changzhi bebfc014ed Tacker deploy OpenWRT as VNF guide
This patch adds step by step instructions to deploy
OpenWRT as VNF guide.

Change-Id: I70fff61a98092ec9ce672402a90d02e74429f33f
Closes-bug: #1517664
2016-10-10 17:50:24 +08:00

5.4 KiB

Deploying OpenWRT as VNF

Once tacker is installed successfully, follow the steps given below to get started with deploying OpenWRT as VNF.

1. Ensure Glance already contains OpenWRT image. Normally, Tacker tries to add OpenWRT image to Glance while installing via devstack. By running glance image-list to check OpenWRT image if exists. If not, download the image from OpenWRT official site. And upload this image into Glance by using the command below:

glance image-create --name OpenWRT \
                    --disk-format qcow2 \
                    --container-format bare \
                    --progress < openwrt-x86-kvm_guest-combined-ext4.img

2. Create a yaml template named tosca-vnfd-openwrt-with-firewall-rules.yaml which contains basic configuration of OpenWRT and some firewall rules of OpenWRT. All contents of the template file shows below:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0

description: OpenWRT with services

  template_name: OpenWRT

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker
            num_cpus: 1
            mem_size: 512 MB
            disk_size: 1 GB
        image: OpenWRT
          firewall: |
            package firewall

            config defaults
                option syn_flood '1'
                option input 'ACCEPT'
                option output 'ACCEPT'
                option forward 'REJECT'

            config zone
                option name 'lan'
                list network 'lan'
                option input 'ACCEPT'
                option output 'ACCEPT'
                option forward 'ACCEPT'

            config zone
                option name 'wan'
                list network 'wan'
                list network 'wan6'
                option input 'REJECT'
                option output 'ACCEPT'
                option forward 'REJECT'
                option masq '1'
                option mtu_fix '1'

            config forwarding
                option src 'lan'
                option dest 'wan'

            config rule
                option name 'Allow-DHCP-Renew'
                option src 'wan'
                option proto 'udp'
                option dest_port '68'
                option target 'ACCEPT'
                option family 'ipv4'

            config rule
                option name 'Allow-Ping'
                option src 'wan'
                option proto 'icmp'
                option icmp_type 'echo-request'
                option family 'ipv4'
                option target 'ACCEPT'
        mgmt_driver: openwrt
          name: ping
            count: 3
            interval: 10
            failure: respawn

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
        management: true
        anti_spoofing_protection: false
        - virtualLink:
            node: VL1
        - virtualBinding:
            node: VDU1

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
        network_name: net_mgmt
        vendor: Tacker

The above template file comes from two files. One is tosca-vnfd-openwrt.yaml <https://github.com/openstack/tacker/blob/master/samples/tosca-templates/ vnfd/tosca-vnfd-openwrt.yaml> and other one is tosca-config-openwrt-with-firewall.yaml <https://github.com/openstack/tacker/blob/master/samples/tosca-templates/ vnfd/tosca-config-openwrt-with-firewall.yaml>. In this template file, we specify the mgmt_driver: openwrt which means this VNFD is managed by openwrt driver <https://github.com/openstack/tacker/blob/master/tacker/ vnfm/mgmt_drivers/openwrt/openwrt.py>. This driver can inject firewall rules which defined in VNFD into OpenWRT instance by using SSH protocol. We can run cat /etc/config/firewall to confirm the firewall rules if inject succeed.

3.Create a sample vnfd:

tacker vnfd-create \
                   --vnfd-file tosca-vnfd-openwrt-with-firewall-rules.yaml \

4.Create a VNF:

tacker vnf-create --vnfd-name <VNFD_NAME> <NAME>

This VNF will contains all the firewall rules that VNFD contains by using 'cat /etc/config/firewall' in VNF.

5.Check the status:

tacker vnf-list
tacker vnf-show <VNF_ID>