
18 KiB

Prometheus Plugin Use Case Guide


This document describes about Prometheus Plugin that provides monitoring functions in combination with External Monitoring Tool

The Prometheus Plugin has 4 functions:

  • Alerting function for ETSI NFV-SOL 002/003 based Performance Management.
  • Alerting function for ETSI NFV-SOL 002/003 based Fault Management.
  • Alerting function for Prometheus Plugin AutoScaling.
  • Alerting function for Prometheus Plugin AutoHealing.

The Prometheus Plugin works in conjunction with the External Monitoring Tool. External Monitoring Tool is a monitoring service based on Prometheus. When External Monitoring Tool detects an alerting event on CNF/VNF, External Monitoring Tool sends an alert to Prometheus Plugin.


PM/FM only support CNF.

AutoScale/Heal support both CNF and VNF.

The External Monitoring Tool is implemented by each operators, thus it is not included in Tacker.


Prometheus Plugin is disabled by default. It can be enabled by configuration file (e.g. /etc/tacker/tacker.conf). To enable Prometheus Plugin, be sure to set true for performance_management, fault_management, auto_scaling or auto_healing below.

Configuration Default Description
CONF.prometheus_plugin.performance_management false Enable prometheus plugin performance management.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.reporting_period_margin 1 Some margin time for PM jos's reportingPeriod. When multiple alerts are received within a time period shorter than (reportingPeriod - reporting_period_margin), the subsequent alerts are ignored.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.fault_management false Enable prometheus plugin fault management.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.auto_scaling false Enable prometheus plugin autoscaling.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.auto_healing false Enable prometheus plugin autohealing.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.timer_interval 20 When multiple auto heal alerts for a VNF instance are notified in the timer_interval seconds, Tacker packs these notifications into single event. By doing this, Tacker can avoid making too many healing requests.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.test_rule_with_promtool false Enable rule file validation using promtool.


There is another prerequisite for using the AutoScale/Heal function. When instantiate VNF, you need to add the parameter isAutoscaleEnabled/isAutohealEnabled to True in the request body.

The example reference is as follows:

  "flavourId": "dummy",
  "vimConnectionInfo": {
  "additionalParams": {
  "vnfConfigurableProperties": {
    "isAutoscaleEnabled": True


Prometheus Plugin needs external service called External Monitoring Tool.

Prometheus Plugin operates the External Monitoring Tool along the Performance Management, Fault Management, Auto scaling or Auto healing. The flow of each process is as follows.

  • ETSI NFV-SOL 002/003 based Performance Management

    | Client (NFVO/EM)                |
    | 8. Perform scaling if necessary <--+
    +----+----------------------------+  |
         | 1.Create PM job               | 7. Notify PM event
    |                                             Tacker |
    +-------------+                   | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  External   | 3. Set alert rule | | Prometheus Plugin                              | |
    |  Monitoring <-------------------+ | 2. Convert PM job to Prometheus Alert Rule     | |
    |  Tool       | 5. Send alert     | |                                                | |
    |             +-------------------> | 6. Convert Prometheus Alert event to PM event  | |
    |             |                   | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    +--+----------+                   +----------------------------------------------------+
    | 4. Performance
    |    monitoring                +----------------------------------------------------+
    |                              |                                           CISM/CIS |
    |                              | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+   |
    +------------------------------> | CNF        |   | CNF        |   | CNF        |   |
    | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+   |
  • ETSI NFV-SOL 002/003 based Fault Management

    | Client (NFVO/EM)                |
    +----------------------------+ 7. Perform healing if necessary <--+
    | 2. Set alert rule          +----+----------------------------+  |
    |                                 | 1. Subscribe FM alarms        | 6. Notify FM alarm
    |                            +----v-------------------------------+---------------+
    |                            |                                             Tacker |
    +---v---------+                  | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  External   | 4. Send alert    | | Prometheus Plugin                              | |
    |  Monitoring +------------------> | 5. Convert Prometheus Alert event to FM alarm  | |
    |  Tool       |                  | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    +--+----------+                  +----------------------------------------------------+
    | 3. Fault
    |    monitoring               +----------------------------------------------------+
    |                             |                                           CISM/CIS |
    |                             | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+   |
    +-----------------------------> | CNF        |   | CNF        |   | CNF        |   |
    | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+   |
  • Prometheus Plugin AutoScaling

    +----------------------------+   Client (NFVO/EM)       |
    | 1. Set alert rule          +--------------------------+
    |                            +----------------------------------------------------+
    |                            |                                             Tacker |
    +---v---------+                  | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  External   | 3. Send alert    | | Prometheus Plugin                              | |
    |  Monitoring +------------------> | 4. Perform scaling                             | |
    |  Tool       |                  | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    +--+----------+                  +-----------------------+----------------------------+
    | 2. Scaling event                                    |  5. Delete or Create pods/VMs
    |    monitoring               +-----------------------|----------------------------+
    |                             |           +-----------+--------------+    CISM/VIM |
    |                             | +---------v--+   +----v-------+   +--v---------+   |
    +-----------------------------> | CNF/VNF    |   | CNF/VNF    |   | CNF/VNF    |   |
    | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+   |
  • Prometheus Plugin AutoHealing

    +----------------------------+   Client (NFVO/EM)       |
    | 1. Set alert rule          +--------------------------+
    |                            +----------------------------------------------------+
    |                            |                                             Tacker |
    +---v---------+                  | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  External   | 3. Send alert    | | Prometheus Plugin                              | |
    |  Monitoring +------------------> | 4. Perform healing                             | |
    |  Tool       |                  | +------------------------------------------------+ |
    +--+----------+                  +-----------------------+----------------------------+
    | 2. Healing event                                    |  5. Delete and Create pods/VMs
    |    monitoring               +-----------------------|----------------------------+
    |                             |           +-----------+--------------+    CISM/VIM |
    |                             | +---------v--+   +----v-------+   +--v---------+   |
    +-----------------------------> | CNF/VNF    |   | CNF/VNF    |   | CNF/VNF    |   |
    | +------------+   +------------+   +------------+   |

External Monitoring Tool

External Monitoring Tool is consist of Prometheus Server, AlertManager and SSH Server.

This section describes the requirements for each service.

Prometheus Server

Prometheus Server needs config to scrape kubernetes information. For example:

    scrape_interval: 30s
    evaluation_interval: 30s

    - /etc/prometheus/rules/*.json

    - static_configs:
        - targets:
            - <alertmanager_host>

- job_name: "kubestatemetrics"
    - targets: ["<kube-state-metrics exporter host>"]
- job_name: "k8smetricsresourceworker1"
    - targets: ["<worker1 exporter host>"]
    metrics_path: "/api/v1/nodes/worker1/proxy/metrics/resource"
- job_name: "k8smetricscadvisorworker1"
    - targets: ["<worker1 exporter host>"]
    metrics_path: "/api/v1/nodes/worker1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor"
- job_name: "k8smetricsresourceworker2"
    - targets: ["<worker2 exporter host>"]
    metrics_path: "/api/v1/nodes/worker2/proxy/metrics/resource"
- job_name: "k8smetricscadvisorworker2"
    - targets: ["<worker2 exporter host>"]
    metrics_path: "/api/v1/nodes/worker2/proxy/metrics/cadvisor"

Alert Manager

Alert manager needs to setup to send alert to Tacker. For example:


    - "kubestatemetrics"
    - "k8smetricsresourceworker1"
    - "k8smetricscadvisorworker1"
    - "k8smetricsresourceworker2"
    - "k8smetricscadvisorworker2"
  group_wait: 30s
  group_interval: 30s
  repeat_interval: 30s
  receiver: default-receiver
    - matchers:
      - function_type = vnfpm
      receiver: vnfpm
    - matchers:
      - function_type = vnffm
      receiver: vnffm
    - matchers:
      - function_type = auto-scale
      receiver: auto-scale
    - matchers:
      - function_type = auto-heal
      receiver: auto-heal

- name: default-receiver
- name: vnfpm
  - url: "http://<tacker_host>/pm_event"
- name: vnffm
  - url: "http://<tacker_host>/alert"
- name: auto-scale
  - url: "http://<tacker_host>/alert/auto_scaling"
- name: auto-heal
  - url: "http://<tacker_host>/alert/auto_healing"

SSH server

Tacker sends alert rule file via SSH. So External Monitoring Tool needs to activate sshd.

