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Mistral workflow VIM monitoring

For the purpose to make tacker server scale, the mistral workflow is used to re-implement the VIM monitoring feature.

The main monitoring process is like this:

  • user registers a VIM
  • tacker server saves it into database
  • tacker server generates a mistral workflow and executes it
  • the VIM monitor mistral action is executed and do the monitoring, if there is status change, it will RPC call conductor
  • the conductor changes the VIM status

Feature exploration

Firstly register a VIM:

$ tacker vim-register --config-file ~/testvim_config.yaml testvim2 -c id -c name -c status
Created a new vim:
| Field  | Value                                |
| id     | 4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 |
| name   | testvim2                             |
| status | PENDING                              |

The registered VIM's id is '4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7', after this, there is a mistral workflow named as 'vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7', is generated in mistral:

$ mistral workflow-list --filter name=vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 -c ID -c Name
| ID                                   | Name                                        |
| 0cd0deff-6132-4ee2-a181-1c877cd594cc | vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 |

and it is executed:

$ mistral execution-list --filter workflow_name=vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 -c ID -c 'Workflow name' -c State
| ID                                   | Workflow name                               | State   |
| 99ced0e2-be09-4219-ab94-299df8ee8789 | vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 | RUNNING |

The monitoring task is running too:

$ mistral task-list --filter workflow_name=vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 -c ID -c 'Workflow name' -c Name  -c State
| ID                                   | Name                        | Workflow name                               | State   |
| f2fe2904-6ff2-4531-9bd0-4c998ef1515f | monitor_ping_vimPingVIMTASK | vim_id_4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 | RUNNING |

Of course, the VIM's state is in 'REACHABLE' status:

$ tacker vim-list --name testvim2 -c id -c name -c status
| id                                   | name     | status    |
| 4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7 | testvim2 | REACHABLE |

The deletion of VIM will lead to removal of all of these mistral resources.

Rabbitmq queues

Each mistral VIM monitoring action is listening on three queues:

~/tacker$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep -i KILL_ACTION
KILL_ACTION.4406cf8f-f2af-46cc-bfb9-e00add5805b7    0
KILL_ACTION_fanout_a8118e2e18b9443986a1b37f7b082ab9    0

But only KILL_ACTION with VIM id as suffix is used.