Following stestr's example where arguments such as --blacklist-file, --black-regex and --whitelist-file are deprecated since its 3.1.0 release, let's do the change here as well in order to get tempest consumers some time for the transition. This change deprecates the following arguments and replaces them by new ones which are functionally equivavelnt: * --black-regex is replaced by --exclude-regex * --blacklist-file is replaced by --exclude-list * --whitelist-file is replaced by --include-list For now, Tempest will accept both (new and old) arguments to make the transition smoother for all consumers. The patch also bumps min version of tox to 3.18.0 in order to replace tox's whitelist_externals by allowlist_externals option: https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/blob/master/docs/changelog.rst#v3180-2020-07-23 Change-Id: I3e09b31f63d2cd7ea41c48e62432bd3bc54fcf44
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This script is intended to check the sanity of tempest plugins against
# tempest master.
# What it does:
# * Retrieve the project lists having tempest plugin if project name is
# given.
# * For each project in a list, it does:
# * Create virtualenv and install tempest in it
# * Clone the Project
# * Install the Project and also installs dependencies from
# test-requirements.txt.
# * Create Tempest workspace
# * List tempest plugins
# * List tempest plugins tests
# * Delete virtualenv and project repo
# If one of the step fails, The script will exit with failure.
if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
echo -e "This script performs the sanity of tempest plugins to find
configuration and dependency issues with the tempest.\n
Usage: sh ./tools/tempest-plugin-sanity.sh [Run sanity on tempest plugins]"
exit 0
set -ex
# retrieve a list of projects having tempest plugins
PROJECT_LIST="$(python tools/generate-tempest-plugins-list.py)"
NON_ACTIVE_LIST="$(python tools/generate-tempest-plugins-list.py nonactivelist)"
# Function to clone project using zuul-cloner or from git
function clone_project {
if [ -e /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner ]; then
/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner --cache-dir /opt/git \
https://opendev.org \
elif [ -e /usr/bin/git ]; then
/usr/bin/git clone https://opendev.org/"$1" \
: ${TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:="https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/master"}
# function to create virtualenv to perform sanity operation
function prepare_workspace {
python3 -m venv "$SANITY_DIR"/.venv
export TVENV="$SANITY_DIR/tools/with_venv.sh"
# Install tempest with test dependencies in a venv
"$TVENV" pip install -e . -r test-requirements.txt
# Function to install project
function install_project {
"$TVENV" pip install $DEPS "$SANITY_DIR"/"$1"
# Check for test-requirements.txt file in a project then install it.
if [ -e "$SANITY_DIR"/"$1"/test-requirements.txt ]; then
"$TVENV" pip install $DEPS -r "$SANITY_DIR"/"$1"/test-requirements.txt
# Function to perform sanity checking on Tempest plugin
function tempest_sanity {
"$TVENV" tempest init "$SANITY_DIR"/tempest_sanity && \
cd "$SANITY_DIR"/tempest_sanity && \
"$TVENV" tempest list-plugins && \
"$TVENV" tempest run -l
# Delete tempest workspace
# NOTE: Cleaning should be done even if an error occurs.
"$TVENV" tempest workspace remove --name tempest_sanity --rmdir
# Remove the sanity workspace in case of remaining
rm -fr "$SANITY_DIR"/tempest_sanity
# Remove the project directory after sanity run
rm -fr "$SANITY_DIR"/"$1"
return $retval
# Function to run sanity check on each project
function plugin_sanity_check {
prepare_workspace && \
clone_project "$1" && \
install_project "$1" && \
tempest_sanity "$1"
return $?
# Log status
# Perform sanity on all tempest plugin projects
for project in $PROJECT_LIST; do
# Remove non-active tempest plugins
if ! [[ `echo $NON_ACTIVE_LIST | grep -c $project ` -gt 0 ]]; then
plugin_sanity_check $project && passed_plugin+=", $project" || \
failed_plugin+="$project, " > $SANITY_DIR/$project.txt
echo "Passed Plugins: $passed_plugin"
echo "Failed Plugins: $failed_plugin"
# Check for failed status
if [[ -n $failed_plugin ]]; then
exit 1