Yoshito Ito 235009bc19 Update artifacts spec to follow TOSCA specs
* The key/value in TOSCA.meta according to TOSCA v1.0 spec
* Related note for the key/value in TOSCA.meta
* A note for URI based artifacts moved to the correct place
* Added the missing "None" in Reference

Change-Id: I433da60a600862a1f5e00d869d7bc3308e587c10
2020-08-28 09:00:48 +09:00

16 KiB

Add artifacts support for vnf package


This specification describes enhancement of VNF Packages Management in Tacker.

Problem description

In Train and Ussuri release, we have added limited support of VNF Package Management as defined in ETSI NFV-SOL 005 etsi_sol005 as described in spec1 and spec2. Now, we want to extend that support and implement reading artifacts information from TOSCA.meta and manifest files present inside CSAR package as described in ETSI NFV-SOL 004 etsi_sol004 during uploading of the VNF package.

Proposed change

To add artifacts support in VNF packages, we will need to make changes in the following components:

  • Tacker API and Conductor service
    • Read the artifacts information from TOSCA.meta and Manifest file while uploading vnf packages and store it in the new db table as described in Data model Impact.
    • Modify GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId} REST API to include additionalArtifacts parameter in the response.
    • Add a new REST API GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/artifacts/{artifactPath} to fetch individual artifact in an on-boarded VNF package.
    • Read and verify artifacts information from TOSCA.meta and manifest file.
  • python-tackerclient
    • Modify vnf package show command to display additionalArtifacts information.
    • Add new OSC command vnf package artifact to fetch individual artifact in an on-boarded VNF package.

Read artifacts information from TOSCA.meta and Manifest File

Artifacts information can be found in CSAR package in the following types of files:-

  1. TOSCA.meta

    If CSAR package contains TOSCA.meta file, it's possible to specify artifacts information according to TOSCA v1.0 specification as shown below:

    TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0
    Created-by: Author_name
    CSAR-Version: 1.1
    Entry-Definitions: Definitions/root.yaml
    Name: MRF.yaml
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: 09e5a788acb180162c51679ae4c998039fa6644505db2415e35107d1ee213943
    Name: scripts/install.sh
    Content-Type: application/x-sh
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: d0e7828293355a07c2dccaaa765c80b507e60e6167067c950dc2e6b0da0dbd8b
    Name: https://www.vendor_org.com/MRF/v4.1/scripts/scale/scale.sh
    Content-Type: application/x-sh
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: 36f945953929812aca2701b114b068c71bd8c95ceb3609711428c26325649165
    Name: Files/images/cirros.img
    Content-Type: application/x-iso9066-image
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: 9569dfc57e26436315180cb61f2d0d45c0de7c0ddb47d5759271ae825dc3acab


In case, the source is referred in any of VNFDs under the artifacts properties of type tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage and tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute and if artifact type is tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage or it's derived from type tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image, then those artifacts should be ignored as software images shouldn't be included in additionalArtifacts as described in table etsi_sol003.

  1. Manifest file

    A CSAR VNF package shall have a manifest file. The manifest file shall have an extension .mf and the same name as the main TOSCA definitions YAML file and be located at the root of the archive (archive without TOSCA-Metadata directory) or in the location specified by the TOSCA.meta file (archive with a TOSCA-Metadata directory). In the latter case, the corresponding entry shall be named "ETSI-Entry-Manifest".

    The manifest file shall start with the VNF package metadata in the form of a name-value pairs but in 'Victoria' release, we will ignore metadata section completely and only process the artifacts information as shown below:

      vnf_product_name: vMRF
      vnf_provider_id: Acme
      vnf_package_version: 1.0
      vnf_release_date_time: 2017-01-01T10:00:00+03:00
    Source: MRF.yaml
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: 09e5a788acb180162c51679ae4c998039fa6644505db2415e35107d1ee213943
    Source: scripts/install.sh
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: d0e7828293355a07c2dccaaa765c80b507e60e6167067c950dc2e6b0da0dbd8b
    Source: https://www.vendor_org.com/MRF/v4.1/scripts/scale/scale.sh
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: 36f945953929812aca2701b114b068c71bd8c95ceb3609711428c26325649165
    Source: Files/images/cirros.img
    Algorithm: SHA-256
    Hash: 9569dfc57e26436315180cb61f2d0d45c0de7c0ddb47d5759271ae825dc3acab


In case, the source is referred in any of VNFDs under the artifacts and if artifact type is tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage or it's derived from type tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image, then those artifacts should be ignored. There is no provision made to specify metadata for artifact in manifest file so the metadata returned for type VnfPackageArtifactInfo in additionalArtifacts parameter will always be an empty dictionary.


When an external resource having the Name of URI is provided in TOSCA.meta or Source in manifest file, it should be stored in the vnf_artifacts DB table but it is not possible to fetch with the new API of GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/artifacts/{artifactPath} because users can get it directly from the URI.

  1. Tosca definition VNFD file

    You can also add artifacts in VNFD for software images and/or other artifacts that's derived from type tosca.artifacts.Deployment or directly from tosca.artifacts.Root but it doesn't mandate you to specify checksum which is a must as per ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003, Section etsi_sol003, so, all such any artifacts included in the VNFDs will be ignored and it would not be returned in additionalArtifacts parameter of GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId} API response.


      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
          name: VDU2
            name: VrtualStorage
            version: '0.4.0'
              algorithm: sha-256
              hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
            container_format: bare
            disk_format: qcow2
            min_disk: 2 GB
            min_ram: 8192 MB
            size: 2 GB
          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
          file: Files/images/cirros.img
          type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment
          file: Files/scripts/my_python.py

During uploading of CSAR package in PUT /vnf_packages/{id}/package_content API, it will read artifacts information from TOSCA.meta and Manifest files and store these artifacts in the new DB table vnf_artifacts. This artifact information will then be returned in GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId} API as shown below:

  'additionalArtifacts': [{
      'artifactPath': 'MRF.yaml',
      'checksum': {
        'algorithm': 'sha-256',
        'hash': '09e5a788acb180162c51679ae4c998039fa6644505db2415e35107d1ee213943'
      'metadata': {}
      'artifactPath': 'https://www.vendor_org.com/MRF/v4.1/scripts/scale/scale.sh',
      'checksum': {
        'algorithm': 'sha-256',
        'hash': '36f945953929812aca2701b114b068c71bd8c95ceb3609711428c26325649165'
      'metadata': {}
      'artifactPath': 'scripts/install.sh',
      'checksum': {
        'algorithm': 'sha-256',
        'hash': 'd0e7828293355a07c2dccaaa765c80b507e60e6167067c950dc2e6b0da0dbd8b'
      'metadata': {}

Data model Impact

Add below new db table in 'tacker' database.


id int(11) Pri, auto_increment

package_uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL

artifact_path text NOT NULL

algorithm varchar(64) NOT NULL

hash varchar(128) NOT NULL

metadata json NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NOT NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. package_uuid will be foreign key of vnf_packages.package_uuid.

REST API impact

  • Modify GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}

    Return additionalArtifacts parameter in the response as shown below:

      "vnfProductName":"Sample VNF",
      "vnfProvider":"Test VNF Provider",
      "additionalArtifacts": [{
        "artifactPath" : "foobar/foo/foo.yaml"
        "checksum": {
          "algorithm": "sha-256",
          "hash": "b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d"
        "metadata": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
          "size": "1024",


If user has already uploaded vnf packages in the previous release, then in such cases, additionalArtifacts parameter will always return an empty list in the response in case of GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId} API. This parameter shall not be present before the VNF package content is on-boarded.


additionalArtifacts shall not include images for VNFC.

  • Modify GET /vnf_packages

    Allow users to filter out vnf packages based on additionalArtifacts query parameter in the request.

