Ayumu Ueha e3e3fc5163 Deprecate Legacy APIs excluding VIM feature
This patch deprecates the Legacy APIs excluding VIM feature.

* Emit a warning log when a Deprecated API is executed.
* Add warning block to api-refs and docs related with deprecated
  Legacy feature.

Implements: blueprint deprecate-legacy-apis
Change-Id: Ie378d1000089401e3a0854b209654182da09e272
2023-01-27 13:09:44 +00:00

26 KiB

Network Service Descriptor Management


Network Service Descriptor Management commands are deprecated and will be removed in the first major release after the Tacker server version 9.0.0 (2023.1 Antelope release).

To enable dynamic composition of network services, NFV introduces Network Service Descriptors (NSDs) that specify the network service to be created.

This document describes how to manage NSD with CLI in Tacker.


The following packages should be installed:

  • tacker
  • python-tackerclient

A default VIM should be registered according to ./cli-legacy-vim.

The following VNFDs are created according to ./cli-legacy-vnfd.

CLI reference for NSD Management

1. Create Network Service Descriptor

Create sample-tosca-nsd.yaml file:

Create a NSD:

$ openstack ns descriptor create --nsd-file \
    sample-tosca-nsd.yaml <NAME: sample-tosca-nsd>


| Field           | Value                                                                            |
| attributes      | {                                                                                |
|                 |     "nsd": {                                                                     |
|                 |         "description": "Import VNFDs(already on-boarded) with input parameters", |
|                 |         "imports": [                                                             |
|                 |             "sample-tosca-vnfd1",                                                |
|                 |             "sample-tosca-vnfd2"                                                 |
|                 |         ],                                                                       |
|                 |         "topology_template": {                                                   |
|                 |             "inputs": {                                                          |
|                 |                 "vl1_name": {                                                    |
|                 |                     "default": "net_mgmt",                                       |
|                 |                     "description": "name of VL1 virtuallink",                    |
|                 |                     "type": "string"                                             |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "vl2_name": {                                                    |
|                 |                     "default": "net0",                                           |
|                 |                     "description": "name of VL2 virtuallink",                    |
|                 |                     "type": "string"                                             |
|                 |                 }                                                                |
|                 |             },                                                                   |
|                 |             "node_templates": {                                                  |
|                 |                 "VL1": {                                                         |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                              |
|                 |                         "network_name": {                                        |
|                 |                             "get_input": "vl1_name"                              |
|                 |                         },                                                       |
|                 |                         "vendor": "tacker"                                       |
|                 |                     },                                                           |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                                 |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "VL2": {                                                         |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                              |
|                 |                         "network_name": {                                        |
|                 |                             "get_input": "vl2_name"                              |
|                 |                         },                                                       |
|                 |                         "vendor": "tacker"                                       |
|                 |                     },                                                           |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                                 |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "VNF1": {                                                        |
|                 |                     "requirements": [                                            |
|                 |                         {                                                        |
|                 |                             "virtualLink1": "VL1"                                |
|                 |                         },                                                       |
|                 |                         {                                                        |
|                 |                             "virtualLink2": "VL2"                                |
|                 |                         }                                                        |
|                 |                     ],                                                           |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF1"                               |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "VNF2": {                                                        |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF2"                               |
|                 |                 }                                                                |
|                 |             }                                                                    |
|                 |         },                                                                       |
|                 |         "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0"        |
|                 |     }                                                                            |
|                 | }                                                                                |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 07:16:42.297675                                                       |
| description     | Import VNFDs(already on-boarded) with input parameters                           |
| id              | 99a25f74-1bb9-4985-a548-f171060d00fd                                             |
| name            | sample-tosca-nsd                                                                 |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                                                 |
| template_source | onboarded                                                                        |
| updated_at      | None                                                                             |


$ openstack ns descriptor create --help
usage: openstack ns descriptor create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                      [-c COLUMN] [--noindent]
                                      [--prefix PREFIX]
                                      [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                                      [--print-empty] [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                      --nsd-file NSD_FILE
                                      [--description DESCRIPTION]

Create a new NSD.

positional arguments:
  NAME                  Name for NSD

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        The owner tenant ID or project ID
  --nsd-file NSD_FILE   YAML file with NSD parameters
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Set a description for the NSD

2. List Network Service Descriptor

$ openstack ns descriptor list


| ID                                   | Name             | Template_Source | Description                  |
| 99a25f74-1bb9-4985-a548-f171060d00fd | sample-tosca-nsd | onboarded       | Import VNFDs(already on-b... |


$ openstack ns descriptor list --help
usage: openstack ns descriptor list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
                                    [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                    [--noindent] [--max-width <integer>]
                                    [--fit-width] [--print-empty]
                                    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
                                    [--template-source TEMPLATE_SOURCE]

List (NSD)s that belong to a given tenant.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --template-source TEMPLATE_SOURCE
                        List NSD with specified template source. Available
                        options are 'onboared' (default), 'inline' or 'all'

