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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
import six
import testtools
from tempest.api.object_storage import base
from tempest.common import custom_matchers
from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest import config
from tempest import test
CONF = config.CONF
class AccountTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
credentials = [['operator', CONF.object_storage.operator_role],
['operator_alt', CONF.object_storage.operator_role]]
containers = []
def setup_credentials(cls):
super(AccountTest, cls).setup_credentials()
cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
cls.os_operator = cls.os_roles_operator_alt
def resource_setup(cls):
super(AccountTest, cls).resource_setup()
for i in range(ord('a'), ord('f') + 1):
name = data_utils.rand_name(name='%s-' % chr(i))
cls.containers_count = len(cls.containers)
def resource_cleanup(cls):
super(AccountTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
def test_list_containers(self):
# list of all containers should not be empty
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers()
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
for container_name in self.containers:
def test_list_no_containers(self):
# List request to empty account
# To test listing no containers, create new user other than
# the base user of this instance.
resp, container_list = \
# When sending a request to an account which has not received a PUT
# container request, the response does not contain 'accept-ranges'
# header. This is a special case, therefore the existence of response
# headers is checked without custom matcher.
# As the expected response is 204 No Content, Content-Length presence
# is not checked here intentionally. According to RFC 7230 a server
# MUST NOT send the header in such responses. Thus, clients should not
# depend on this header. However, the standard does not require them
# to validate the server's behavior. We leverage that to not refuse
# any implementation violating it like Swift [1] or some versions of
# Ceph RadosGW [2].
# [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/1537811
# [2] http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/13582
self.assertIn('x-timestamp', resp)
self.assertIn('x-account-bytes-used', resp)
self.assertIn('x-account-container-count', resp)
self.assertIn('x-account-object-count', resp)
self.assertIn('content-type', resp)
self.assertIn('x-trans-id', resp)
self.assertIn('date', resp)
# Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
self.assertEqual(len(container_list), 0)
def test_list_containers_with_format_json(self):
# list containers setting format parameter to 'json'
params = {'format': 'json'}
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertTrue([c['name'] for c in container_list])
self.assertTrue([c['count'] for c in container_list])
self.assertTrue([c['bytes'] for c in container_list])
def test_list_containers_with_format_xml(self):
# list containers setting format parameter to 'xml'
params = {'format': 'xml'}
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertEqual(container_list.tag, 'account')
self.assertIn('name', container_list.keys())
self.assertEqual(container_list.find(".//container").tag, 'container')
self.assertEqual(container_list.find(".//name").tag, 'name')
self.assertEqual(container_list.find(".//count").tag, 'count')
self.assertEqual(container_list.find(".//bytes").tag, 'bytes')
not CONF.object_storage_feature_enabled.discoverability,
'Discoverability function is disabled')
def test_list_extensions(self):
resp, extensions = self.capabilities_client.list_capabilities()
self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
def test_list_containers_with_limit(self):
# list containers one of them, half of them then all of them
for limit in (1, self.containers_count // 2,
params = {'limit': limit}
resp, container_list = \
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertEqual(len(container_list), limit)
def test_list_containers_with_marker(self):
# list containers using marker param
# first expect to get 0 container as we specified last
# the container as marker
# second expect to get the bottom half of the containers
params = {'marker': self.containers[-1]}
resp, container_list = \
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertEqual(len(container_list), 0)
params = {'marker': self.containers[self.containers_count // 2]}
resp, container_list = \
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.containers_count // 2 - 1)
def test_list_containers_with_end_marker(self):
# list containers using end_marker param
# first expect to get 0 container as we specified first container as
# end_marker
# second expect to get the top half of the containers
params = {'end_marker': self.containers[0]}
resp, container_list = \
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertEqual(len(container_list), 0)
params = {'end_marker': self.containers[self.containers_count // 2]}
resp, container_list = \
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertEqual(len(container_list), self.containers_count // 2)
def test_list_containers_with_marker_and_end_marker(self):
# list containers combining marker and end_marker param
params = {'marker': self.containers[0],
'end_marker': self.containers[self.containers_count - 1]}
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertEqual(len(container_list), self.containers_count - 2)
def test_list_containers_with_limit_and_marker(self):
# list containers combining marker and limit param
# result are always limitated by the limit whatever the marker
for marker in random.choice(self.containers):
limit = random.randint(0, self.containers_count - 1)
params = {'marker': marker,
'limit': limit}
resp, container_list = \
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
self.assertLessEqual(len(container_list), limit,
def test_list_containers_with_limit_and_end_marker(self):
# list containers combining limit and end_marker param
limit = random.randint(1, self.containers_count)
params = {'limit': limit,
'end_marker': self.containers[self.containers_count // 2]}
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
min(limit, self.containers_count // 2))
def test_list_containers_with_limit_and_marker_and_end_marker(self):
# list containers combining limit, marker and end_marker param
limit = random.randint(1, self.containers_count)
params = {'limit': limit,
'marker': self.containers[0],
'end_marker': self.containers[self.containers_count - 1]}
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
min(limit, self.containers_count - 2))
def test_list_containers_with_prefix(self):
# list containers that have a name that starts with a prefix
prefix = '{0}-a'.format(CONF.resources_prefix)
params = {'prefix': prefix}
resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'GET')
for container in container_list:
self.assertEqual(True, container.decode(
def test_list_account_metadata(self):
# list all account metadata
# set metadata to account
metadata = {'test-account-meta1': 'Meta1',
'test-account-meta2': 'Meta2'}
resp, _ = self.account_client.create_account_metadata(metadata)
resp, _ = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'HEAD')
self.assertIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta1', resp)
self.assertIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta2', resp)
def test_list_no_account_metadata(self):
# list no account metadata
resp, _ = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'HEAD')
self.assertNotIn('x-account-meta-', str(resp))
def test_update_account_metadata_with_create_metadata(self):
# add metadata to account
metadata = {'test-account-meta1': 'Meta1'}
resp, _ = self.account_client.create_account_metadata(metadata)
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'POST')
resp, body = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta1', resp)
def test_update_account_metadata_with_delete_matadata(self):
# delete metadata from account
metadata = {'test-account-meta1': 'Meta1'}
resp, _ = self.account_client.delete_account_metadata(metadata)
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'POST')
resp, _ = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertNotIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta1', resp)
def test_update_account_metadata_with_create_matadata_key(self):
# if the value of metadata is not set, the metadata is not
# registered at a server
metadata = {'test-account-meta1': ''}
resp, _ = self.account_client.create_account_metadata(metadata)
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'POST')
resp, _ = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertNotIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta1', resp)
def test_update_account_metadata_with_delete_matadata_key(self):
# Although the value of metadata is not set, the feature of
# deleting metadata is valid
metadata_1 = {'test-account-meta1': 'Meta1'}
metadata_2 = {'test-account-meta1': ''}
resp, _ = self.account_client.delete_account_metadata(metadata_2)
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'POST')
resp, _ = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertNotIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta1', resp)
def test_update_account_metadata_with_create_and_delete_metadata(self):
# Send a request adding and deleting metadata requests simultaneously
metadata_1 = {'test-account-meta1': 'Meta1'}
metadata_2 = {'test-account-meta2': 'Meta2'}
resp, body = self.account_client.create_and_delete_account_metadata(
self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Account', 'POST')
resp, _ = self.account_client.list_account_metadata()
self.assertNotIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta1', resp)
self.assertIn('x-account-meta-test-account-meta2', resp)