Fix tempest and available modules

tempest_modules and available_modules define stable interfaces, so
they should be implemented so that they can be kept backward
compatible after the move to tempest.lib.

To achieve that, define an internal _tempest_internal_modules, which
holds the list of service modules not migrated to tempest.lib yet.
Tempest service clients module will add incremenetally to
tempest_modules (and thus available_modules), without changing the
meaning of those two sets.

Once all clients are migrated, _tempest_internal_modules will be
dropped silently.

Align the docstring to refer to "set" rather than "list".

Partially-implements: bp client-manager-refactor
Change-Id: I921ad863bce4b4680bd8ebb2887e34cb643621da
This commit is contained in:
Andrea Frittoli (andreaf) 2016-08-05 07:27:02 +01:00
parent 0184c57542
commit 40c9d6b8b0
3 changed files with 42 additions and 32 deletions

@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ class Manager(service_clients.ServiceClients):
# Setup the parameters for all Tempest services.
# NOTE(andreaf) Since is an internal module of Tempest,
# it doesn't have to consider plugin configuration.
for service in service_clients.tempest_modules():
all_tempest_modules = (set(service_clients.tempest_modules()) |
for service in all_tempest_modules:
# NOTE(andreaf) Use the unversioned service name to fetch
# the configuration since configuration is not versioned.

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import copy
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import six
from tempest.lib import auth
from tempest.lib import exceptions
@ -28,28 +29,36 @@ from import network
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
client_modules_by_service_name = {
'compute': compute,
'image.v1': image.v1,
'image.v2': image.v2,
'network': network
def tempest_modules():
"""List of service client modules available in Tempest.
"""Dict of service client modules available in Tempest.
Provides a list of service modules available Tempest.
Provides a dict of stable service modules available in Tempest, with
``service_version`` as key, and the module object as value.
return set(['compute', 'identity.v2', 'identity.v3', 'image.v1',
'image.v2', 'network', 'object-storage', 'volume.v1',
return {
'compute': compute,
'image.v1': image.v1,
'image.v2': image.v2,
'network': network
def _tempest_internal_modules():
# Set of unstable service clients available in Tempest
# NOTE(andreaf) This list will exists only as long the remain clients
# are migrated to tempest.lib, and it will then be deleted without
# deprecation or advance notice
return set(['identity.v2', 'identity.v3', 'object-storage', 'volume.v1',
'volume.v2', 'volume.v3'])
def available_modules():
"""List of service client modules available in Tempest and plugins
"""Set of service client modules available in Tempest and plugins
The list of available modules can be used for automatic configuration.
Set of stable service clients from Tempest and service clients exposed
by plugins. This set of available modules can be used for automatic
:raise PluginRegistrationException: if a plugin exposes a service_version
already defined by Tempest or another plugin.
@ -65,6 +74,7 @@ def available_modules():
>>> client_parameters=params)
extra_service_versions = set([])
_tempest_modules = set(tempest_modules())
plugin_services = clients.ClientsRegistry().get_service_clients()
for plugin_name in plugin_services:
plug_service_versions = set([x['service_version'] for x in
@ -79,16 +89,16 @@ def available_modules():
raise exceptions.PluginRegistrationException(
name=plugin_name, detailed_error=detailed_error)
if not plug_service_versions.isdisjoint(tempest_modules()):
if not plug_service_versions.isdisjoint(_tempest_modules):
detailed_error = (
'Plugin %s is trying to register a service %s already '
'claimed by a Tempest one' % (plugin_name,
tempest_modules() &
_tempest_modules &
raise exceptions.PluginRegistrationException(
name=plugin_name, detailed_error=detailed_error)
extra_service_versions |= plug_service_versions
return tempest_modules() | extra_service_versions
return _tempest_modules | extra_service_versions
class ClientsFactory(object):
@ -310,8 +320,9 @@ class ServiceClients(object):
client_parameters = client_parameters or {}
self.parameters = {}
# Parameters are provided for unversioned services
all_modules = available_modules() | _tempest_internal_modules()
unversioned_services = set(
[x.split('.')[0] for x in available_modules()])
[x.split('.')[0] for x in all_modules])
for service in unversioned_services:
self.parameters[service] = self._setup_parameters(
client_parameters.pop(service, {}))
@ -321,14 +332,12 @@ class ServiceClients(object):
# Register service clients owned by tempest
for service in tempest_modules():
if service in list(client_modules_by_service_name):
attribute = service.replace('.', '_')
configs = service.split('.')[0]
module = client_modules_by_service_name[service]
attribute, service, module.__name__,
module.__all__, **self.parameters[configs])
for service, module in six.iteritems(tempest_modules()):
attribute = service.replace('.', '_')
configs = service.split('.')[0]
attribute, service, module.__name__,
module.__all__, **self.parameters[configs])
# Register service clients from plugins
clients_registry = clients.ClientsRegistry()
@ -403,10 +412,7 @@ class ServiceClients(object):
def registered_services(self):
# TODO(andreaf) Temporary set needed until all services are migrated
_non_migrated_services = tempest_modules() - set(
return self._registered_services | _non_migrated_services
return self._registered_services | _tempest_internal_modules()
def _setup_parameters(self, parameters):
"""Setup default values for client parameters

@ -188,8 +188,10 @@ class TestServiceClients(base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestServiceClients, self).setUp()
return_value=set(['fake_service1', 'fake_service2'])))
'tempest.service_clients.tempest_modules', return_value={}))
def test___init___creds_v2_uri(self):
# Verify that no API request is made, since no mock