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Adding roles into this project is easy and starts with a compatible skeleton.

From with the project root, creating a skeleton for the new role.

$ ansible-galaxy init --role-skeleton=_skeleton_role_ --init-path=tripleo_ansible/roles ${NEWROLENAME}

Once the new role has been created, and is ready for testing add the role into the tox.ini file as an test scenario.

changedir = {toxinidir}/tripleo_ansible/roles/${NEWROLENAME}
envdir = {toxworkdir}/mol
commands =
  python -m pytest --color=yes --html={envlogdir}/reports.html --self-contained-html {tty:-s} {toxinidir}/tests/

When the role is ready for CI add a jobs entry into the zuul.d/jobs.yaml.

- job:
    name: tripleo-ansible-centos:mol-${NEWROLENAME}
    parent: tripleo-ansible-centos
    - ^tripleo_ansible/roles/${NEWROLENAME}/.*
      tox_envlist: mol-${NEWROLENAME}

Add the job into the zuul.d/layout.yaml file.

- project:
        - tripleo-ansible-centos:mol-${NEWROLENAME}

And finally add a role documentation file at doc/source/roles/role-${NEWROLENAME}.rst. This file will need to contain a title, a literal include of the defaults yaml and a literal include of the molecule playbook used to test the role, which is noted as an "example" playbook.

The role addition process is also automated using ansible. If ansible is available on the development workstation change directory to the root of the tripleo-ansible repository and run the the following command which will perform all of the tasks noted above.

$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e role_name=${NEWROLENAME}

If this playbook is being executed from a virtual-environment be sure to activate the virtual environment before running the playbook.

$ . ~/bin/venvs/ansible/bin/activate
(ansible)$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e role_name=${NEWROLENAME}