Following stestr's example where arguments such as --blacklist-file, --black-regex and --whitelist-file are deprecated since its 3.1.0 release, let's do the change here as well in order to get tempest consumers some time for the transition. This change deprecates the following arguments and replaces them by new ones which are functionally equivavelnt: * --black-regex is replaced by --exclude-regex * --blacklist-file is replaced by --exclude-list * --whitelist-file is replaced by --include-list For now, Tempest will accept both (new and old) arguments to make the transition smoother for all consumers. The patch also bumps min version of tox to 3.18.0 in order to replace tox's whitelist_externals by allowlist_externals option: https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/blob/master/docs/changelog.rst#v3180-2020-07-23 Change-Id: I3e09b31f63d2cd7ea41c48e62432bd3bc54fcf44
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Non Active Plugins
List of Tempest plugin projects that are stale or unmaintained for a long
time (6 months or more). They can be moved out of nonactivelist state once one
of the relevant patches gets merged: