
224 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from kazoo import client
from kazoo import exceptions
from kazoo.protocol import paths
from zake import fake_client
from tooz import coordination
class BaseZooKeeperDriver(coordination.CoordinationDriver):
def start(self, timeout=10):
except self._coord.handler.timeout_exception as e:
raise coordination.ToozConnectionError("operation error: %s" % (e))
self._coord.ensure_path(paths.join("/", _TOOZ_NAMESPACE))
except exceptions.KazooException as e:
raise coordination.ToozError("operation error: %s" % (e))
def stop(self):
def _create_group_handler(async_result, timeout, group_id):
async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except exceptions.NodeExistsError:
raise coordination.GroupAlreadyExist("group_id=%s" % group_id)
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.ToozError("tooz namespace has not been created")
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
def create_group(self, group_id):
group_path = "/%s/%s" % (_TOOZ_NAMESPACE, group_id)
async_result = self._coord.create_async(group_path)
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result, self._create_group_handler,
def _join_group_handler(async_result, timeout, group_id, member_id):
async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except exceptions.NodeExistsError:
raise coordination.MemberAlreadyExist(str(member_id))
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.GroupNotCreated("group '%s' has not been "
"created" % group_id)
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
def join_group(self, group_id, capabilities=b""):
member_path = self._path_member(group_id, self._member_id)
async_result = self._coord.create_async(member_path,
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result, self._join_group_handler,
group_id=group_id, member_id=self._member_id)
def _leave_group_handler(async_result, timeout, group_id, member_id):
async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.MemberNotJoined("member '%s' has not joined "
"the group '%s' or the group "
"has not been created" %
(member_id, group_id))
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
def leave_group(self, group_id):
member_path = self._path_member(group_id, self._member_id)
async_result = self._coord.delete_async(member_path)
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result, self._leave_group_handler,
group_id=group_id, member_id=self._member_id)
def _get_members_handler(async_result, timeout, group_id):
members_ids = async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.GroupNotCreated("group '%s' does not exist" %
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
return members_ids
def get_members(self, group_id):
group_path = paths.join("/", _TOOZ_NAMESPACE, group_id)
async_result = self._coord.get_children_async(group_path)
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result, self._get_members_handler,
def _update_capabilities_handler(async_result, timeout, group_id,
async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.MemberNotJoined("member '%s' has not joined "
"the group '%s' or the group "
"has not been created" %
(member_id, group_id))
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
def update_capabilities(self, group_id, capabilities):
member_path = self._path_member(group_id, self._member_id)
async_result = self._coord.set_async(member_path, capabilities)
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result, self._update_capabilities_handler,
group_id=group_id, member_id=self._member_id)
def _get_member_capabilities_handler(async_result, timeout, group_id,
capabilities = async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)[0]
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.MemberNotJoined("member '%s' has not joined "
"the group '%s' or the group "
"has not been created" %
(member_id, group_id))
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
return capabilities
def get_member_capabilities(self, group_id, member_id):
member_path = self._path_member(group_id, member_id)
async_result = self._coord.get_async(member_path)
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result,
group_id=group_id, member_id=self._member_id)
def _get_groups_handler(async_result, timeout):
group_ids = async_result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except exceptions.NoNodeError:
raise coordination.ToozError("tooz namespace has not been created")
except exceptions.ZookeeperError as e:
raise coordination.ToozError(str(e))
return group_ids
def get_groups(self):
tooz_namespace = paths.join("/", _TOOZ_NAMESPACE)
async_result = self._coord.get_children_async(tooz_namespace)
return ZooAsyncResult(async_result, self._get_groups_handler)
def _path_member(group_id, member_id):
return paths.join("/", _TOOZ_NAMESPACE, group_id, member_id)
class KazooDriver(BaseZooKeeperDriver):
"""The driver using the Kazoo client against real ZooKeeper servers."""
def __init__(self, member_id, hosts="", handler=None,
""":param hosts: the list of zookeeper servers in the
form "ip:port2, ip2:port2".
:param handler: a kazoo async handler to use if provided, if not
provided the default that kazoo uses internally will be used instead.
if not all((hosts, member_id)):
raise KeyError("hosts=%r, member_id=%r" % hosts, member_id)
self._member_id = member_id
self._coord = client.KazooClient(hosts=hosts, handler=handler)
super(KazooDriver, self).__init__()
class ZakeDriver(BaseZooKeeperDriver):
"""The driver using the Zake client which mimic a fake Kazoo client
without the need of real ZooKeeper servers.
def __init__(self, member_id, storage=None, **kwargs):
""":param storage: a fake storage object."""
if not all((storage, member_id)):
raise KeyError("storage=%r, member_id=%r" % storage, member_id)
self._member_id = member_id
self._coord = fake_client.FakeClient(storage=storage)
super(ZakeDriver, self).__init__()
class ZooAsyncResult(coordination.CoordAsyncResult):
def __init__(self, kazooAsyncResult, handler, **kwargs):
self.kazooAsyncResult = kazooAsyncResult
self.handler = handler
self.kwargs = kwargs
def get(self, timeout=15):
return self.handler(self.kazooAsyncResult, timeout, **self.kwargs)
def done(self):
return self.kazooAsyncResult.ready()