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Tricircle API v1
This API describes the ways of interacting with Tricircle service via
HTTP protocol using Representational State Transfer(ReST).
Application Root [/]
Application Root provides links to all possible API methods for Tricircle. URLs
for other resources described below are relative to Application Root.
API v1 Root [/v1/]
All API v1 URLs are relative to API v1 root.
Pod [/pods/{pod_id}]
A pod represents a region in Keystone. When operating a pod, Tricircle
decides the correct endpoints to send request based on the region of the pod.
Considering the 2-layers architecture of Tricircle, we also have 2 kinds of
pods: top pod and bottom pod. A pod has the following attributes:
- pod_id
- pod_name
- pod_az_name
- dc_name
- az_name
**pod_id** is automatically generated when creating a site.
**pod_name** is specified by user but **MUST** match the region name
registered in Keystone. When creating a bottom pod, Tricircle automatically
creates a host aggregate and assigns the new availability zone id to
**az_name**. When **az_name** is empty, that means this pod is top region,
no host aggregate will be generated. If **az_name** is not empty, that means
this pod will belong to this availability zone. Multiple pods with same
**az_name** means that these pods are under same availability zone.
**pod_az_name** is the az name in the bottom pod, it could be empty, if empty,
then no az parameter will be added to the request to the bottom pod. If the
**pod_az_name** is different than **az_name**, then the az parameter will be
replaced to the **pod_az_name** when the request is forwarded to regarding
bottom pod.
**dc_name** is the name of the data center where the pod is located.
URL Parameters
- pod_id: Pod id
"pod_id": "302e02a6-523c-4a92-a8d1-4939b31a788c",
"pod_name": "pod1",
"pod_az_name": "az1",
"dc_name": "data center 1",
"az_name": "az1"
Retrieve Pod List [GET]
- URL: /pods
- Status: 200
- Returns: List of Pods
"pods": [
"pod_id": "f91ca3a5-d5c6-45d6-be4c-763f5a2c4aa3",
"pod_name": "RegionOne",
"pod_id": "302e02a6-523c-4a92-a8d1-4939b31a788c",
"pod_name": "pod1",
"pod_az_name": "az1",
"dc_name": "data center 1",
"az_name": "az1"
Retrieve a Single Pod [GET]
- URL: /pods/pod_id
- Status: 200
- Returns: Pod
"pod": {
"pod_id": "302e02a6-523c-4a92-a8d1-4939b31a788c",
"pod_name": "pod1",
"pod_az_name": "az1",
"dc_name": "data center 1",
"az_name": "az1"
Create a Pod [POST]
- URL: /pods
- Status: 201
- Returns: Created Pod
Request (application/json)
# for the pod represent the region where the Tricircle is running
"pod": {
"pod_name": "RegionOne",
# for the bottom pod which is managed by Tricircle
"pod": {
"pod_name": "pod1",
"pod_az_name": "az1",
"dc_name": "data center 1",
"az_name": "az1"
# for the pod represent the region where the Tricircle is running
"pod": {
"pod_id": "302e02a6-523c-4a92-a8d1-4939b31a788c",
"pod_name": "RegionOne",
"pod_az_name": "",
"dc_name": "",
"az_name": ""
# for the bottom pod which is managed by Tricircle
"pod": {
"pod_id": "302e02a6-523c-4a92-a8d1-4939b31a788c",
"pod_name": "pod1",
"pod_az_name": "az1",
"dc_name": "data center 1",
"az_name": "az1"