Doug Hellmann 1229eb2e8e rearrange existing documentation into the new standard layout
Change-Id: Ic53baaa62771fda6de3b3dfe861909365103d1a9
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
2017-07-08 14:18:58 -04:00

8.4 KiB

Atoms, tasks and retries


An :pyatom <taskflow.atom.Atom> is the smallest unit in TaskFlow which acts as the base for other classes (its naming was inspired from the similarities between this type and atoms in the physical world). Atoms have a name and may have a version. An atom is expected to name desired input values (requirements) and name outputs (provided values).


For more details about atom inputs and outputs please visit arguments and results <arguments_and_results>.



A :pytask <taskflow.task.Task> (derived from an atom) is a unit of work that can have an execute & rollback sequence associated with it (they are nearly analogous to functions). Your task objects should all derive from :py~taskflow.task.Task which defines what a task must provide in terms of properties and methods.

For example:

Task outline.

Currently the following provided types of task subclasses are:

  • :py~taskflow.task.Task: useful for inheriting from and creating your own subclasses.
  • :py~taskflow.task.FunctorTask: useful for wrapping existing functions into task objects.


:py~taskflow.task.FunctorTask task types can not currently be used with the worker based engine <workers> due to the fact that arbitrary functions can not be guaranteed to be correctly located (especially if they are lambda or anonymous functions) on the worker nodes.


A :pyretry <taskflow.retry.Retry> (derived from an atom) is a special unit of work that handles errors, controls flow execution and can (for example) retry other atoms with other parameters if needed. When an associated atom fails, these retry units are consulted to determine what the resolution strategy should be. The goal is that with this consultation the retry atom will suggest a strategy for getting around the failure (perhaps by retrying, reverting a single atom, or reverting everything contained in the retries associated scope).

Currently derivatives of the :pyretry <taskflow.retry.Retry> base class must provide a :py~taskflow.retry.Retry.on_failure method to determine how a failure should be handled. The current enumeration(s) that can be returned from the :py~taskflow.retry.Retry.on_failure method are defined in an enumeration class described here:


To aid in the reconciliation process the :pyretry <taskflow.retry.Retry> base class also mandates :py~taskflow.retry.Retry.execute and :py~taskflow.retry.Retry.revert methods (although subclasses are allowed to define these methods as no-ops) that can be used by a retry atom to interact with the runtime execution model (for example, to track the number of times it has been called which is useful for the :py~taskflow.retry.ForEach retry subclass).

To avoid recreating common retry patterns the following provided retry subclasses are provided:

  • :py~taskflow.retry.AlwaysRevert: Always reverts subflow.
  • :py~taskflow.retry.AlwaysRevertAll: Always reverts the whole flow.
  • :py~taskflow.retry.Times: Retries subflow given number of times.
  • :py~taskflow.retry.ForEach: Allows for providing different values to subflow atoms each time a failure occurs (making it possibly to resolve the failure by altering subflow atoms inputs).
  • :py~taskflow.retry.ParameterizedForEach: Same as :py~taskflow.retry.ForEach but extracts values from storage instead of the :py~taskflow.retry.ForEach constructor.


They are similar to exception handlers but are made to be more capable due to their ability to dynamically choose a reconciliation strategy, which allows for these atoms to influence subsequent execution(s) and the inputs any associated atoms require.

Area of influence

Each retry atom is associated with a flow and it can influence how the atoms (or nested flows) contained in that flow retry or revert (using the previously mentioned patterns and decision enumerations):

For example:

Retry area of influence

In this diagram retry controller (1) will be consulted if task A, B or C fail and retry controller (2) decides to delegate its retry decision to retry controller (1). If retry controller (2) does not decide to delegate its retry decision to retry controller (1) then retry controller (1) will be oblivious of any decisions. If any of task 1, 2 or 3 fail then only retry controller (1) will be consulted to determine the strategy/pattern to apply to resolve there associated failure.

Usage examples

import taskflow from taskflow import task from taskflow import retry from taskflow.patterns import linear_flow from taskflow import engines

>>> class EchoTask(task.Task): ... def execute(self, args,*kwargs): ... print(self.name) ... print(args) ... print(kwargs) ... >>> flow = linear_flow.Flow('f1').add( ... EchoTask('t1'), ... linear_flow.Flow('f2', retry=retry.ForEach(values=['a', 'b', 'c'], name='r1', provides='value')).add( ... EchoTask('t2'), ... EchoTask('t3', requires='value')), ... EchoTask('t4'))

In this example the flow f2 has a retry controller r1, that is an instance of the default retry controller :py~taskflow.retry.ForEach, it accepts a collection of values and iterates over this collection when each failure occurs. On each run :py~taskflow.retry.ForEach retry returns the next value from the collection and stops retrying a subflow if there are no more values left in the collection. For example if tasks t2 or t3 fail, then the flow f2 will be reverted and retry r1 will retry it with the next value from the given collection ['a', 'b', 'c']. But if the task t1 or the task t4 fails, r1 won't retry a flow, because tasks t1 and t4 are in the flow f1 and don't depend on retry r1 (so they will not consult r1 on failure).

>>> class SendMessage(task.Task): ... def execute(self, message): ... print("Sending message: %s" % message) ... >>> flow = linear_flow.Flow('send_message', retry=retry.Times(5)).add( ... SendMessage('sender'))

In this example the send_message flow will try to execute the SendMessage five times when it fails. When it fails for the sixth time (if it does) the task will be asked to REVERT (in this example task reverting does not cause anything to happen but in other use cases it could).

>>> class ConnectToServer(task.Task): ... def execute(self, ip): ... print("Connecting to %s" % ip) ... >>> server_ips = ['', '', '' ] >>> flow = linear_flow.Flow('send_message', ... retry=retry.ParameterizedForEach(rebind={'values': 'server_ips'}, ... provides='ip')).add( ... ConnectToServer(requires=['ip']))

In this example the flow tries to connect a server using a list (a tuple can also be used) of possible IP addresses. Each time the retry will return one IP from the list. In case of a failure it will return the next one until it reaches the last one, then the flow will be reverted.











taskflow.atom taskflow.task taskflow.retry.Retry taskflow.retry.AlwaysRevert taskflow.retry.AlwaysRevertAll taskflow.retry.Times taskflow.retry.ForEach taskflow.retry.ParameterizedForEach