Matthew Treinish 4217a703c9
Move InvalidConfiguration exception to tempest.lib
This commit migrates the InvalidConfiguartion exception from tempest's
exceptions into the list of tempest lib exceptions. While tempest lib
itself does not have any configuration, it is very possible that
external test suites would also like a way to raise an exception when
part of the configuration is invalid. This is also needed as part of
the migration of the dynamic credentials provider to tempest lib.

Change-Id: I9ec697c61cfb1f5750d82ae790c607029bfed3ca
2016-10-13 11:16:12 -04:00

369 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import hashlib
import os
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
import yaml
from tempest import clients
from tempest.common import fixed_network
from tempest import exceptions
from tempest.lib import auth
from tempest.lib.common import cred_provider
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def read_accounts_yaml(path):
with open(path, 'r') as yaml_file:
accounts = yaml.load(yaml_file)
except IOError:
raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(
'The path for the test accounts file: %s '
'could not be found' % path)
return accounts
class PreProvisionedCredentialProvider(cred_provider.CredentialProvider):
# Exclude from the hash fields specific to v2 or v3 identity API
# i.e. only include user*, project*, tenant* and password
HASH_CRED_FIELDS = (set(auth.KeystoneV2Credentials.ATTRIBUTES) &
def __init__(self, identity_version, test_accounts_file,
accounts_lock_dir, name=None, credentials_domain=None,
admin_role=None, object_storage_operator_role=None,
"""Credentials provider using pre-provisioned accounts
This credentials provider loads the details of pre-provisioned
accounts from a YAML file, in the format specified by
`etc/accounts.yaml.sample`. It locks accounts while in use, using the
external locking mechanism, allowing for multiple python processes
to share a single account file, and thus running tests in parallel.
The accounts_lock_dir must be generated using `lockutils.get_lock_path`
from the oslo.concurrency library. For instance:
accounts_lock_dir = os.path.join(lockutils.get_lock_path(CONF),
Role names for object storage are optional as long as the
`operator` and `reseller_admin` credential types are not used in the
accounts file.
:param identity_version: identity version of the credentials
:param admin_role: name of the admin role
:param test_accounts_file: path to the accounts YAML file
:param accounts_lock_dir: the directory for external locking
:param name: name of the hash file (optional)
:param credentials_domain: name of the domain credentials belong to
(if no domain is configured)
:param object_storage_operator_role: name of the role
:param object_storage_reseller_admin_role: name of the role
super(PreProvisionedCredentialProvider, self).__init__(
identity_version=identity_version, name=name,
admin_role=admin_role, credentials_domain=credentials_domain)
self.test_accounts_file = test_accounts_file
if test_accounts_file:
accounts = read_accounts_yaml(self.test_accounts_file)
raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials("No accounts file specified")
self.hash_dict = self.get_hash_dict(
accounts, admin_role, object_storage_operator_role,
self.accounts_dir = accounts_lock_dir
self._creds = {}
def _append_role(cls, role, account_hash, hash_dict):
if role in hash_dict['roles']:
hash_dict['roles'][role] = [account_hash]
return hash_dict
def get_hash_dict(cls, accounts, admin_role,
hash_dict = {'roles': {}, 'creds': {}, 'networks': {}}
# Loop over the accounts read from the yaml file
for account in accounts:
roles = []
types = []
resources = []
if 'roles' in account:
roles = account.pop('roles')
if 'types' in account:
types = account.pop('types')
if 'resources' in account:
resources = account.pop('resources')
temp_hash = hashlib.md5()
account_for_hash = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(account)
if k in cls.HASH_CRED_FIELDS)
temp_hash_key = temp_hash.hexdigest()
hash_dict['creds'][temp_hash_key] = account
for role in roles:
hash_dict = cls._append_role(role, temp_hash_key,
# If types are set for the account append the matching role
# subdict with the hash
for type in types:
if type == 'admin':
hash_dict = cls._append_role(admin_role, temp_hash_key,
elif type == 'operator':
if object_storage_operator_role:
hash_dict = cls._append_role(
object_storage_operator_role, temp_hash_key,
msg = ("Type 'operator' configured, but no "
"object_storage_operator_role specified")
raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials(msg)
elif type == 'reseller_admin':
if object_storage_reseller_admin_role:
hash_dict = cls._append_role(
msg = ("Type 'reseller_admin' configured, but no "
"object_storage_reseller_admin_role specified")
raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials(msg)
# Populate the network subdict
for resource in resources:
if resource == 'network':
hash_dict['networks'][temp_hash_key] = resources[resource]
LOG.warning('Unknown resource type %s, ignoring this field'
% resource)
return hash_dict
def is_multi_user(self):
return len(self.hash_dict['creds']) > 1
def is_multi_tenant(self):
return self.is_multi_user()
def _create_hash_file(self, hash_string):
path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.accounts_dir, hash_string))
if not os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path, 'w') as fd:
return True
return False
@lockutils.synchronized('test_accounts_io', external=True)
def _get_free_hash(self, hashes):
# Cast as a list because in some edge cases a set will be passed in
hashes = list(hashes)
if not os.path.isdir(self.accounts_dir):
# Create File from first hash (since none are in use)
return hashes[0]
names = []
for _hash in hashes:
res = self._create_hash_file(_hash)
if res:
return _hash
path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.accounts_dir,
with open(path, 'r') as fd:
msg = ('Insufficient number of users provided. %s have allocated all '
'the credentials for this allocation request' % ','.join(names))
raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials(msg)
def _get_match_hash_list(self, roles=None):
hashes = []
if roles:
# Loop over all the creds for each role in the subdict and generate
# a list of cred lists for each role
for role in roles:
temp_hashes = self.hash_dict['roles'].get(role, None)
if not temp_hashes:
raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials(
"No credentials with role: %s specified in the "
"accounts ""file" % role)
# Take the list of lists and do a boolean and between each list to
# find the creds which fall under all the specified roles
temp_list = set(hashes[0])
for hash_list in hashes[1:]:
temp_list = temp_list & set(hash_list)
hashes = temp_list
hashes = self.hash_dict['creds'].keys()
