Ayumu Ueha
Change data size of instance_id in VNF table
Need to change data size of `instance_id` in the VNF table to String(12800) from String(64). We don't have an appropriate ID for instance_id for CNF case, so we use the object information instead as a workaround. If it leave the definition of String(64) as it is, a "Data too long for column" error will occur during CNF operation, because instance_id store kubernetes object information such as following: ---- 'instance_id': " {'namespace': 'default', 'name': 'vdu1', 'apiVersion': 'apps/v1', 'kind': 'Deployment'}, {'namespace': 'default', 'name': 'pv1', 'apiVersion': 'core/v1', 'kind': 'PersistentVolume'}, ... (**Contains the deployed kubernetes resources) {...}" ---- Reason of changing string size to 12800: Resize to 12800 so that it can store approximately 100 resources when it requires 128 characters per resource. This 12800 characters is under the limit of 65535 bytes per entry, even for the maximum length character set (4 bytes) [1]. (instance_id's size (12800 * 4) + other total size(3044) < 65535) `other total size` means the capacity used other than instance_id in the VNF table. [1] https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-charsets.html Closes-Bug: 1909011 Change-Id: I50db6f86cd8c164efeab2f0ebbe8ec0258a5ef1d
Tacker is an OpenStack based NFV Orchestrator service with built-in general purpose VNF Manager to deploy and operate Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) on an OpenStack based NFV Platform. It is based on ETSI MANO Architectural Framework and provides a fully functional stack to orchestrate VNFs end-to-end.
Installation instructions and user guides can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/tacker/
Tacker code base supports OpenStack master and other releases. Please follow the instructions in the above address for a successful installation of corresponding release.
Tacker code is available in following repositories:
- Tacker server: https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker
- Tacker Python client: https://opendev.org/openstack/python-tackerclient
- Tacker Horizon UI: https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker-horizon
Please report bugs at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker
External Resources:
- Tacker Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tacker
- Tacker Blueprints: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tacker
- For help on usage and hacking of Tacker, please send an email to OpenStack-dev Mailing List <mailto:openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> with [openstack-dev] [Tacker] tag.
- To get release notes: Tacker Release Notes
Tacker: ETSI MANO NFV Orchestrator / VNF Manager. See https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tacker