This patch alters the default for the --min-tmpfs flag increasing the chances of successful image builds in memory restricted environments. Increasingly, and especially with increasing support for things like OVB and other virtual deployments, people are deploying underclouds in somewhat constrained environments. A regular image build fails routinely in an undercloud with <= 12GB RAM. Unfortunately this is tricky to nail down as the cause since typically the VM undercloud locks up solid making debugging difficult or impossible. Increasing this value means image builds complete successfully by deferring the ramdisk meaning a happier experience for the operator and negligible difference in the speed of the image creation. Secondly, this patch adds consistency to flags by standardizing on the = character. Change-Id: I8fcd240b7063b4991404e01c08441fe929ff5e69
Team and repository tags
A common library for TripleO workflows.
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-common/latest/
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-common
- Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo-common
Action Development
When developing new actions, you will checkout a copy of tripleo-common to an undercloud machine and add actions as needed. To test the actions they need to be installed and selected services need to be restarted. Use the following code to accomplish these tasks. :
sudo rm -Rf /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tripleo_common*
sudo python setup.py install
sudo cp /usr/share/tripleo-common/sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/tripleo-common
sudo systemctl restart openstack-mistral-executor
sudo systemctl restart openstack-mistral-engine
# this loads the actions via entrypoints
sudo mistral-db-manage populate
# make sure the new actions got loaded
mistral action-list | grep tripleo
Workflow Development ------------------
When developing new workflows, you will need to reload the modified workflows, e.g the following will reload all the workflows from the default packaged location, or you can use a similar approach to replace only a single workbook while under development. :
for workbook in $(openstack workbook list -f value -c Name | grep tripleo); do
openstack workbook delete $workbook
for workflow in $(openstack workflow list -f value -c Name | grep tripleo); do
openstack workflow delete $workflow
for workbook in $(ls /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/workbooks/*); do
openstack workbook create $workbook
If you haven't installed the undercloud with the
set to true, you will have to prepare
your undercloud to run the validations:
$ sudo pip install git+https://git.openstack.org/openstack/tripleo-validations
$ sudo yum install ansible
$ sudo useradd validations
Finally you need to generate an SSH keypair for the validation user and copy it to the overcloud's authorized_keys files:
$ mistral execution-create tripleo.validations.v1.copy_ssh_key
Running validations using the mistral workflow
Create a context.json file containing the arguments passed to the workflow:
"validation_names": ["512e", "rabbitmq-limits"]
Run the tripleo.validations.v1.run_validations
with mistral client:
mistral execution-create tripleo.validations.v1.run_validations context.json
Running groups of validations
Create a context.json file containing the arguments passed to the workflow:
"group_names": ["network", "post-deployment"]
Run the tripleo.validations.v1.run_groups
workflow with
mistral client:
mistral execution-create tripleo.validations.v1.run_groups context.json