Clark Boylan 1acacd3ad4 Add a couple log errors to whitelist.yaml
These log errors have hit the large ops jobs several times. There is one
in ceilometer acentral and one in nova conductor.

Change-Id: Idc30110085e95c615958fc5f90e86417855e6d7a
2014-01-17 23:44:05 -08:00

234 lines
9.2 KiB

- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.driver"
message: "During wait destroy, instance disappeared"
- module: "glanceclient.common.http"
message: "Request returned failure status"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.periodic_task"
message: "Error during ComputeManager\\.update_available_resource: \
'NoneType' object is not iterable"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "Possibly task preempted"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp"
message: "Exception during message handling"
- module: "nova.network.api"
message: "Failed storing info cache"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "Error while trying to clean up image"
- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.driver"
message: "Error injecting data into image.*\\(Unexpected error while \
running command"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "Instance failed to spawn"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "Error: Unexpected error while running command"
- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.driver"
message: "Error from libvirt during destroy"
- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.vif"
message: "Failed while unplugging vif"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.loopingcal"
message: "in fixed duration looping call"
- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.driver"
message: "Getting disk size of instance"
- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.driver"
message: "No such file or directory: '/opt/stack/data/nova/instances"
- module: "nova.virt.libvirt.driver"
message: "Nova requires libvirt version 0\\.9\\.11 or greater"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "error during stop\\(\\) in sync_power_state"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "Instance failed network setup after 1 attempt"
- module: "nova.compute.manager"
message: "Periodic sync_power_state task had an error"
- module: "nova.virt.driver"
message: "Info cache for instance .* could not be found"
- module: "glance.store.sheepdog"
message: "Error in store configuration: Unexpected error while \
running command"
- module: "swiftclient"
message: "Container HEAD failed: .*404 Not Found"
- module: "glance.api.middleware.cache"
message: "however the registry did not contain metadata for that image"
- module: "oslo.messaging.notify._impl_messaging"
message: ".*"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.disk"
message: "Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.disk"
message: "Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.net"
message: "Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.disk"
message: "Domain not found: no domain with matching uuid"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.net"
message: "Domain not found: no domain with matching uuid"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.net"
message: "No module named libvirt"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.net"
message: "Unable to write to monitor: Broken pipe"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.cpu"
message: "Domain not found: no domain with matching uuid"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.net"
message: ".*"
- module: "ceilometer.compute.pollsters.disk"
message: ".*"
- module: "ceilometer.central.manager"
message: "403 Forbidden"
- module: "ceilometer.central.manager"
message: "get_samples\\(\\) got an unexpected keyword argument 'resources'"
- module: "ceilometer.alarm.service"
message: "alarm evaluation cycle failed"
- module: "ceilometer.alarm.evaluator.threshold"
message: ".*"
- module: "wsme.api"
message: ".*"
- module: "root"
message: "Returning 400 to user: The server could not comply with \
the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect"
- module: "root"
message: "Unexpected error occurred serving API: Request limit \
exceeded: Template exceeds maximum allowed size"
- module: "root"
message: "Unexpected error occurred serving API: The Stack \
.*could not be found"
- module: "heat.openstack.common.rpc.amqp"
message: "Exception during message handling"
- module: "heat.openstack.common.rpc.common"
message: "The Stack .* could not be found"
- module: "glanceclient.common.http"
message: "Request returned failure status"
- module: "nova.api.openstack"
message: "Caught error: Quota exceeded for"
- module: "nova.compute.api"
message: "ServerDiskConfigTest"
- module: "nova.compute.api"
message: "ServersTest"
- module: "nova.compute.api"
message: "\\{u'kernel_id'.*u'ramdisk_id':"
- module: "nova.api.openstack.wsgi"
message: "takes exactly 4 arguments"
- module: "nova.api.openstack"
message: "Caught error: Instance .* could not be found"
- module: "nova.api.metadata.handler"
message: "Failed to get metadata for instance id:"
- module: "nova.notifications"
message: "Failed to send state update notification"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp"
message: "Exception during message handling"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.common"
message: "but the actual state is deleting to caller"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.common"
message: "Traceback \\(most recent call last"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.threadgroup"
message: "Service with host .* topic conductor exists."
- module: "nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler"
message: "Error from last host: "
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp"
message: "Exception during message handling"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.common"
message: "'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'"
- module: "nova.openstack.common.rpc.common"
message: "Instance .* could not be found"
- module: "cinder.api.middleware.fault"
message: "Caught error: Volume .* could not be found"
- module: "cinder.api.middleware.fault"
message: "Caught error: Snapshot .* could not be found"
- module: "cinder.api.openstack.wsgi"
message: "argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'"
- module: "cinder.volume.api"
message: "Volume status must be available to reserve"
- module: "cinder.brick.iscsi.iscsi"
message: "Failed to create iscsi target for volume id"
- module: "cinder.brick.local_dev.lvm"
message: "stat failed: No such file or directory"
- module: "cinder.brick.local_dev.lvm"
message: "LV stack-volumes.*in use: not deactivating"
- module: "cinder.brick.local_dev.lvm"
message: "Can't remove open logical volume"
- module: "stevedore.extension"
message: ".*"
- module: "ceilometer.collector.dispatcher.database"
message: "duplicate key value violates unique constraint"
- module: "ceilometer.collector.dispatcher.database"
message: "Failed to record metering data: QueuePool limit"
- module: "ceilometer.dispatcher.database"
message: "\\(DataError\\) integer out of range"
- module: "ceilometer.collector.dispatcher.database"
message: "Failed to record metering data: .* integer out of range"
- module: "ceilometer.collector.dispatcher.database"
message: "Failed to record metering data: .* integer out of range"
- module: "ceilometer.openstack.common.db.sqlalchemy.session"
message: "DB exception wrapped"
- module: "neutron.agent.linux.ovs_lib"
message: "Unable to execute.*Exception:"
- module: "neutron.common.legacy"
message: "Skipping unknown group key: firewall_driver"
- module: "neutron.agent.dhcp_agent"
message: "Unable to enable dhcp"
- module: "neutron.agent.dhcp_agent"
message: "Network .* RPC info call failed"
- module: "neutron.common.legacy"
message: "Skipping unknown group key: firewall_driver"
- module: "neutron.agent.l3_agent"
message: "Failed synchronizing routers"
- module: "neutron.common.legacy"
message: "Skipping unknown group key: firewall_driver"
- module: "neutron.common.legacy"
message: "Skipping unknown group key: firewall_driver"
- module: "neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers.haproxy.agent_manager"
message: "Error upating stats"
- module: "neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers.haproxy.agent_manager"
message: "Unable to destroy device for pool"
- module: "neutron.common.legacy"
message: "Skipping unknown group key: firewall_driver"
- module: "neutron.openstack.common.rpc.amqp"
message: "Exception during message handling"
- module: "neutron.openstack.common.rpc.common"
message: "(Network|Pool|Subnet|Agent|Port) .* could not be found"
- module: "neutron.api.v2.resource"
message: ".* failed"
- module: ".*"
message: ".*"
- module: "proxy-server"
message: "Timeout talking to memcached"