# NOTE(mtreinish): admin is a special case because of the increased
# privilege set which could potentially cause issues on tests where
# that is not expected. So unless the admin role isn't specified do
# not allocate admin.
admin_hashes = self.hash_dict['roles'].get(self.admin_role,
if ((not roles or self.admin_role not in roles) and
useable_hashes = [x for x in hashes if x not in admin_hashes]
useable_hashes = hashes
return useable_hashes
def _sanitize_creds(self, creds):
temp_creds = creds.copy()
return temp_creds
def _get_creds(self, roles=None):
useable_hashes = self._get_match_hash_list(roles)
if len(useable_hashes) == 0:
msg = 'No users configured for type/roles %s' % roles
raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials(msg)
free_hash = self._get_free_hash(useable_hashes)
clean_creds = self._sanitize_creds(
LOG.info('%s allocated creds:\n%s' % (self.name, clean_creds))
return self._wrap_creds_with_network(free_hash)
@lockutils.synchronized('test_accounts_io', external=True)
def remove_hash(self, hash_string):
hash_path = os.path.join(self.accounts_dir, hash_string)
if not os.path.isfile(hash_path):
LOG.warning('Expected an account lock file %s to remove, but '
'one did not exist' % hash_path)
if not os.listdir(self.accounts_dir):
def get_hash(self, creds):
for _hash in self.hash_dict['creds']:
# Comparing on the attributes that are expected in the YAML
init_attributes = creds.get_init_attributes()
# Only use the attributes initially used to calculate the hash
init_attributes = [x for x in init_attributes if
hash_attributes = self.hash_dict['creds'][_hash].copy()
# NOTE(andreaf) Not all fields may be available on all credentials
# so defaulting to None for that case.
if all([getattr(creds, k, None) == hash_attributes.get(k, None) for
k in init_attributes]):
return _hash
raise AttributeError('Invalid credentials %s' % creds)
def remove_credentials(self, creds):
_hash = self.get_hash(creds)
clean_creds = self._sanitize_creds(self.hash_dict['creds'][_hash])
LOG.info("%s returned allocated creds:\n%s" % (self.name, clean_creds))
def get_primary_creds(self):
if self._creds.get('primary'):
return self._creds.get('primary')
net_creds = self._get_creds()
self._creds['primary'] = net_creds
return net_creds
def get_alt_creds(self):
if self._creds.get('alt'):
return self._creds.get('alt')
net_creds = self._get_creds()
self._creds['alt'] = net_creds
return net_creds
def get_creds_by_roles(self, roles, force_new=False):
roles = list(set(roles))
exist_creds = self._creds.get(six.text_type(roles).encode(
'utf-8'), None)
# The force kwarg is used to allocate an additional set of creds with
# the same role list. The index used for the previously allocation
# in the _creds dict will be moved.
if exist_creds and not force_new:
return exist_creds
elif exist_creds and force_new:
new_index = six.text_type(roles).encode('utf-8') + '-' + \
self._creds[new_index] = exist_creds
net_creds = self._get_creds(roles=roles)
self._creds[six.text_type(roles).encode('utf-8')] = net_creds
return net_creds
def clear_creds(self):
for creds in self._creds.values():
def get_admin_creds(self):
return self.get_creds_by_roles([self.admin_role])
def is_role_available(self, role):
if self.hash_dict['roles'].get(role):
return True
return False
def admin_available(self):
return self.is_role_available(self.admin_role)
def _wrap_creds_with_network(self, hash):
creds_dict = self.hash_dict['creds'][hash]
# Make sure a domain scope if defined for users in case of V3
# Make sure a tenant is available in case of V2
creds_dict = self._extend_credentials(creds_dict)
# This just builds a Credentials object, it does not validate
# nor fill with missing fields.
credential = auth.get_credentials(
auth_url=None, fill_in=False,
identity_version=self.identity_version, **creds_dict)
net_creds = cred_provider.TestResources(credential)
net_clients = clients.Manager(credentials=credential)
compute_network_client = net_clients.compute_networks_client
net_name = self.hash_dict['networks'].get(hash, None)
network = fixed_network.get_network_from_name(
net_name, compute_network_client)
except exceptions.InvalidTestResource:
network = {}
return net_creds
def _extend_credentials(self, creds_dict):
# Add or remove credential domain fields to fit the identity version
domain_fields = set(x for x in auth.KeystoneV3Credentials.ATTRIBUTES
if 'domain' in x)
msg = 'Assuming they are valid in the default domain.'
if self.identity_version == 'v3':
if not domain_fields.intersection(set(creds_dict.keys())):
msg = 'Using credentials %s for v3 API calls. ' + msg
LOG.warning(msg, self._sanitize_creds(creds_dict))
creds_dict['domain_name'] = self.credentials_domain
if self.identity_version == 'v2':
if domain_fields.intersection(set(creds_dict.keys())):
msg = 'Using credentials %s for v2 API calls. ' + msg
LOG.warning(msg, self._sanitize_creds(creds_dict))
# Remove all valid domain attributes
for attr in domain_fields.intersection(set(creds_dict.keys())):
return creds_dict