Yoshito Ito 49372c7551 Add CLI docs for ETSI-based and Legacy Tacker
* ETSI-based implementation
  - VNF Lifecycle Management, VNF Package Management

* Legacy implementation
  - Event, Flow Classifier, Network Forwarding Path,
    NSD, Service Function Chain, VIM, VNF, VNFD,

The VNFFG doc needs to be updated after fixing:
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tackerclient/+bug/1892152

The CLI doc for NS is not included because of:
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1892144

Change-Id: Ie66d774fb87f481c11846afd229700f5f7b165c4
2020-09-16 23:10:55 +09:00

4.4 KiB

Event Management

This document describes how to manage Event with CLI in Tacker.


The following packages should be installed:

  • tacker
  • python-tackerclient

CLI reference for Event Management

1. List Events

$ openstack nfv event list


| ID | Resource Type | Resource ID                          | Resource State    | Event Type | Timestamp           |
|  1 | vim           | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa | PENDING           | CREATE     | 2020-08-12 02:28:22 |
|  2 | vim           | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa | REACHABLE         | MONITOR    | 2020-08-12 02:28:23 |
|  3 | vim           | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa | REACHABLE         | UPDATE     | 2020-08-12 02:40:40 |
|  4 | vnfd          | 94f2b44c-06f7-4d43-a2bb-dcd54f44d0f5 | OnBoarded         | CREATE     | 2020-08-13 05:52:07 |
|  5 | vnf           | 4ffb436f-7f2c-4df1-96c4-38e9208261fd | PENDING_CREATE    | CREATE     | 2020-08-13 05:53:45 |
|  6 | vnf           | 4ffb436f-7f2c-4df1-96c4-38e9208261fd | ACTIVE            | CREATE     | 2020-08-13 05:53:45 |
|  7 | vnf           | 83fb8124-b475-400f-b0eb-f2b6741eeedc | PENDING_CREATE    | CREATE     | 2020-08-13 05:54:07 |
|  8 | vnf           | 83fb8124-b475-400f-b0eb-f2b6741eeedc | ACTIVE            | CREATE     | 2020-08-13 05:54:07 |


$ openstack nfv event list --help
usage: openstack nfv event list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
                                [-c COLUMN]
                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                [--noindent] [--max-width <integer>]
                                [--fit-width] [--print-empty]
                                [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN] [--id ID]
                                [--resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE]
                                [--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
                                [--resource-state RESOURCE_STATE]
                                [--event-type EVENT_TYPE] [--long]

List events of resources.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id ID               id of the event to look up.
  --resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE
                        resource type of the events to look up.
  --resource-id RESOURCE_ID
                        resource id of the events to look up.
  --resource-state RESOURCE_STATE
                        resource state of the events to look up.
  --event-type EVENT_TYPE
                        event type of the events to look up.
  --long                List additional fields in output

2. Show Event

$ openstack nfv event show <ID: 1>


| Field          | Value                                |
| event_details  |                                      |
| event_type     | CREATE                               |
| id             | 1                                    |
| resource_id    | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa |
| resource_state | PENDING                              |
| resource_type  | vim                                  |
| timestamp      | 2020-08-12 02:28:22                  |


$ openstack nfv event show --help
usage: openstack nfv event show [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                [-c COLUMN] [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]

Show event given the event id.

positional arguments:
  ID                    ID of event to display

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit