Yoshito Ito 49372c7551 Add CLI docs for ETSI-based and Legacy Tacker
* ETSI-based implementation
  - VNF Lifecycle Management, VNF Package Management

* Legacy implementation
  - Event, Flow Classifier, Network Forwarding Path,
    NSD, Service Function Chain, VIM, VNF, VNFD,

The VNFFG doc needs to be updated after fixing:
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tackerclient/+bug/1892152

The CLI doc for NS is not included because of:
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1892144

Change-Id: Ie66d774fb87f481c11846afd229700f5f7b165c4
2020-09-16 23:10:55 +09:00

16 KiB

VIM Management

This document describes how to manage VIM with CLI in Tacker.


The following packages should be installed:

  • tacker
  • python-tackerclient

CLI reference for VIM Management

1. Register VIM

Create vim_config.yaml file for OpenStack VIM:

Register default OpenStack VIM:

$ openstack vim register --config-file ./vim_config.yaml --is-default \
    --description <DESCRIPTION: 'vim for nfv_user in nfv'> \
    <NAME: openstack-nfv-vim>


| Field          | Value                                           |
| auth_cred      | {                                               |
|                |     "username": "nfv_user",                     |
|                |     "user_domain_name": "Default",              |
|                |     "cert_verify": "False",                     |
|                |     "project_id": null,                         |
|                |     "project_name": "nfv",                      |
|                |     "project_domain_name": "Default",           |
|                |     "auth_url": "http://localhost/identity/v3", |
|                |     "key_type": "barbican_key",                 |
|                |     "secret_uuid": "***",                       |
|                |     "password": "***"                           |
|                | }                                               |
| auth_url       | http://localhost/identity/v3                    |
| created_at     | 2020-08-12 02:28:22.470813                      |
| description    | vim for nfv_user in nfv                         |
| id             | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa            |
| is_default     | True                                            |
| name           | openstack-nfv-vim                               |
| placement_attr | {                                               |
|                |     "regions": [                                |
|                |         "RegionOne"                             |
|                |     ]                                           |
|                | }                                               |
| project_id     | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                |
| status         | PENDING                                         |
| type           | openstack                                       |
| updated_at     | None                                            |
| vim_project    | {                                               |
|                |     "name": "nfv",                              |
|                |     "project_domain_name": "Default"            |
|                | }                                               |

Find the IP address of Kubernetes API:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/

  "kind": "APIVersions",
  "versions": [
  "serverAddressByClientCIDRs": [
      "clientCIDR": "",
      "serverAddress": "<IP address:>:6443"

Create vim_config_k8s.yaml file for Kubernetes VIM:

auth_url: "https://<IP_ADDRESS:>:6443"
username: "admin"
password: "admin"
project_name: "default"
ssl_ca_cert: None
type: "kubernetes"

Register Kubernetes VIM:

$ openstack vim register --config-file ./vim_config_k8s.yaml \
    --description <DESCRIPTION: 'k8s vim for nfv_user in nfv'> \
    <NAME: kubernetes-nfv-vim>


| Field          | Value                                     |
| auth_cred      | {                                         |
|                |     "username": "admin",                  |
|                |     "ssl_ca_cert": "None",                |
|                |     "auth_url": "", |
|                |     "key_type": "barbican_key",           |
|                |     "secret_uuid": "***",                 |
|                |     "password": "***"                     |
|                | }                                         |
| auth_url       |                    |
| created_at     | 2020-08-16 04:36:43.579859                |
| description    | k8s vim for nfv_user in nfv               |
| id             | fd821c54-a60f-4afe-b131-3cfb76b7df8a      |
| is_default     | False                                     |
| name           | kubernetes-nfv-vim                        |
| placement_attr | {                                         |
|                |     "regions": [                          |
|                |         "default",                        |
|                |         "kube-node-lease",                |
|                |         "kube-public",                    |
|                |         "kube-system"                     |
|                |     ]                                     |
|                | }                                         |
| project_id     | a0f24742eb0e4764a76a09e30bf7b0dd          |
| status         | PENDING                                   |
| type           | kubernetes                                |
| updated_at     | None                                      |
| vim_project    | {                                         |
|                |     "name": "default"                     |
|                | }                                         |


$ openstack vim register --help
usage: openstack vim register [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                              [-c COLUMN] [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                              [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                              [--print-empty] [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                              --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                              [--description DESCRIPTION] [--is-default]

Register a new VIM

positional arguments:
  NAME                  Set a name for the VIM

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        The owner tenant ID or project ID
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        YAML file with VIM configuration parameters
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Set a description for the VIM
  --is-default          Set as default VIM

2. List VIMs

$ openstack vim list


| ID                                   | Name               | Tenant_id                        | Type       | Is Default | Status    |
| aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa | openstack-nfv-vim  | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396 | openstack  | True       | REACHABLE |
| fd821c54-a60f-4afe-b131-3cfb76b7df8a | kubernetes-nfv-vim | a0f24742eb0e4764a76a09e30bf7b0dd | kubernetes | False      | REACHABLE |


$ openstack vim list --help
usage: openstack vim list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}] [--noindent]
                          [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                          [--print-empty] [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN] [--long]

List VIMs that belong to a given tenant.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --long                List additional fields in output

3. Show VIM

$ openstack vim show <VIM: openstack-nfv-vim>


| Field          | Value                                           |
| auth_cred      | {                                               |
|                |     "username": "nfv_user",                     |
|                |     "user_domain_name": "Default",              |
|                |     "cert_verify": "False",                     |
|                |     "project_id": null,                         |
|                |     "project_name": "nfv",                      |
|                |     "project_domain_name": "Default",           |
|                |     "auth_url": "http://localhost/identity/v3", |
|                |     "key_type": "barbican_key",                 |
|                |     "secret_uuid": "***",                       |
|                |     "password": "***"                           |
|                | }                                               |
| auth_url       | http://localhost/identity/v3                    |
| created_at     | 2020-08-12 02:28:22                             |
| description    | vim for nfv_user in nfv                         |
| id             | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa            |
| is_default     | True                                            |
| name           | openstack-nfv-vim                               |
| placement_attr | {                                               |
|                |     "regions": [                                |
|                |         "RegionOne"                             |
|                |     ]                                           |
|                | }                                               |
| project_id     | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                |
| status         | REACHABLE                                       |
| type           | openstack                                       |
| updated_at     | 2020-08-12 02:28:23                             |
| vim_project    | {                                               |
|                |     "name": "nfv",                              |
|                |     "project_domain_name": "Default"            |
|                | }                                               |


$ openstack vim show --help
usage: openstack vim show [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                          [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]

Display VIM details

positional arguments:
  <VIM>                 VIM to display (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

4. Update VIM

$ openstack vim set --description \
    <DESCRIPTION: 'new description of vim for nfv_user in nfv'> \
    <VIM: openstack-nfv-vim>


| Field          | Value                                           |
| auth_cred      | {                                               |
|                |     "username": "nfv_user",                     |
|                |     "user_domain_name": "Default",              |
|                |     "cert_verify": "False",                     |
|                |     "project_id": null,                         |
|                |     "project_name": "nfv",                      |
|                |     "project_domain_name": "Default",           |
|                |     "auth_url": "http://localhost/identity/v3", |
|                |     "key_type": "barbican_key",                 |
|                |     "secret_uuid": "***",                       |
|                |     "password": "***"                           |
|                | }                                               |
| auth_url       | http://localhost/identity/v3                    |
| created_at     | 2020-08-12 02:28:22                             |
| description    | new description of vim for nfv_user in nfv      |
| id             | aacb3c7f-d532-44d9-b8ed-49e2b30114aa            |
| is_default     | True                                            |
| name           | openstack-nfv-vim                               |
| placement_attr | {                                               |
|                |     "regions": [                                |
|                |         "RegionOne"                             |
|                |     ]                                           |
|                | }                                               |
| project_id     | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                |
| status         | REACHABLE                                       |
| type           | openstack                                       |
| updated_at     | 2020-08-12 02:40:39.800778                      |
| vim_project    | {                                               |
|                |     "name": "nfv",                              |
|                |     "project_domain_name": "Default"            |
|                | }                                               |


$ openstack vim set --help
usage: openstack vim set [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                        [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width] [--print-empty]
                        [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--name NAME]
                        [--description DESCRIPTION]
                        [--is-default {True,False}]

Update VIM.

positional arguments:
  VIM                   ID or name of vim to update

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        YAML file with VIM configuration parameters
  --name NAME           New name for the VIM
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        New description for the VIM
  --is-default {True,False}
                        Indicate whether the VIM is used as default

5. Delete VIM

$ openstack vim delete <VIM: openstack-nfv-vim>


All specified vim(s) deleted successfully


$ openstack vim delete --help
usage: openstack vim delete [-h] <VIM> [<VIM> ...]

Delete VIM(s).

positional arguments:
  <VIM>       VIM(s) to delete (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit