* ETSI-based implementation - VNF Lifecycle Management, VNF Package Management * Legacy implementation - Event, Flow Classifier, Network Forwarding Path, NSD, Service Function Chain, VIM, VNF, VNFD, VNFFGD, VNFFG The VNFFG doc needs to be updated after fixing: * https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tackerclient/+bug/1892152 The CLI doc for NS is not included because of: * https://bugs.launchpad.net/tacker/+bug/1892144 Change-Id: Ie66d774fb87f481c11846afd229700f5f7b165c4
36 KiB
36 KiB
VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptor (VNFFGD) Management
VNF Forwarding Graph (VNFFG) feature in Tacker is used to orchestrate and manage traffic through VNFs. In short, abstract VNFFG TOSCA definitions are rendered into Service Function Chains (SFCs) and Classifiers. The SFC makes up an ordered list of VNFs for traffic to traverse, while the classifier decides which traffic should go through them. Similar to how VNFs are described by VNFDs, VNFFGs are described by VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptors (VNFFGD).
This document describes how to manage VNFFGD with CLI in Tacker.
The following packages should be installed:
- tacker
- python-tackerclient
CLI reference for VNFFGD Management
1. Create VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptor
Create tosca-vnffgd-sample.yaml
Create a VNFFGD:
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor create --vnffgd-file \
tosca-vnffgd-sample.yaml <NAME: tosca-vnffgd-sample>
| Field | Value |
| description | Sample VNFFG template |
| id | 81d9cc7a-674d-463d-ad3d-95640e388b20 |
| name | tosca-vnffgd-sample |
| project_id | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396 |
| template | { |
| | "vnffgd": { |
| | "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0", |
| | "description": "Sample VNFFG template", |
| | "topology_template": { |
| | "node_templates": { |
| | "Forwarding_path1": { |
| | "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.FP.TackerV2", |
| | "description": "creates path (CP12->CP22)", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "id": 51, |
| | "policy": { |
| | "type": "ACL", |
| | "criteria": [ |
| | { |
| | "name": "block_tcp", |
| | "classifier": { |
| | "network_src_port_id": "14ad4f29-629f-4b97-8bc8-86e96cb49974", |
| | "destination_port_range": "80-1024", |
| | "ip_proto": 6, |
| | "ip_dst_prefix": "" |
| | } |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | "path": [ |
| | { |
| | "forwarder": "VNFD1", |
| | "capability": "CP12", |
| | "sfc_encap": true |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "forwarder": "VNFD2", |
| | "capability": "CP22", |
| | "sfc_encap": true |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "groups": { |
| | "VNFFG1": { |
| | "type": "tosca.groups.nfv.VNFFG", |
| | "description": "HTTP to Corporate Net", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "vendor": "tacker", |
| | "version": 1.0, |
| | "number_of_endpoints": 2, |
| | "dependent_virtual_link": [ |
| | "VL12", |
| | "VL22" |
| | ], |
| | "connection_point": [ |
| | "CP12", |
| | "CP22" |
| | ], |
| | "constituent_vnfs": [ |
| | "VNFD1", |
| | "VNFD2" |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | "members": [ |
| | "Forwarding_path1" |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "imports": [ |
| | "/opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tosca/lib/tacker_defs.yaml", |
| | "/opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tosca/lib/tacker_nfv_defs.yaml" |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| template_source | onboarded |
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor create --help
usage: openstack vnf graph descriptor create [-h]
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[-c COLUMN] [--noindent]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--fit-width] [--print-empty]
[--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
--vnffgd-file VNFFGD_FILE
[--description DESCRIPTION]
Create a new VNFFGD
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tenant-id TENANT_ID
The owner tenant ID or project ID
--vnffgd-file VNFFGD_FILE
YAML file with VNFFGD parameters
--description DESCRIPTION
Set a description for the VNFFGD
2. List VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptors
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor list
| ID | Name | Template_Source | Description |
| 81d9cc7a-674d-463d-ad3d-95640e388b20 | tosca-vnffgd-sample | onboarded | Sample VNFFG template |
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor list --help
usage: openstack vnf graph descriptor list [-h]
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--fit-width] [--print-empty]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--template-source TEMPLATE_SOURCE]
List (VNFFGD)s that belong to a given tenant.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--template-source TEMPLATE_SOURCE
List VNFFGD with specified template source. Available
options are 'onboarded' (default), 'inline' or 'all'
3. Show VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptor
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor show <VNFFGD: tosca-vnffgd-sample>
| Field | Value |
| description | Sample VNFFG template |
| id | 81d9cc7a-674d-463d-ad3d-95640e388b20 |
| name | tosca-vnffgd-sample |
| project_id | e77397d2a02c4af1b7d79cef2a406396 |
| template | { |
| | "vnffgd": { |
| | "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0", |
| | "description": "Sample VNFFG template", |
| | "topology_template": { |
| | "node_templates": { |
| | "Forwarding_path1": { |
| | "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.FP.TackerV2", |
| | "description": "creates path (CP12->CP22)", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "id": 51, |
| | "policy": { |
| | "type": "ACL", |
| | "criteria": [ |
| | { |
| | "name": "block_tcp", |
| | "classifier": { |
| | "network_src_port_id": "14ad4f29-629f-4b97-8bc8-86e96cb49974", |
| | "destination_port_range": "80-1024", |
| | "ip_proto": 6, |
| | "ip_dst_prefix": "" |
| | } |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | "path": [ |
| | { |
| | "forwarder": "VNFD1", |
| | "capability": "CP12", |
| | "sfc_encap": true |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "forwarder": "VNFD2", |
| | "capability": "CP22", |
| | "sfc_encap": true |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "groups": { |
| | "VNFFG1": { |
| | "type": "tosca.groups.nfv.VNFFG", |
| | "description": "HTTP to Corporate Net", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "vendor": "tacker", |
| | "version": 1.0, |
| | "number_of_endpoints": 2, |
| | "dependent_virtual_link": [ |
| | "VL12", |
| | "VL22" |
| | ], |
| | "connection_point": [ |
| | "CP12", |
| | "CP22" |
| | ], |
| | "constituent_vnfs": [ |
| | "VNFD1", |
| | "VNFD2" |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | "members": [ |
| | "Forwarding_path1" |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "imports": [ |
| | "/opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tosca/lib/tacker_defs.yaml", |
| | "/opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tosca/lib/tacker_nfv_defs.yaml" |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| template_source | onboarded |
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor show --help
usage: openstack vnf graph descriptor show [-h]
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[-c COLUMN] [--noindent]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--fit-width] [--print-empty]
Display VNFFGD details
positional arguments:
<VNFFGD> VNFFGD to display (name or ID)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
4. Show template VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptor
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor template show <VNFFGD: tosca-vnffgd-sample>
| Field | Value |
| template | { |
| | "vnffgd": { |
| | "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0", |
| | "description": "Sample VNFFG template", |
| | "topology_template": { |
| | "node_templates": { |
| | "Forwarding_path1": { |
| | "type": "tosca.nodes.nfv.FP.TackerV2", |
| | "description": "creates path (CP12->CP22)", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "id": 51, |
| | "policy": { |
| | "type": "ACL", |
| | "criteria": [ |
| | { |
| | "name": "block_tcp", |
| | "classifier": { |
| | "network_src_port_id": "14ad4f29-629f-4b97-8bc8-86e96cb49974", |
| | "destination_port_range": "80-1024", |
| | "ip_proto": 6, |
| | "ip_dst_prefix": "" |
| | } |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | "path": [ |
| | { |
| | "forwarder": "VNFD1", |
| | "capability": "CP12", |
| | "sfc_encap": true |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "forwarder": "VNFD2", |
| | "capability": "CP22", |
| | "sfc_encap": true |
| | } |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "groups": { |
| | "VNFFG1": { |
| | "type": "tosca.groups.nfv.VNFFG", |
| | "description": "HTTP to Corporate Net", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "vendor": "tacker", |
| | "version": 1.0, |
| | "number_of_endpoints": 2, |
| | "dependent_virtual_link": [ |
| | "VL12", |
| | "VL22" |
| | ], |
| | "connection_point": [ |
| | "CP12", |
| | "CP22" |
| | ], |
| | "constituent_vnfs": [ |
| | "VNFD1", |
| | "VNFD2" |
| | ] |
| | }, |
| | "members": [ |
| | "Forwarding_path1" |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }, |
| | "imports": [ |
| | "/opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tosca/lib/tacker_defs.yaml", |
| | "/opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tosca/lib/tacker_nfv_defs.yaml" |
| | ] |
| | } |
| | } |
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor template show --help
usage: openstack vnf graph descriptor template show [-h]
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[-c COLUMN] [--noindent]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
Display VNFFGD Template details
positional arguments:
<VNFFGD> VNFFGD to display (name or ID)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
5. Delete VNF Forwarding Graph Descriptors
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor delete <VNFFGD: tosca-vnffgd-sample>
All specified vnffgd(s) deleted successfully
$ openstack vnf graph descriptor delete --help
usage: openstack vnf graph descriptor delete [-h] <VNFFGD> [<VNFFGD> ...]
Delete VNFFGD(s).
positional arguments:
<VNFFGD> VNFFGD(s) to delete (name or ID)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit