Ghanshyam Mann a699445d28 Define the Integrated-gate-storage gate template
tempest-full job run all services API and scenario tests (non slow)
and this job is part of Integrated-gate gate template which run on
multiple services (nova, neutron, cinder, glance, placement) check
and gate pipeline.

But there are many unrelated tests run on each project gate. For example,
neutron gate run cinder only tests and fail due to cinder bugs. There is
no point of breaking the neutron gate due to cinder only test failure and
slow down the neutron development phase.

This is what we dicussed in Train PTG in denver to improve the integrated
gate[1] and came up with idea of split the integated-gate template into
much logical way so that only dependent services tests run on their gate.

One way was to move the service only tests to service tempest plugin side
but Tempest is used by interop as well as on production cloud testing so
moving the test is not good idea.

This commit propose the idea of defining the 'Integrated-gate-storage'
gate template for cinder gate which will run Cinder, Glance, Swift and
Nova tests.

ML discussion:

Next step will be to replace the Integrated-gate-py3 template with new
Integrated-gate-storage template on cinder and glance gate.


Change-Id: Iae7d26325228aad0edb94f7e191c8fd0d60e1362
2019-07-09 13:55:04 +00:00

296 lines
10 KiB

envlist = pep8,py36,py37,py27,pip-check-reqs
minversion = 2.3.1
skipsdist = True
sitepackages = False
setenv =
deps =
setenv =
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
whitelist_externals = *
deps =
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
stestr --test-path ./tempest/tests run {posargs}
commands = oslo-config-generator --config-file tempest/cmd/config-generator.tempest.conf
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run --source tempest --parallel-mode
commands =
coverage erase
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
stestr --test-path ./tempest/tests run {posargs}
coverage combine
coverage html -d cover
coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
coverage report
basepython = python3
commands = oslo_debug_helper -t tempest/tests {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
# 'all' includes slow tests
setenv =
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex {posargs:''}
# NOTE(andreaf) The all-plugin tox env uses sitepackages
# so that plugins installed outsite of Tempest virtual environment
# can be discovered. After the implementation during the Queens
# release cycle of the goal of moving Tempest plugins in dedicated
# git repos, this environment should not be used anymore. "all"
# should be used instead with the appropriate regex filtering.
sitepackages = True
# 'all' includes slow tests
setenv =
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
commands =
echo "WARNING: The all-plugin env is deprecated and will be removed"
echo "WARNING Please use the 'all' environment for Tempest plugins."
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex {posargs:''}
sitepackages = True
# 'all' includes slow tests
setenv =
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex {posargs:''}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select which tests to run and exclude the slow tag:
# See the testrepository bug:
# FIXME: We can replace it with the `--black-regex` option to exclude tests now.
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.api)' {posargs}
tempest run --combine --serial --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.scenario)' {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select all tempest scenario and including the non slow api tests
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex '(^tempest\.scenario.*)|(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.api)' {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select which tests to run and exclude the slow tag and
# tests listed in blacklist file:
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.api)' --blacklist_file ./tools/tempest-integrated-gate-networking-blacklist.txt {posargs}
tempest run --combine --serial --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.scenario)' --blacklist_file ./tools/tempest-integrated-gate-networking-blacklist.txt {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select which tests to run and exclude the slow tag and
# tests listed in blacklist file:
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.api)' --blacklist_file ./tools/tempest-integrated-gate-storage-blacklist.txt {posargs}
tempest run --combine --serial --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.scenario)' --blacklist_file ./tools/tempest-integrated-gate-storage-blacklist.txt {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select which tests to run and exclude the slow tag:
# See the testrepository bug:
# FIXME: We can replace it with the `--black-regex` option to exclude tests now.
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --serial --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.(api|scenario))' {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select all scenario tests
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --serial --regex '(^tempest\.scenario)' {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --regex '\[.*\bsmoke\b.*\]' {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# This is still serial because neutron doesn't work with parallel. See:
# so the neutron smoke
# job would fail if we moved it to parallel.
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --serial --regex '\[.*\bsmoke\b.*\]' {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
# The regex below is used to select the slow tagged tests to run serially:
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
tempest run --serial --regex '\[.*\bslow\b.*\]' {posargs}
deps =
commands = {posargs}
envdir = .tox/tempest
sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
setenv = {[tempestenv]setenv}
deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python3
deps =
commands =
rm -rf doc/build
sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html
whitelist_externals = rm
deps =
basepython = python3
commands =
autopep8 --exit-code --max-line-length=79 --experimental --diff -r tempest
flake8 {posargs}
deps = autopep8
basepython = python3
commands =
commands =
check-uuid --fix
local-check-factory = tempest.hacking.checks.factory
import_exceptions =
# E125 is a won't fix until is resolved. For further detail see
# E123 skipped because it is ignored by default in the default pep8
# E129 skipped because it is too limiting when combined with other rules
# W504 skipped because it is overeager and unnecessary
ignore = E125,E123,E129,W504
show-source = True
exclude = .git,.venv,.tox,dist,doc,*egg,build
enable-extensions = H106,H203,H904
import-order-style = pep8
basepython = python3
deps =
commands =
rm -rf releasenotes/build
sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees \
-b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
whitelist_externals = rm
# Do not install test-requirements as that will pollute the virtualenv for
# determining missing packages.
# This also means that pip-check-reqs must be installed separately, outside
# of the requirements.txt files
deps = pip_check_reqs
pip-extra-reqs -d --ignore-file=tempest/tests/* tempest
pip-missing-reqs -d --ignore-file=tempest/tests/* tempest
# Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if
# system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system
# dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed
# separately, outside of the requirements files.
deps = bindep
commands = bindep test
# perform tempest plugin sanity
basepython = python3
whitelist_externals = bash
commands =
bash tools/