  • PasswordAuthentication setting should be "yes".
  • The directory indicated by "rule_files" setting of prometheus server config should be accessible by SSH.

Supported versions

Tacker Zed release

  • Prometheus: 2.37
  • Alertmanager: 0.24

Alert rule registration

ETSI NFV-SOL 002/003 based Performance Management

Registration of alerting rule is performed through PM job creation. Below is example of request body of PM job creation.

Access information of External Monitoring Tool must be set at "metadata" field.

    "objectType": "Vnf",
    "objectInstanceIds": ["507280d8-bfc5-4b88-904b-9280ba6bc3ea"],
    "criteria": {
        "performanceMetric": [
        "collectionPeriod": 30,
        "reportingPeriod": 90,
        "reportingBoundary": "2099-08-05T02:24:46Z"
    "callbackUri": "<client_callback_uri>",
    "metadata": {
        "monitoring": {
            "monitorName": "prometheus",
            "driverType": "external",
            "targetsInfo": [
                    "prometheusHost": "<prometheus_server_hostname>",
                    "authInfo": {
                        "ssh_username": "ubuntu",
                        "ssh_password": "ubuntu"


With the parameter, pod name can be specified but container name can not. And some prometheus metrics need container name. Therefore, max statement of PromQL is alternatively used in some measurements to measure without container name. That means it provids only most impacted value among the containers. For example:

avg(max(container_fs_usage_bytes{pod=~"pod name"} / container_fs_limit_bytes{pod=~"pod name"}))

ETSI NFV-SOL 002/003 based Fault Management

Registration of alerting rule is performed by updating rule file directly. Below is example of alert rule.

  - name: example
    - alert: Test
      expr: sum(pod_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="default"}) > 10000000000
      for: 30s
        receiver_type: tacker
        function_type: vnffm
        vnf_instance_id: 3721ab69-3f33-44bc-85f1-f416ad1b765e
        pod: test\\-test1\\-[0-9a-f]{1,10}-[0-9a-z]{5}$
        perceived_severity: CRITICAL
        event_type: PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM
        probable_cause: Server is down.
        fault_type: Error
        fault_details: Fault detail

Prometheus Plugin AutoScaling

Registration of alerting rule is performed by updating rule file directly. Below is example of alert rule.

  - name: example
    - alert: Test
      expr: sum(pod_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="default"}) > 10000000000
      for: 30s
        receiver_type: tacker
        function_type: auto_scale
        vnf_instance_id: 3721ab69-3f33-44bc-85f1-f416ad1b765e
        auto_scale_type: SCALE_OUT
        aspect_id: VDU1_aspect

Prometheus Plugin AutoHealing

Registration of alerting rule is performed by updating rule file directly. Below is example of alert rule.

  - name: example
    - alert: Test
      expr: sum(pod_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="default"}) > 10000000000
      for: 30s
        receiver_type: tacker
        function_type: auto_heal
        vnf_instance_id: 3721ab69-3f33-44bc-85f1-f416ad1b765e
        vnfc_info_id: VDU1-85adebfa-d71c-49ab-9d39-d8dd7e393541

Using Vendor Specific Plugin

Prometheus Plugin can be replaced with a vendor specific function. To replace a plugin, change the configurations below. The replaced class must be a subclass of tacker.sol_refactored.common.monitoring_plugin_base.MonitoringPlugin.

Configuration Default Description
CONF.prometheus_plugin.performance_management_package tacker.sol_refactored.common.prometheus_plugin Package name for performance management.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.performance_management_class PrometheusPluginPm Class name for performance management.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.fault_management_package tacker.sol_refactored.common.prometheus_plugin Package name for fault management.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.fault_management_class PrometheusPluginFm Class name for fault management.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.auto_scaling_package tacker.sol_refactored.common.prometheus_plugin Package name for auto scaling.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.auto_scaling_class PrometheusPluginAutoScaling Class name for auto scaling.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.auto_healing_package tacker.sol_refactored.common.prometheus_plugin Package name for auto healing.
CONF.prometheus_plugin.auto_healing_class PrometheusPluginAutoHealing Class name for auto healing.