3. Show Network Service Descriptor

$ openstack ns descriptor show <NSD: sample-tosca-nsd>


| Field           | Value                                                                            |
| attributes      | {                                                                                |
|                 |     "nsd": {                                                                     |
|                 |         "description": "Import VNFDs(already on-boarded) with input parameters", |
|                 |         "imports": [                                                             |
|                 |             "sample-tosca-vnfd1",                                                |
|                 |             "sample-tosca-vnfd2"                                                 |
|                 |         ],                                                                       |
|                 |         "topology_template": {                                                   |
|                 |             "inputs": {                                                          |
|                 |                 "vl1_name": {                                                    |
|                 |                     "default": "net_mgmt",                                       |
|                 |                     "description": "name of VL1 virtuallink",                    |
|                 |                     "type": "string"                                             |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "vl2_name": {                                                    |
|                 |                     "default": "net0",                                           |
|                 |                     "description": "name of VL2 virtuallink",                    |
|                 |                     "type": "string"                                             |
|                 |                 }                                                                |
|                 |             },                                                                   |
|                 |             "node_templates": {                                                  |
|                 |                 "VL1": {                                                         |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                              |
|                 |                         "network_name": {                                        |
|                 |                             "get_input": "vl1_name"                              |
|                 |                         },                                                       |
|                 |                         "vendor": "tacker"                                       |
|                 |                     },                                                           |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                                 |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "VL2": {                                                         |
|                 |                     "properties": {                                              |
|                 |                         "network_name": {                                        |
|                 |                             "get_input": "vl2_name"                              |
|                 |                         },                                                       |
|                 |                         "vendor": "tacker"                                       |
|                 |                     },                                                           |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                                 |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "VNF1": {                                                        |
|                 |                     "requirements": [                                            |
|                 |                         {                                                        |
|                 |                             "virtualLink1": "VL1"                                |
|                 |                         },                                                       |
|                 |                         {                                                        |
|                 |                             "virtualLink2": "VL2"                                |
|                 |                         }                                                        |
|                 |                     ],                                                           |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF1"                               |
|                 |                 },                                                               |
|                 |                 "VNF2": {                                                        |
|                 |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF2"                               |
|                 |                 }                                                                |
|                 |             }                                                                    |
|                 |         },                                                                       |
|                 |         "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0"        |
|                 |     }                                                                            |
|                 | }                                                                                |
| created_at      | 2020-08-12 07:16:42                                                              |
| description     | Import VNFDs(already on-boarded) with input parameters                           |
| id              | 99a25f74-1bb9-4985-a548-f171060d00fd                                             |
| name            | sample-tosca-nsd                                                                 |
| project_id      | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396                                                 |
| template_source | onboarded                                                                        |
| updated_at      | None                                                                             |


$ openstack ns descriptor show --help
usage: openstack ns descriptor show [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                    [-c COLUMN] [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                    [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]

Display NSD details

positional arguments:
  <NSD>                 NSD to display (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

4. Show template Network Service Descriptor

openstack ns descriptor template show <name or ID of NSD: sample-tosca-nsd>


| Field      | Value                                                                            |
| attributes | {                                                                                |
|            |     "nsd": {                                                                     |
|            |         "description": "Import VNFDs(already on-boarded) with input parameters", |
|            |         "imports": [                                                             |
|            |             "sample-tosca-vnfd1",                                                |
|            |             "sample-tosca-vnfd2"                                                 |
|            |         ],                                                                       |
|            |         "topology_template": {                                                   |
|            |             "inputs": {                                                          |
|            |                 "vl1_name": {                                                    |
|            |                     "default": "net_mgmt",                                       |
|            |                     "description": "name of VL1 virtuallink",                    |
|            |                     "type": "string"                                             |
|            |                 },                                                               |
|            |                 "vl2_name": {                                                    |
|            |                     "default": "net0",                                           |
|            |                     "description": "name of VL2 virtuallink",                    |
|            |                     "type": "string"                                             |
|            |                 }                                                                |
|            |             },                                                                   |
|            |             "node_templates": {                                                  |
|            |                 "VL1": {                                                         |
|            |                     "properties": {                                              |
|            |                         "network_name": {                                        |
|            |                             "get_input": "vl1_name"                              |
|            |                         },                                                       |
|            |                         "vendor": "tacker"                                       |
|            |                     },                                                           |
|            |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                                 |
|            |                 },                                                               |
|            |                 "VL2": {                                                         |
|            |                     "properties": {                                              |
|            |                         "network_name": {                                        |
|            |                             "get_input": "vl2_name"                              |
|            |                         },                                                       |
|            |                         "vendor": "tacker"                                       |
|            |                     },                                                           |
|            |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VL"                                 |
|            |                 },                                                               |
|            |                 "VNF1": {                                                        |
|            |                     "requirements": [                                            |
|            |                         {                                                        |
|            |                             "virtualLink1": "VL1"                                |
|            |                         },                                                       |
|            |                         {                                                        |
|            |                             "virtualLink2": "VL2"                                |
|            |                         }                                                        |
|            |                     ],                                                           |
|            |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF1"                               |
|            |                 },                                                               |
|            |                 "VNF2": {                                                        |
|            |                     "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF2"                               |
|            |                 }                                                                |
|            |             }                                                                    |
|            |         },                                                                       |
|            |         "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0"        |
|            |     }                                                                            |
|            | }                                                                                |


$ openstack ns descriptor template show --help
usage: openstack ns descriptor template show [-h]
                                            [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                            [-c COLUMN] [--noindent]
                                            [--prefix PREFIX]
                                            [--max-width <integer>]
                                            [--fit-width] [--print-empty]

Display NSD Template details

positional arguments:
  <NSD>                 NSD to display (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

5. Delete Network Service Descriptor

$ openstack ns descriptor delete <NSD: sample-tosca-nsd>


All specified nsd(s) deleted successfully


$ openstack ns descriptor delete --help usage: openstack ns descriptor delete [-h] <NSD> [<NSD> ...]

Delete NSD(s).

positional arguments:

<NSD> NSD(s) to delete (name or ID)

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit