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# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
import testtools
from tempest import config
from tempest import test
from tempest.tests import base
from tempest.tests import fake_config
if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
import unittest
import unittest2 as unittest
class LoggingTestResult(testtools.TestResult):
def __init__(self, log, *args, **kwargs):
super(LoggingTestResult, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.log = log
def addError(self, test, err=None, details=None):
self.log.append((test, err, details))
class TestTempestBaseTestClass(base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestTempestBaseTestClass, self).setUp()
self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
class ParentTest(test.BaseTestCase):
def runTest(self):
self.parent_test = ParentTest
def test_resource_cleanup(self, mock_vr):
cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
exp_args = (1, 2,)
exp_kwargs = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
exp_vr = {'keypair': 'kp1', 'floating_ip': 'fip2'}
mock1 = mock.Mock()
mock2 = mock.Mock()
exp_functions = [mock1, mock2]
class TestWithCleanups(self.parent_test):
# set fake validation resources
validation_resources = exp_vr
# set fake clients
os_primary = 'os_primary'
def resource_setup(cls):
for fn in exp_functions:
cls.addClassResourceCleanup(fn, *exp_args,
test_cleanups = TestWithCleanups()
suite = unittest.TestSuite((test_cleanups,))
log = []
result = LoggingTestResult(log)
# No exception raised - error log is empty
# All stacked resource cleanups invoked
mock1.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
mock2.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
self.assertEqual(1, mock_vr.call_count)
# Cleanup stack is empty
self.assertEqual(0, len(test_cleanups._class_cleanups))
# Assert vrs are cleaned up
self.assertIn(mock.call(TestWithCleanups.os_primary, use_neutron=False,
**exp_vr), mock_vr.call_args_list)
def test_resource_cleanup_failures(self, mock_vr):
cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
exp_args = (1, 2,)
exp_kwargs = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
exp_vr = {'keypair': 'kp1', 'floating_ip': 'fip2'}
mock1 = mock.Mock()
mock1.side_effect = Exception('mock1 resource cleanup failure')
mock2 = mock.Mock()
exp_functions = [mock1, mock2]
class TestWithFailingCleanups(self.parent_test):
# set fake validation resources
validation_resources = exp_vr
# set fake clients
os_primary = 'os_primary'
def resource_setup(cls):
for fn in exp_functions:
cls.addClassResourceCleanup(fn, *exp_args,
test_cleanups = TestWithFailingCleanups()
suite = unittest.TestSuite((test_cleanups,))
log = []
result = LoggingTestResult(log)
# One multiple exception captured
self.assertEqual(1, len(log))
# [0]: test, err, details [1] -> exc_info
# Type, Exception, traceback [1] -> MultipleException
found_exc = log[0][1][1]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(found_exc, testtools.MultipleExceptions))
self.assertEqual(1, len(found_exc.args))
# Each arg is exc_info - match messages and order
self.assertIn('mock1 resource', str(found_exc.args[0][1]))
# All stacked resource cleanups invoked
mock1.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
mock2.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
self.assertEqual(1, mock_vr.call_count)
# Cleanup stack is empty
self.assertEqual(0, len(test_cleanups._class_cleanups))
# Assert fake vr are cleaned up
use_neutron=False, **exp_vr),
def test_super_resource_cleanup_not_invoked(self):
class BadResourceCleanup(self.parent_test):
def resource_cleanup(cls):
bad_class = BadResourceCleanup()
suite = unittest.TestSuite((bad_class,))
log = []
result = LoggingTestResult(log)
# One multiple exception captured
self.assertEqual(1, len(log))
# [0]: test, err, details [1] -> exc_info
# Type, Exception, traceback [1] -> RuntimeError
found_exc = log[0][1][1]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(found_exc, RuntimeError))
self.assertIn(BadResourceCleanup.__name__, str(found_exc))