribute name Data type Cardinality Supported in (U)
    id Identifier 1 Yes
    vnfInstanceName String 0..1 Yes
    vnfInstanceDescription String 0..1 Yes
    vnfdId Identifier 1 Yes
    vnfProvider String 1 Yes
    vnfProductName String 1 Yes
    vnfSoftwareVersion Version 1 Yes
    vnfdVersion Version 1 Yes
    vnfConfigurableProperties KeyValuePairs 0..1 No
    vimConnectionInfo VimConnectionInfo 0..N -> 0..1 Yes
    instantiationState Enum 1 Yes
    instantiatedVnfInfo Structure 0..1 Yes
    >flavourId IdentifierInVnfd 1 Yes
    >vnfState VnfOperationalStateType 1 Yes
    >scaleStatus ScaleInfo 0..N No
    >extCpInfo VnfExtCpInfo 1..N Yes
    >extVirtualLinkInfo ExtVirtualLinkInfo 0..N Yes
    >extManagedVirtualLinkInfo ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo 0..N Yes
    >monitoringParameters MonitoringParameter 0..N No
    >localizationLanguage String 0..1 No
    >vnfcResourceInfo VnfcResourceInfo 0..N Yes
    >vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo VnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo 0..N Yes
    >virtualStorageResourceInfo VirtualStorageResourceInfo 0..N Yes
    metadata KeyValuePairs 0..1 No
    extensions KeyValuePairs 0..1 No
    _links Structure 1 Yes
    >self Link 1 Yes
    >indicators Link 0..1 No
    >instantiate Link 0..1 Yes
    >terminate Link 0..1 Yes
    >scale Link 0..1 No
    >scaleToLevel Link 0..1 No
    >changeFlavour Link 0..1 No
    >heal Link 0..1 Yes
    >operate Link 0..1 No
    >changeExtConn Link 0..1 No
  • Name: Delete VNF Instance
    Description: Request to delete VNF instance resource by its id
    Method type: DELETE
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}
    Resource URI variables for this resource:
    Name Description
    vnfInstanceId Identifier of the VNF instance.
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    n/a Success: 204 Error: 401, 403 404 The VNF instance resource and the associated VNF identifier were deleted successfully.
  • Name: Instantiate VNF task
    Description: This task resource represents the "Instantiate VNF" operation. The client can use this resource to instantiate a VNF instance.
    Method type: POST
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/instantiate
    Resource URI variables for this resource:
    Name Definition
    vnfInstanceId The identifier of the VNF instance to be instantiated.
    Data type Cardinality Description

    +=========================+=======================================================+ | InstantiateVnfRequest | 1 | Parameters passed to instantiate task. | +-------------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+

    Attribute name Data type Cardinality Supported in (U) Description
    flavourId IdentifierInVnfd 1 Yes Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour to be instantiated.
    instantiationLevelId IdentifierInVnfd 0..1 Yes Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment flavour to be instantiated. If not present, the default instantiation level as declared in the VNFD is instantiated.
    extVirtualLinks ExtVirtualLinkData 0..N Yes Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
    vimConnectionInfo VimConnectionInfo 0..N -> 0..1 Yes Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the VNF instance. In U release, only 0..1 VIMConnectionInfo will be accepted.
    additionalParams KeyValuePairs 0..1 Yes Additional input parameters for the instantiation process, specific to the VNF being instantiated.
    extManagedVirtualLinks ExtManagedVirtualLinkData 0..N Yes
    localizationLanguage String 0..1 No
    extensions KeyValuePairs 0..1 No
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    n/a Success: 202 Error: 400, 401 403, 404, 409 The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
  • Name: Heal VNF task
    Description: Request for healing a VNF instance
    Method type: POST
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/heal
    Resource URI variables for this resource:
    Name Description
    vnfInstanceId The identifier of the VNF instance to be healed.
    Data type Cardinality Description


    Parameters for the Heal VNF operation.
    Attribute name Data type Cardinality Supported in (U) Description
    vnfcInstanceId Identifier 0..N Yes
    cause String 0..1 Yes
    additionalParams KeyValuePairs 0..1 No
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    n/a n/a Success: 202 Error: 401, 403 404, 409 The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
  • Name: Terminate VNF task
    Description: This task resource represents the "Terminate VNF" operation. The client can use this resource to terminate a VNF instance.
    Method type: POST
    URL for the resource: /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/terminate
    Resource URI variables for this resource:
    Name Description
    vnfInstanceId The identifier of the VNF instance to be terminated.
    Data type Cardinality Description

    +=========================+=======================================================+ | TerminateVnfRequest | 1 | Parameters passed to Terminate VNF task. | +-------------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+

    Attribute name Data type Possible values Cardinality Support Description
    terminationType Enum (inlined) FORCEFUL GRACEFUL 1 Yes Indicates whether forceful or graceful termination is requested. FORCEFUL: The VNFM will shut down the VNF and release the resources immediately. GRACEFUL: The VNFM will first arrange to take the VNF out of service. Once the operation of taking the VNF out of service finishes, it will wait for the period as specified in the gracefulTerminationTimeout and then VNFM will shutdown the VNF and release the resources.
    additionalParams KeyValuePairs 0..1 No Additional parameters to the termination process, specific to the VNF being terminated.
    gracefulTerminationTimeout Integer 0..1 Yes This attribute is only applicable in case of graceful termination. It defines the time to wait for the VNF to be taken out of service before shutting down the VNF and releasing the resources. The unit is seconds.
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    n/a Success: 202 Error: 400, 401 403, 404, 409 The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
  • Future work

    1. Scale VNF task
    2. Operate VNF task
    3. VNF LCM operation occurrences
    4. Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Add new OSC commands in python-tackerclient to invoke VNF lifecycle management of VNF instances APIs.

Name Method URI CLI Openstack
List vnf instances GET /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances vnflcm list
Create vnf instance POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances | vnflcm list vnflcm create
Get vnf instance GET /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceID} vnflcm show
Delete vnf instance DELETE /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceID} vnflcm delete
Instantiate vnf task POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceID}/instantiate vnflcm instantiate
Heal vnf task POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceID}/heal vnflcm heal
Terminate vnf task POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceID}/terminate vnflcm terminate

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

The previously created VNFs will not be allowed to be managed using the newly introduced APIs.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Keiko Kuriu <keiko.kuriu.wa@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Other contributors:

Hiroyuki Jo <hiroyuki.jo.mt@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Tushar Patil <tushar.vitthal.patil@gmail.com>

Nitin Uikey <nitin.uikey@nttdata.com>

Ajay Parja <Ajay.Parja@nttdata.com>

Shubham Potale <Shubham.Potale@nttdata.com>

Work Items

  • Add new REST API endpoints to Tacker-server for VNF lifecycle management of VNF instances.
  • Make changes in Heat-translator to translate new node types introduced in Tosca template version 1.2.
  • Make changes in python-tackerclient to add new OSC commands for calling VNF lifecycle management of VNF instances restFul APIs.
  • Add post processing to extract information regarding API request body.
  • Add new unit and functional tests.
  • Change API Tacker documentation.




Unit and functional test cases will be added for VNF lifecycle management of VNF instances.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain how to invoke VNF lifecycle management of VNF instances with examples.


  1. https://www.etsi.org/technologies-clusters/technologies/NFV↩︎

  2. https://portal.etsi.org/Portals/0/TBpages/CTI/Docs/2nd_ETSI_NFV_Plugtests_Report_v1.0.0.pdf↩︎