Hiromu Asahina 05bce7441e Add LCM op figures to User Guide
The current document doesn't have an overview of VNF LCM operations,
e.g., Deployment, Scaling and Healing.  For example, the VNF scaling
creates/changes VMs with OpenStack Heat API and users have to confirm
results of an operation with `openstack stack` command, but the
relationship between OpenStack Tacker and OpenStack Heat is not
explicitly described.

For ease of understanding, added diagrams and brief explanation of the
LCM operations listed below.

- ETSI NFV-SOL VNF Deployment as VM with TOSCA
- ETSI NFV-SOL VNF Deployment as VM with LCM operation user data
- ETSI NFV-SOL CNF (Containerized VNF) Deployment

Change-Id: I3ddf9e5ec68c0e84ccc9df4fea9ee274562a3e88
2021-07-28 15:54:21 +09:00

29 KiB


This document describes how to heal VNF in Tacker.


The diagram below shows an overview of the VNF healing.

  1. Request heal VNF

    A user requests tacker-server to heal a VNF or all VNFs with tacker-client by requesting heal VNF.

  2. Call OpenStack Heat API

    Upon receiving a request from tacker-client, tacker-server redirects it to tacker-conductor. In tacker-conductor, the request is redirected again to an appropriate infra-driver (in this case OpenStack infra-driver) according to the contents of the instantiate parameters. Then, OpenStack infra-driver calls OpenStack Heat APIs.

  3. Re-create VMs

    OpenStack Heat re-creates VMs according to the API calls.


The following packages should be installed:

  • tacker
  • python-tackerclient

A default VIM should be registered according to ../cli/cli-legacy-vim.

The VNF Package(sample_vnf_pkg.zip) used below is prepared by referring to ./vnf-package.

Execute up to "Instantiate VNF" in the procedure of ./etsi_vnf_deployment_as_vm_with_tosca. In other words, the procedure after "Terminate VNF" is not executed.

Healing Target VNF Instance

Assuming that the following VNF instance exists, this instance will be healed.

$ openstack vnflcm show VNF_INSTANCE_ID


| Field                    | Value                                                                                     |
| ID                       | 9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9                                                      |
| Instantiated Vnf Info    | {                                                                                         |
|                          |     "flavourId": "simple",                                                                |
|                          |     "vnfState": "STARTED",                                                                |
|                          |     "extCpInfo": [                                                                        |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "241e6022-c9be-4ad6-b7a7-ecb32de20475",                                 |
|                          |             "cpdId": "CP1",                                                               |
|                          |             "extLinkPortId": null,                                                        |
|                          |             "associatedVnfcCpId": "b07ba349-1366-4d14-91e9-07842cdfa7ab",                 |
|                          |             "cpProtocolInfo": [                                                           |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET"                                   |
|                          |                 }                                                                         |
|                          |             ]                                                                             |
|                          |         }                                                                                 |
|                          |     ],                                                                                    |
|                          |     "extVirtualLinkInfo": [                                                               |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "net0",                                                                 |
|                          |             "resourceHandle": {                                                           |
|                          |                 "vimConnectionId": null,                                                  |
|                          |                 "resourceId": "1948231e-bbf0-4ff9-a692-40f8d6d5c90d",                     |
|                          |                 "vimLevelResourceType": null                                              |
|                          |             }                                                                             |
|                          |         }                                                                                 |
|                          |     ],                                                                                    |
|                          |     "vnfcResourceInfo": [                                                                 |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "b07ba349-1366-4d14-91e9-07842cdfa7ab",                                 |
|                          |             "vduId": "VDU1",                                                              |
|                          |             "computeResource": {                                                          |
|                          |                 "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",                |
|                          |                 "resourceId": "794b9460-d799-4398-98a4-413fb04d2051",                     |
|                          |                 "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Nova::Server"                                |
|                          |             },                                                                            |
|                          |             "storageResourceIds": [],                                                     |
|                          |             "vnfcCpInfo": [                                                               |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "id": "f7297196-a024-4a90-9393-aadeb7de1fb3",                         |
|                          |                     "cpdId": "CP1",                                                       |
|                          |                     "vnfExtCpId": null,                                                   |
|                          |                     "vnfLinkPortId": "cf733c70-8dc2-46b8-8d76-2ebd0bb5bd07",              |
|                          |                     "cpProtocolInfo": [                                                   |
|                          |                         {                                                                 |
|                          |                             "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET"                           |
|                          |                         }                                                                 |
|                          |                     ]                                                                     |
|                          |                 },                                                                        |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "id": "f3851831-ed25-4e73-b913-6725085c7484",                         |
|                          |                     "cpdId": "CP2",                                                       |
|                          |                     "vnfExtCpId": null,                                                   |
|                          |                     "vnfLinkPortId": "8cc28f47-ee72-420e-b4e8-26913d60bf55"               |
|                          |                 }                                                                         |
|                          |             ]                                                                             |
|                          |         },                                                                                |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "aae43bc1-a54e-46e8-9371-59c1ef5fc84d",                                 |
|                          |             "vduId": "VDU2",                                                              |
|                          |             "computeResource": {                                                          |
|                          |                 "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",                |
|                          |                 "resourceId": "20e10aed-16e9-4f7c-ad0c-1e885cc1200e",                     |
|                          |                 "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Nova::Server"                                |
|                          |             },                                                                            |
|                          |             "storageResourceIds": [                                                       |
|                          |                 "21703823-33b3-4f06-a52c-28b455146a4a"                                    |
|                          |             ],                                                                            |
|                          |             "vnfcCpInfo": [                                                               |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "id": "d0088ed3-1639-4f3b-a369-3baae7e86540",                         |
|                          |                     "cpdId": "CP3",                                                       |
|                          |                     "vnfExtCpId": null,                                                   |
|                          |                     "vnfLinkPortId": "d5fe9f7b-f50d-49dc-a3c8-ded2843005e4"               |
|                          |                 }                                                                         |
|                          |             ]                                                                             |
|                          |         }                                                                                 |
|                          |     ],                                                                                    |
|                          |     "vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo": [                                                       |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "45588051-a413-41a0-a55c-b31fb50fb351",                                 |
|                          |             "vnfVirtualLinkDescId": "internalVL2",                                        |
|                          |             "networkResource": {                                                          |
|                          |                 "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",                |
|                          |                 "resourceId": "f45802ae-7fff-4c6e-b62f-3d55baec4c6b",                     |
|                          |                 "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Neutron::Net"                                |
|                          |             },                                                                            |
|                          |             "vnfLinkPorts": [                                                             |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "id": "8cc28f47-ee72-420e-b4e8-26913d60bf55",                         |
|                          |                     "resourceHandle": {                                                   |
|                          |                         "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",        |
|                          |                         "resourceId": "e020ad8f-3f85-4d13-98c1-3ea476bf2d1a",             |
|                          |                         "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Neutron::Port"                       |
|                          |                     },                                                                    |
|                          |                     "cpInstanceId": "f3851831-ed25-4e73-b913-6725085c7484"                |
|                          |                 },                                                                        |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "id": "d5fe9f7b-f50d-49dc-a3c8-ded2843005e4",                         |
|                          |                     "resourceHandle": {                                                   |
|                          |                         "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",        |
|                          |                         "resourceId": "8f1588e5-4410-40eb-84ee-28336a6a0212",             |
|                          |                         "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Neutron::Port"                       |
|                          |                     },                                                                    |
|                          |                     "cpInstanceId": "d0088ed3-1639-4f3b-a369-3baae7e86540"                |
|                          |                 }                                                                         |
|                          |             ]                                                                             |
|                          |         },                                                                                |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "66f3fa97-4046-4fa4-b1ff-19295501021f",                                 |
|                          |             "vnfVirtualLinkDescId": "net0",                                               |
|                          |             "networkResource": {                                                          |
|                          |                 "vimConnectionId": null,                                                  |
|                          |                 "resourceId": "1948231e-bbf0-4ff9-a692-40f8d6d5c90d",                     |
|                          |                 "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Neutron::Net"                                |
|                          |             },                                                                            |
|                          |             "vnfLinkPorts": [                                                             |
|                          |                 {                                                                         |
|                          |                     "id": "cf733c70-8dc2-46b8-8d76-2ebd0bb5bd07",                         |
|                          |                     "resourceHandle": {                                                   |
|                          |                         "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",        |
|                          |                         "resourceId": "1db39a17-bbae-4074-8623-8a8026b51647",             |
|                          |                         "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Neutron::Port"                       |
|                          |                     },                                                                    |
|                          |                     "cpInstanceId": "f7297196-a024-4a90-9393-aadeb7de1fb3"                |
|                          |                 }                                                                         |
|                          |             ]                                                                             |
|                          |         }                                                                                 |
|                          |     ],                                                                                    |
|                          |     "virtualStorageResourceInfo": [                                                       |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "21703823-33b3-4f06-a52c-28b455146a4a",                                 |
|                          |             "virtualStorageDescId": "VirtualStorage",                                     |
|                          |             "storageResource": {                                                          |
|                          |                 "vimConnectionId": "13bef9df-7c54-4b37-9da0-1256953e7f60",                |
|                          |                 "resourceId": "c6231ea2-6a90-4ba4-b38b-778a5d7110ee",                     |
|                          |                 "vimLevelResourceType": "OS::Cinder::Volume"                              |
|                          |             }                                                                             |
|                          |         }                                                                                 |
|                          |     ],                                                                                    |
|                          |     "vnfcInfo": [                                                                         |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "4c999b33-3004-4b44-a826-49d07f5becb9",                                 |
|                          |             "vduId": "VDU1",                                                              |
|                          |             "vnfcState": "STARTED"                                                        |
|                          |         },                                                                                |
|                          |         {                                                                                 |
|                          |             "id": "d8f83af0-1b4d-4f57-b53c-fd028849be8f",                                 |
|                          |             "vduId": "VDU2",                                                              |
|                          |             "vnfcState": "STARTED"                                                        |
|                          |         }                                                                                 |
|                          |     ],                                                                                    |
|                          |     "additionalParams": {}                                                                |
|                          | }                                                                                         |
| Instantiation State      | INSTANTIATED                                                                              |
| Links                    | {                                                                                         |
|                          |     "self": {                                                                             |
|                          |         "href": "/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9"           |
|                          |     },                                                                                    |
|                          |     "terminate": {                                                                        |
|                          |         "href": "/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9/terminate" |
|                          |     },                                                                                    |
|                          |     "heal": {                                                                             |
|                          |         "href": "/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9/heal"      |
|                          |     }                                                                                     |
|                          | }                                                                                         |
| VIM Connection Info      | []                                                                                        |
| VNF Instance Description | None                                                                                      |
| VNF Instance Name        | vnf-9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9                                                  |
| VNF Product Name         | Sample VNF                                                                                |
| VNF Provider             | Company                                                                                   |
| VNF Software Version     | 1.0                                                                                       |
| VNFD ID                  | b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177                                                      |
| VNFD Version             | 1.0                                                                                       |
| vnfPkgId                 |                                                                                           |


