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Metering Network Services - Firewall as a Service
Problem description
Ceilometer currently has no support for metering Firewall as a Service.
Cloud providers/Operators have the need to monitor and meter various aspects
of the Network Services. This spec deals with metering Firewall as a
Proposed change
The measurements needed for metering FWaas are categorized into two, provider
and service level. Following are the measurements targeted to be included in
* Provider level metrics:
* Type of Firewall (iptables, CSR virtual firewall etc..)
- depends on flavor framework in neutron(See Dependencies)
* Service level metrics:
* Firewall Rule/Policy existence
* Number of Connections
- Needs changes to Neutron FWaaS(See Dependencies)
* Bandwidth
- Needs changes to neutron FWaaS(See Dependencies)
* Metric Definitions:
====================================== ===== =========== ======
Name Type Unit Origin
====================================== ===== =========== ======
network.services.fw g firewall p
network.services.fw.policy g policy p
network.services.fw.type g firewall p
network.services.fw.total.connections g connections p
network.services.fw.active.connections g connections p
network.services.fw.incoming.bytes c B p
network.services.fw.outgoing.bytes c B p
====================================== ===== =========== ======
g = gauge, c = cumulative, p = pollster
* Status is captured in an enum-style value in the sample volume, as opposed to
the resource metadata, for each firewall.
The resources associated with these metrics are captured as part of resource discovery.
Neutron exposes apis to capture this data which are invoke via pollsters from the
ceilometer side. The notifications on neutron services side are a bit slim. As we
add these notification messages to the neutron side, we will enhance the ceilometer
side to capture these events through notification handlers.
For reference implemenation on neutron side, there will be an api call to retrieve
stats such as connections and bandwidth.The backend implementation will be based on
iptables. Iptables provides us a way to gather average hit counts to provide these
stats. Other vendor based implementation can do the same.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Security impact
Pipeline impact
New sources need to be included in pipeline.yaml for each group of pollsters that share a
discovery extension. An example below::
- name: fw_source
interval: 600
- "network.services.fw"
- "firewall"
- network_services_sink
Similarly, we will have sources for firewall policy, hit counts and bandwidth.
Other end user impact
The end user should be able to interact via the existing API and CLI.
* It would be good to expose these metrics on horizon dashboard, but
that is outside the scope of this spec.
Performance/Scalability Impacts
This change should not have any major impact on performance/Scalability.
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
This feature should have minimal impact on developers for ongoing maintenance
Primary assignee:
* pkilambi
Other contributors:
* None
Ongoing maintainer:
* pkilambi
Work Items
* Add neutron client APIs to query FWaaS calls in neutron_client.py
* Add new Pollsters and notification handlers
* Add Unit/Integration test coverage
* Update measurement docs
Future lifecycle
New measurements around FWaaS and other network services will be part of the
network pollsters and notifications. So ongoing maintenance will be handled
by the Ceilometer team, myself included.
* Flavor Framework in Neutron to determine the type of firewall.
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/neutron-flavor-framework
* Need statistics calls for hit counts on neutron FWaaS side to support
connections and bandwidth.
Unit and integration Tests will be added to cover the necessary neutron_client
calls, pollsters and notifications.
Documentation Impact
The Measurement docs need to be updated to reflect the new meters captured
from FWaaS API and notifications.
* https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/juno-summit-metering-network-services