    For example, below URL query parameter will fetch those vnf packages matching artifacts with algorithm=sha-256:

    GET /vnf_packages?filter=(eq,additionalArtifacts/checksum/algorithm,sha-256)

    The additionalArtifacts attribute is a complex attribute so by default it won't be returned in the response. If user wants to see/hide this complex attribute, then user will need to query explicitly using following ways:-

    1. all_fields: This URI query parameter requests that all complex attributes are included in the response, For example, GET /vnf_packages?all_fields will return additionalArtifacts in the response.

    2. fields: This URI query parameter requests that only the listed complex attributes are included in the response. For example, GET /vnf_packages?fields=additionalArtifacts/checksum, will return only the checksum of additionalArtifacts along with other simple attributes.

      Sample response would look like:

        'vnfSoftwareVersion': '1.0',
        'usageState': 'NOT_IN_USE',
        'vnfProductName': 'Sample VNF',
        'additionalArtifacts': [{
            'checksum': {
                'algorithm': 'sha-256',
                "hash": "b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d"
    3. exclude_fields: This URI query parameter requests that the listed complex attributes are excluded from the response.

      For example, GET /vnf_packages?exclude_fields=additionalArtifacts/checksum will not return checksum of additionalArtifacts. It will include the other attributes from additionalArtifacts like metadata and artifactPath.

    4. exclude_default: Presence of this URI query parameter requests that a default set of complex attributes shall be excluded from the response.

      For example, GET /vnf_packages?exclude_default or GET /vnf_packages will not include additionalArtifacts complex attribute in the response.

  • Add new API - GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/artifacts/{artifactPath}

    • Fetches the content of an artifact within a VNF package. The request may contain a "Range" HTTP header to obtain single range of bytes from an artifact file.

    • Method type: GET

    • Normal http response code : 200 OK or 206 Partial Content

    • Expected error http response codes:

      401 NotAuthorized: shall be returned when authentication fails.
      403 Forbidden: Shall be returned when user is not authorized to call
      this REST API.
      404 NotFound: Shall be returned when the vnfPkgId or artifactPath specified in
      the URL doesn't exists.
      409 Conflict: Shall be returned when "onboardingState" of the VNF package has
      value different from "ONBOARDED".
      416 Range Not Satisfiable: Shall be returned when the byte range passed in the
      "Range" header did not match any available byte range in the artifact file.
      (e.g. "access after end of file").
    • Response - Return the whole content of the artifact file. The payload body shall contain a copy of the artifact file from the VNF package, as defined by ETSI GS NFV-SOL 004 etsi_sol004. The Content-Type HTTP header shall be set according to the content type of the artifact file. If the content type cannot be determined, the header shall be set to the value application/octet-stream.

Other end user impact

  • Add new OSC command to fetch an individual artifact in an on-boarded VNF package:

    openstack vnf package artifact <vnfPkgId> <artifactPath>
  • Modify OSC commands vnf package list and vnf package show to display additionalArtifacts information on the console output.

Other deployer impact

Below default policies will be added for the newly added restFul APIs. If you want to customize these policies, you must edit policy.json file.

# Fetch an individual artifact in an on-boarded VNF package.
# GET  /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/artifacts/{artifactPath}
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:fetch_artifact": "rule:admin_or_owner"



Primary assignee:

Yoshito Ito <yoshito.itou.dr@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Other contributors:

Nitin Uikey <nitin.uikey@nttdata.com>

Tushar Patil <tushar.vitthal.patil@gmail.com>

Prashant Bhole <prashant.bhole@nttdata.com>

Work Items

  • Modify GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId} API to return additionalArtifacts parameter in the response..
  • Modify GET /vnf_packages API to filter out VNF packages based on attribute selection query parameters specific to type VnfPackageArtifactInfo.
  • Implement new Rest API GET /vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/artifacts/{artifactPath} to fetch individual artifact in an on-boarded VNF package.
  • Modify tosca-parser to read and verify artifact information from TOSCA.meta and Manifest file.
  • Read artifacts information from TOSCA.meta and Manifest file during uploading of VNF package.
  • Add unit and functional tests.




Required unit and functional tests will be added to verify artifacts information is set and retrieved properly from an onboarded VNF package.

Documentation Impact

  • Update API documentation for the all API changes mentioned in the REST API impact.

