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Devstack Installation with Vagrant

This documentation is for introducing a deployment tool for Tacker.

You can find a basic installation </install/devstack> for deploying OpenStack environment using devstack as a part of Tacker Installation Guide</install/index>. This guide expects you have already setup your VMs and installed all packages required to run OpenStack.

However, it's something annoying for beginners, or developers frequently cleanup their environment. You may want to use a tool to shortcut such a tasks. This tool enables you to deploy several usecases with minimal effort.

How to Use

Install Required Tools

This installer consists of vagrant and ansible. Please follow instructions on official sites for installation.


In this documentation, it's supposed you use VirtualBox, but you can use any other hypervisor supported by vagrant.

You should install plugin vagrant-disksize before launching your VMs to enable to expand size of volume of VMs. It is because the default size of box is fixed and not enough for deploying Tacker.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize

Setup Configuration File


Create your ssh key before running this tool to enable to direct login with auto-generated ssh config although you can still do two step login starts from vagrant ssh. You can login to controller host with auto-generated config ssh_config as below.

$ ssh -F ssh_config controller

Setup machines.yml which is a config file defines parameters of each VM you deploy. You can find some templates of machines.yml in samples directory. This config file should be placed at /path/to/tacker/vagrant/devstack while running vagrant up, or failed to run the command.

$ cd /path/to/tacker/vagrant/devstack
$ cp samples/machines.yml ./

As named as machines.yml, it defines parameters of each VMs. There are two top sections in the file, global and machines. The former one defines common parameters among the VMs, and later one is for each VM.


global is optional currently and only one parameter under the section is ssh_pub_key for specifying its location explicitly. You don't need to use it if your public key is $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

Here is an example of machine.yml. It's is for single node usecase and machines has only one entry.


There are several parameters for each VM supported in this tool.

Attribute Description
hostname Any hostname for convenience, such as controller or compute.
provider Vagrant box provider.
box Name of the box.
nof_cpus The number of CPUs assigned to the VM.
mem_size The size of memory assigned to the VM.
disk_size The size of disk assigned to the VM.
private_ips Series of private IPs.
public_ips Series of public IPs.
fwd_port_list Series of combination of guest and host ports for port forwarding.

You also update entries of IP addresses in the inventory file hosts as you defined each private_ips in machines.yml.

Now, you are ready to fire up the VMs and deploying OpenStack with ansible.

Deploy OpenStack with Devstack

Run vagrant up so that launches VMs and create stack user on them.

$ vagrant up

If vagrant up is completed successfully, you can login to the VMs as stack user with your ssh public key.

This tool provides ansible playbooks for setting up devstack installation. You don't need to modify the playbooks usually, but configurable in group_vars/all.yml. See optional_config describing how you configure the file.

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

After finished all tasks, you can login to the launched VMs. So, login to controller node and run stack.sh for installing OpenStack. You will find out that local.conf is already prepared for your environment. See instruction how to configure local.conf described in DevStack Quick Start if you customize it furthermore by yourself.

$ ssh stack@
$ cd devstack
$ ./stack.sh

Options Configuration

There some parameters in group_vars/all.yml such as password on devstack or optional configurations. You don't need to update it usually.


Developer Tools

In the playbools, installation of vim and some extra packages is included for developers. If you exclude such a developer tools, modify group_vars/all.yml before running ansible-playbook command.

Parameter Description
use_vim_latest (Only for ubuntu) true or false for using the latest vim.
use_vim_extra_plugins true or false for installing vim packages including language servers for python and bash.
true or false for using extra packages bellow.
- jq
- htop (Ubuntu only)
- lnav (Ubuntu only)