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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest.common import utils
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.scenario import manager
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestVolumeMigrateRetypeAttached(manager.ScenarioTest):
"""This test case attempts to reproduce the following steps:
* Create 2 volume types representing 2 different backends
* Create in Cinder some bootable volume importing a Glance image using
* volume_type_1
* Boot an instance from the bootable volume
* Write to the volume
* Perform a cinder retype --on-demand of the volume to type of backend #2
* Check written content of migrated volume
* Check the type of the volume has been updated.
* Check the volume is still in-use and the migration was successful.
* Check that the same volume is attached to the instance.
credentials = ['primary', 'admin']
def setup_clients(cls):
super(TestVolumeMigrateRetypeAttached, cls).setup_clients()
cls.admin_volumes_client = cls.os_admin.volumes_client_latest
def skip_checks(cls):
super(TestVolumeMigrateRetypeAttached, cls).skip_checks()
if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.multi_backend:
raise cls.skipException("Cinder multi-backend feature disabled")
if len(set(CONF.volume.backend_names)) < 2:
raise cls.skipException("Requires at least two different "
"backend names")
def _boot_instance_from_volume(self, vol_id, keypair, security_group):
key_name = keypair['name']
security_groups = [{'name': security_group['name']}]
block_device_mapping = [{'device_name': 'vda', 'volume_id': vol_id,
'delete_on_termination': False}]
return self.create_server(image_id='',
def _create_volume_types(self):
backend_names = CONF.volume.backend_names
backend_source = backend_names[0]
backend_dest = backend_names[1]
source_body = self.create_volume_type(backend_name=backend_source)
dest_body = self.create_volume_type(backend_name=backend_dest)
LOG.info("Created Volume types: %(src)s -> %(src_backend)s, %(dst)s "
"-> %(dst_backend)s", {'src': source_body['name'],
'src_backend': backend_source,
'dst': dest_body['name'],
'dst_backend': backend_dest})
return ({'name': source_body['name'], 'host': backend_source},
{'name': dest_body['name'], 'host': backend_dest})
def _volume_retype_with_migration(self, volume_id, new_volume_type):
# NOTE: The 'on-demand' migration requires admin operation, so
# admin_volumes_client() should be used here.
migration_policy = 'on-demand'
volume_id, new_type=new_volume_type,
volume_id, new_volume_type)
@utils.services('compute', 'volume')
def test_volume_retype_attached(self):
LOG.info("Creating keypair and security group")
keypair = self.create_keypair()
security_group = self.create_security_group()
# create volume types
LOG.info("Creating Volume types")
source_type, dest_type = self._create_volume_types()
# create an instance from volume
LOG.info("Booting instance from volume")
volume_id = self.create_volume(imageRef=CONF.compute.image_ref,
instance = self._boot_instance_from_volume(volume_id, keypair,
# write content to volume on instance
LOG.info("Setting timestamp in instance %s", instance['id'])
ip_instance = self.get_server_ip(instance)
timestamp = self.create_timestamp(ip_instance,
# retype volume with migration from backend #1 to backend #2
LOG.info("Retyping Volume %s to new type %s", volume_id,
# This method calls for the retype of the volume before calling a
# waiter that asserts that the volume type has changed successfully.
self._volume_retype_with_migration(volume_id, dest_type['name'])
# check the content of written file
LOG.info("Getting timestamp in postmigrated instance %s",
timestamp2 = self.get_timestamp(ip_instance,
self.assertEqual(timestamp, timestamp2)
# Assert that the volume is on the new host, is still in-use and has a
# migration_status of success
volume = self.admin_volumes_client.show_volume(volume_id)['volume']
# dest_type is host@backend, os-vol-host-attr:host is host@backend#type
self.assertIn(dest_type['host'], volume['os-vol-host-attr:host'])
self.assertEqual('in-use', volume['status'])
self.assertEqual('success', volume['migration_status'])
# Assert that the same volume id is attached to the instance, ensuring
# the os-migrate_volume_completion Cinder API has been called.
attached_volumes = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
self.assertEqual(volume_id, attached_volumes[0]['id'])
@utils.services('compute', 'volume')
def test_volume_migrate_attached(self):
LOG.info("Creating keypair and security group")
keypair = self.create_keypair()
security_group = self.create_security_group()
LOG.info("Creating volume")
# Create a unique volume type to avoid using the backend default
migratable_type = self.create_volume_type()['name']
volume_id = self.create_volume(imageRef=CONF.compute.image_ref,
volume = self.admin_volumes_client.show_volume(volume_id)
LOG.info("Booting instance from volume")
instance = self._boot_instance_from_volume(volume_id, keypair,
# Identify the source and destination hosts for the migration
src_host = volume['volume']['os-vol-host-attr:host']
# Select the first c-vol host that isn't hosting the volume as the dest
# host['host_name'] should take the format of host@backend.
# src_host should take the format of host@backend#type
hosts = self.admin_volumes_client.list_hosts()['hosts']
for host in hosts:
if (host['service'] == 'cinder-volume' and
not src_host.startswith(host['host_name'])):
dest_host = host['host_name']
ip_instance = self.get_server_ip(instance)
timestamp = self.create_timestamp(ip_instance,
LOG.info("Migrating Volume %s from host %s to host %s",
volume_id, src_host, dest_host)
self.admin_volumes_client.migrate_volume(volume_id, host=dest_host)
# This waiter asserts that the migration_status is success and that
# the volume has moved to the dest_host
waiters.wait_for_volume_migration(self.admin_volumes_client, volume_id,
# check the content of written file
LOG.info("Getting timestamp in postmigrated instance %s",
timestamp2 = self.get_timestamp(ip_instance,
self.assertEqual(timestamp, timestamp2)
# Assert that the volume is in-use
volume = self.admin_volumes_client.show_volume(volume_id)['volume']
self.assertEqual('in-use', volume['status'])
# Assert that the same volume id is attached to the instance, ensuring
# the os-migrate_volume_completion Cinder API has been called
attached_volumes = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
attached_volume_id = attached_volumes[0]['id']
self.assertEqual(volume_id, attached_volume_id)