Fix case of taskflow in docs

Fix occurrences of the lowercase (or mixed case)
version of taskflow and rename those occurrences
to the cased version to be consistent with usage
elsewhere in the docs.

Change-Id: I31f552daa015724b443b099c2fcfe38d8e04605a
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Harlow 2014-05-24 15:54:20 -07:00
parent 153ed87d28
commit df5b1621a1
7 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Atom Arguments and Results
.. |retry.execute| replace:: :py:meth:`~taskflow.retry.Retry.execute` .. |retry.execute| replace:: :py:meth:`~taskflow.retry.Retry.execute`
.. |retry.revert| replace:: :py:meth:`~taskflow.retry.Retry.revert` .. |retry.revert| replace:: :py:meth:`~taskflow.retry.Retry.revert`
In taskflow, all flow and task state goes to (potentially persistent) storage. In TaskFlow, all flow and task state goes to (potentially persistent) storage.
That includes all the information that :doc:`atoms <atoms>` (e.g. tasks) in the That includes all the information that :doc:`atoms <atoms>` (e.g. tasks) in the
flow need when they are executed, and all the information task produces (via flow need when they are executed, and all the information task produces (via
serializable task results). A developer who implements tasks or flows can serializable task results). A developer who implements tasks or flows can

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Atoms, Tasks and Retries
Atom Atom
==== ====
An :py:class:`atom <taskflow.atom.Atom>` is the smallest unit in taskflow which An :py:class:`atom <taskflow.atom.Atom>` is the smallest unit in TaskFlow which
acts as the base for other classes (its naming was inspired from the acts as the base for other classes (its naming was inspired from the
similarities between this type and `atoms`_ in the physical world). Atoms similarities between this type and `atoms`_ in the physical world). Atoms
have a name and may have a version. An atom is expected to name desired input have a name and may have a version. An atom is expected to name desired input

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Jobs
Overview Overview
======== ========
Jobs and jobboards are a **novel** concept that taskflow provides to allow for Jobs and jobboards are a **novel** concept that TaskFlow provides to allow for
automatic ownership transfer of workflows between capable owners (those owners automatic ownership transfer of workflows between capable owners (those owners
usually then use :doc:`engines <engines>` to complete the workflow). They usually then use :doc:`engines <engines>` to complete the workflow). They
provide the necessary semantics to be able to atomically transfer a job from a provide the necessary semantics to be able to atomically transfer a job from a

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class that is attached
to :py:class:`engine <taskflow.engines.base.EngineBase>` to :py:class:`engine <taskflow.engines.base.EngineBase>`
attributes ``task_notifier`` and ``notifier``. attributes ``task_notifier`` and ``notifier``.
Taskflow also comes with a set of predefined :ref:`listeners <listeners>`, and TaskFlow also comes with a set of predefined :ref:`listeners <listeners>`, and
provides means to write your own listeners, which can be more convenient than provides means to write your own listeners, which can be more convenient than
using raw callbacks. using raw callbacks.

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Overview
In order to be able to receive inputs and create outputs from atoms (or other In order to be able to receive inputs and create outputs from atoms (or other
engine processes) in a fault-tolerant way, there is a need to be able to place engine processes) in a fault-tolerant way, there is a need to be able to place
what atoms output in some kind of location where it can be re-used by other what atoms output in some kind of location where it can be re-used by other
atoms (or used for other purposes). To accommodate this type of usage taskflow atoms (or used for other purposes). To accommodate this type of usage TaskFlow
provides an abstraction (provided by pluggable `stevedore`_ backends) that is provides an abstraction (provided by pluggable `stevedore`_ backends) that is
similar in concept to a running programs *memory*. similar in concept to a running programs *memory*.

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ atoms we need to create a model and corresponding information that allows us to
persist the *right* amount of information to preserve, resume, and rollback a persist the *right* amount of information to preserve, resume, and rollback a
flow on software or hardware failure. flow on software or hardware failure.
To allow for resumption taskflow must be able to re-create the flow and To allow for resumption TaskFlow must be able to re-create the flow and
re-connect the links between atom (and between atoms->atom details and so on) re-connect the links between atom (and between atoms->atom details and so on)
in order to revert those atoms or resume those atoms in the correct ordering. in order to revert those atoms or resume those atoms in the correct ordering.
Taskflow provides a pattern that can help in automating this process (it does TaskFlow provides a pattern that can help in automating this process (it does
**not** prohibit the user from creating their own strategies for doing this). **not** prohibit the user from creating their own strategies for doing this).
Factories Factories
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ some kind of upgrade or to fix a bug in a prior atoms code).
factory should replace this name where it was being used previously. factory should replace this name where it was being used previously.
**Runtime change:** This will fall under the same runtime adjustments that **Runtime change:** This will fall under the same runtime adjustments that
exist when a new atom is added. In the future taskflow could make this easier exist when a new atom is added. In the future TaskFlow could make this easier
by providing a ``upgrade()`` function that can be used to give users the by providing a ``upgrade()`` function that can be used to give users the
ability to upgrade atoms before running (manual introspection & modification of ability to upgrade atoms before running (manual introspection & modification of
a :py:class:`~taskflow.persistence.logbook.LogBook` can be done before engine a :py:class:`~taskflow.persistence.logbook.LogBook` can be done before engine
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ decides that N atoms should be merged in <N atoms (typically occurring during
refactoring). refactoring).
**Runtime change:** This will fall under the same runtime adjustments that **Runtime change:** This will fall under the same runtime adjustments that
exist when a new atom is added or removed. In the future taskflow could make exist when a new atom is added or removed. In the future TaskFlow could make
this easier by providing a ``migrate()`` function that can be used to give this easier by providing a ``migrate()`` function that can be used to give
users the ability to migrate atoms previous data before running (manual users the ability to migrate atoms previous data before running (manual
introspection & modification of a introspection & modification of a

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Utils Utils
----- -----
There are various helper utils that are part of taskflows internal usage (and There are various helper utils that are part of TaskFlows internal usage (and
external/public usage of these helpers should be kept to a minimum as these external/public usage of these helpers should be kept to a minimum as these
utility functions may be altered more often in the future). utility functions may be altered more often in the future).