The value set for 'VNF Instance Name' corresponds to 'Stack Name' managed by Heat. In this manual, it corresponds to vnf-9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9.

VNF Healing Procedure

As mentioned in Prerequisites and Healing target VNF instance, the VNF must be instantiated before healing.

Details of CLI commands are described in ../cli/cli-etsi-vnflcm.

There are two main methods for VNF healing.

  • Healing of the entire VNF
  • Healing specified with VNFC instances


A VNFC is a 'VNF Component', and one VNFC basically corresponds to one VDU in the VNF. For more information on VNFC, see NFV-SOL002 v2.6.1.

How to Heal of the Entire VNF

When healing of the entire VNF, the following APIs are executed from Tacker to Heat. See Heat API reference. for details on Heat APIs.

  • stack delete
  • stack create

Execute Heat CLI command and check 'ID' and 'Stack Status' of the stack before and after healing. This is to confirm that stack 'ID' has changed before and after healing, and that the re-creation has been completed successfully. See Heat CLI reference. for details on Heat CLI commands.

Stack information before healing:

$ openstack stack list -c 'ID' -c 'Stack Name' -c 'Stack Status'


| ID                                   | Stack Name                               | Stack Status    |
| 5322e9c4-b5ac-439e-8ed4-d0710816f318 | vnf-9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9 | CREATE_COMPLETE |

Healing execution of the entire VNF:

$ openstack vnflcm heal VNF_INSTANCE_ID


Heal request for VNF Instance 9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9 has been accepted.

Stack information after healing:

$ openstack stack list -c 'ID' -c 'Stack Name' -c 'Stack Status'


| ID                                   | Stack Name                               | Stack Status    |
| ad077101-b093-4785-9ca5-cc7c1379bb10 | vnf-9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9 | CREATE_COMPLETE |


'ID' has changed from the ID before healing. 'Stack Status' transitions to CREATE_COMPLETE.

How to Heal Specified with VNFC Instances

Extract the value of vnfcResourceInfo -> id from 'Instantiated Vnf Info' in Healing target VNF instance. This is the VNFC instance ID.

This manual shows an example of healing VDU1 as VNFC. In this manual, b07ba349-1366-4d14-91e9-07842cdfa7ab corresponds to the VNFC instance ID of VDU1.

When healing specified with VNFC instances, the following APIs are executed from Tacker to Heat. See Heat API reference. for details on Heat APIs.

  • stack resource mark unhealthy
  • stack update

Execute Heat CLI command and check physical_resource_id and resource_status of VDU1 before and after healing. This is to confirm that the resource ID of this VDU1 has changed before and after healing, and that the re-creation has been completed successfully. See Heat CLI reference. for details on Heat CLI commands.


Note that 'vnfc-instance-id' managed by Tacker and 'physical-resource-id' managed by Heat are different.

VDU1 information before healing:

$ openstack stack resource show HEAT_STACK_ID \
    VDU_NAME -c physical_resource_id -c resource_status


| Field                | Value                                |
| physical_resource_id | b3393a22-a064-43d0-b021-e8549a62b366 |
| resource_status      | CREATE_COMPLETE                      |

Healing execution of VDU1:

$ openstack vnflcm heal VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
                        --vnfc-instance VNFC_INSTANCE_ID


Heal request for VNF Instance 9e086f34-b3c9-4986-b5e5-609a5ac4c1f9 has been accepted.


It is possible to specify multiple VNFC instance IDs in '--vnfc-instance' option.

VDU1 information before healing:

$ openstack stack resource show HEAT_STACK_ID \
    VDU_NAME -c physical_resource_id -c resource_status


| Field                | Value                                |
| physical_resource_id | 794b9460-d799-4398-98a4-413fb04d2051 |
| resource_status      | CREATE_COMPLETE                      |


'physical_resource_id' has changed from the ID before healing. 'resource_status' transitions to CREATE_COMPLETE.