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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
import six
import testtools
from tempest.api.compute import base
from tempest.common import image as common_image
from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest import exceptions
from tempest import test
CONF = config.CONF
class ListImageFiltersTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
def skip_checks(cls):
super(ListImageFiltersTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
if not CONF.service_available.glance:
skip_msg = ("%s skipped as glance is not available" % cls.__name__)
raise cls.skipException(skip_msg)
def setup_clients(cls):
super(ListImageFiltersTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
cls.client = cls.compute_images_client
# Check if glance v1 is available to determine which client to use. We
# prefer glance v1 for the compute API tests since the compute image
# API proxy was written for glance v1.
if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v1:
cls.glance_client = cls.os.image_client
elif CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v2:
cls.glance_client = cls.os.image_client_v2
raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration(
'Either api_v1 or api_v2 must be True in '
def resource_setup(cls):
super(ListImageFiltersTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
def _create_image():
params = {
'name': data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + '-image'),
'container_format': 'bare',
'disk_format': 'raw'
if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v1:
params.update({'is_public': False})
params = {'headers':
params.update({'visibility': 'private'})
body = cls.glance_client.create_image(**params)
body = body['image'] if 'image' in body else body
image_id = body['id']
# Wait 1 second between creation and upload to ensure a delta
# between created_at and updated_at.
image_file = six.BytesIO((b'*' * 1024))
if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v1:
cls.glance_client.update_image(image_id, data=image_file)
cls.glance_client.store_image_file(image_id, data=image_file)
waiters.wait_for_image_status(cls.client, image_id, 'ACTIVE')
body = cls.client.show_image(image_id)['image']
return body
# Create non-snapshot images via glance
cls.image1 = _create_image()
cls.image1_id = cls.image1['id']
cls.image2 = _create_image()
cls.image2_id = cls.image2['id']
cls.image3 = _create_image()
cls.image3_id = cls.image3['id']
if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.snapshot:
# Create instances and snapshots via nova
cls.server1 = cls.create_test_server()
cls.server2 = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
# NOTE(sdague) this is faster than doing the sync wait_util on both
cls.server1['id'], 'ACTIVE')
# Create images to be used in the filter tests
cls.snapshot1 = cls.create_image_from_server(
cls.server1['id'], wait_until='ACTIVE')
cls.snapshot1_id = cls.snapshot1['id']
# Servers have a hidden property for when they are being imaged
# Performing back-to-back create image calls on a single
# server will sometimes cause failures
cls.snapshot3 = cls.create_image_from_server(
cls.server2['id'], wait_until='ACTIVE')
cls.snapshot3_id = cls.snapshot3['id']
# Wait for the server to be active after the image upload
cls.snapshot2 = cls.create_image_from_server(
cls.server1['id'], wait_until='ACTIVE')
cls.snapshot2_id = cls.snapshot2['id']
def test_list_images_filter_by_status(self):
# The list of images should contain only images with the
# provided status
params = {'status': 'ACTIVE'}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image1_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image2_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image3_id]))
def test_list_images_filter_by_name(self):
# List of all images should contain the expected images filtered
# by name
params = {'name': self.image1['name']}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image1_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image2_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image3_id]))
'Snapshotting is not available.')
def test_list_images_filter_by_server_id(self):
# The images should contain images filtered by server id
params = {'server': self.server1['id']}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot1_id]),
"Failed to find image %s in images. Got images %s" %
(self.image1_id, images))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot2_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot3_id]))
'Snapshotting is not available.')
def test_list_images_filter_by_server_ref(self):
# The list of servers should be filtered by server ref
server_links = self.server2['links']
# Try all server link types
for link in server_links:
params = {'server': link['href']}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot1_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot2_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot3_id]))
'Snapshotting is not available.')
def test_list_images_filter_by_type(self):
# The list of servers should be filtered by image type
params = {'type': 'snapshot'}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot1_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot2_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot3_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.image_ref]))
def test_list_images_limit_results(self):
# Verify only the expected number of results are returned
params = {'limit': '1'}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
self.assertEqual(1, len([x for x in images if 'id' in x]))
def test_list_images_filter_by_changes_since(self):
# Verify only updated images are returned in the detailed list
# Becoming ACTIVE will modify the updated time
# Filter by the image's created time
params = {'changes-since': self.image3['created']}
images = self.client.list_images(**params)['images']
found = any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image3_id])
def test_list_images_with_detail_filter_by_status(self):
# Detailed list of all images should only contain images
# with the provided status
params = {'status': 'ACTIVE'}
images = self.client.list_images(detail=True, **params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image1_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image2_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image3_id]))
def test_list_images_with_detail_filter_by_name(self):
# Detailed list of all images should contain the expected
# images filtered by name
params = {'name': self.image1['name']}
images = self.client.list_images(detail=True, **params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image1_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image2_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image3_id]))
def test_list_images_with_detail_limit_results(self):
# Verify only the expected number of results (with full details)
# are returned
params = {'limit': '1'}
images = self.client.list_images(detail=True, **params)['images']
self.assertEqual(1, len(images))
'Snapshotting is not available.')
def test_list_images_with_detail_filter_by_server_ref(self):
# Detailed list of servers should be filtered by server ref
server_links = self.server2['links']
# Try all server link types
for link in server_links:
params = {'server': link['href']}
images = self.client.list_images(detail=True, **params)['images']
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot1_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot2_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot3_id]))
'Snapshotting is not available.')
def test_list_images_with_detail_filter_by_type(self):
# The detailed list of servers should be filtered by image type
params = {'type': 'snapshot'}
images = self.client.list_images(detail=True, **params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot1_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot2_id]))
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.snapshot3_id]))
self.assertFalse(any([i for i in images
if i['id'] == self.image_ref]))
def test_list_images_with_detail_filter_by_changes_since(self):
# Verify an update image is returned
# Becoming ACTIVE will modify the updated time
# Filter by the image's created time
params = {'changes-since': self.image1['created']}
images = self.client.list_images(detail=True, **params)['images']
self.assertTrue(any([i for i in images if i['id'] == self.image1_id]))