Document baremetal provisioning

Change-Id: Ibf999fe34599fccfd4632dd2846b07fad0d999f2
Blueprint: nova-less-deploy
This commit is contained in:
Steve Baker 2019-10-25 15:41:45 +13:00
parent f164ec87bb
commit 01700310e2
3 changed files with 383 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ You can delete specific nodes from an overcloud with command::
This command updates the heat stack with updated numbers and list of resource
IDs (which represent nodes) to be deleted.
.. note::
If you are :ref:`baremetal_provision` then follow those instructions for
scaling down instead of using ``openstack overcloud node delete``.
.. note::
If you passed any extra environment files when you created the overcloud (for
instance, in order to configure :doc:`network isolation

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@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
.. _baremetal_provision:
Provisioning Baremetal Before Overcloud Deploy
Baremetal provisioning is a feature which interacts directly with the
Bare Metal service to provision baremetal before the overcloud is deployed.
This adds a new provision step before the overcloud deploy, and the output of
the provision is a valid :doc:`../features/deployed_server` configuration.
Undercloud Components For Baremetal Provisioning
A new YAML file format is introduced to describe the baremetal required for
the deployment, and the new command ``openstack overcloud node provision``
will consume this YAML and make the specified changes. The provision command
interacts with the following undercloud components:
* A baremetal provisioning workflow which consumes the YAML and runs to
* The `metalsmith`_ tool which deploys nodes and associates ports. This tool is
responsible for presenting a unified view of provisioned baremetal while
interacting with:
* The Ironic baremetal node API for deploying nodes
* The Ironic baremetal allocation API which allocates nodes based on the YAML
provisioning criteria
* The Neutron API for managing ports associated with the node's NICs
In a future release this will become the default way to deploy baremetal, as
the Nova compute service and the Glance image service will be switched off on
the undercloud.
Baremetal Provision Configuration
A declarative YAML format specifies what roles will be deployed and the
desired baremetal nodes to assign to those roles. Defaults can be relied on
so that the simplest configuration is to specify the roles, and the count of
baremetal nodes to provision for each role
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Controller
count: 3
- name: Compute
count: 100
Often it is desirable to assign specific nodes to specific roles, and this is
done with the ``instances`` property
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Controller
count: 3
- hostname: overcloud-controller-0
name: node00
- hostname: overcloud-controller-1
name: node01
- hostname: overcloud-controller-2
name: node02
- name: Compute
count: 100
- hostname: overcloud-novacompute-0
name: node04
Here the instance ``name`` refers to the logical name of the node, and the
``hostname`` refers to the generated hostname which is derived from the
overcloud stack name, the role, and an incrementing index. In the above
example, all of the Controller servers are on predictable nodes, as well as
one of the Compute servers. The other 99 Compute servers are on nodes
allocated from the pool of available nodes.
The properties in the ``instances`` entries can also be set in the
``defaults`` section so that they do not need to be repeated in every entry.
For example, the following are equivalent
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Controller
count: 3
- hostname: overcloud-controller-0
name: node00
href: overcloud-full-custom
- hostname: overcloud-controller-1
name: node01
href: overcloud-full-custom
- hostname: overcloud-controller-2
name: node02
href: overcloud-full-custom
- name: Controller
count: 3
href: overcloud-full-custom
- hostname: overcloud-controller-0
name: node00
- hostname: overcloud-controller-1
name: node01
- hostname: overcloud-controller-2
name: node02
Role Properties
Each role entry supports the following properties:
* ``name``: Mandatory role name
* ``hostname_format``: Override the default hostname format for this role. The
default format uses the lower case role name, so for the ``Controller`` role the
default format is ``%stackname%-controller-%index%``. Only the ``Compute`` role
doesn't follow the role name rule, the ``Compute`` default format is
* ``count``: Number of nodes to provision for this role, defaults to 1
* ``defaults``: A dict of default values for ``instances`` entry properties. An
``instances`` entry property will override a default specified here See
:ref:`instance-defaults-properties` for supported properties
* ``instances``: A list of dict for specifying attributes for specific nodes.
See :ref:`instance-defaults-properties` for supported properties. The length
of this list must not be greater than ``count``
.. _instance-defaults-properties:
Instance and Defaults Properties
These properties serve two purposes:
* Setting selection criteria when allocating nodes from the pool of available nodes
* Setting attributes on the baremetal node being deployed
Each ``instances`` entry and the ``defaults`` dict support the following properties:
* ``capabilities``: Selection criteria to match the node's capabilities
* ``hostname``: If this complies with the ``hostname_format`` pattern then
other properties will apply to the node allocated to this hostname.
Otherwise, this allows a custom hostname to be specified for this node.
(Cannot be specified in ``defaults``)
* ``image``: Image details to deploy with. See :ref:`image-properties`
* ``name``: The name of a node to deploy this instance on (Cannot be specified
in ``defaults``)
* ``nics``: List of dicts representing requested NICs. See :ref:`nics-properties`
* ``profile``: Selection criteria to use :doc:`./profile_matching`
* ``provisioned``: Boolean to determine whether this node is provisioned or
unprovisioned. Defaults to ``true``, ``false`` is used to unprovision a node.
See :ref:`scaling-down`
* ``resource_class``: Selection criteria to match the node's resource class,
defaults to ``baremetal``
* ``root_size_gb``: Size of the root partition in GiB, defaults to 49
* ``swap_size_mb``: Size of the swap partition in MiB, if needed
* ``traits``: A list of traits as selection criteria to match the node's ``traits``
.. _image-properties:
Image Properties
* ``href``: Glance image reference or URL of the root partition or whole disk
image. URL schemes supported are ``file://``, ``http://``, and ``https://``.
If the value is not a valid URL, it is assumed to be a Glance image reference
* ``checksum``: When the ``href`` is a URL, the ``SHA512`` checksum of the root
partition or whole disk image
* ``kernel``: Glance image reference or URL of the kernel image (partition images only)
* ``ramdisk``: Glance image reference or URL of the ramdisk image (partition images only)
.. _nics-properties:
Nics Properties
The ``instances`` ``nics`` property supports a list of dicts, one dict per NIC.
* ``fixed_ip``: Specific IP address to use for this NIC
* ``network``: Neutron network to create the port for this NIC
* ``subnet``: Neutron subnet to create the port for this NIC
* ``port``: Existing Neutron port to use instead of creating one
By default there is one NIC representing
.. code-block:: yaml
- network: ctlplane
Other valid NIC entries would be
.. code-block:: yaml
- subnet: ctlplane-subnet
- port: overcloud-controller-0-ctlplane
.. _deploying-the-overcloud:
Deploying the Overcloud
This example assumes that the baremetal provision configuration file has the
filename ``~/overcloud_baremetal_deploy.yaml`` and the resulting deployed
server environment file is ``~/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml``
The baremetal nodes are provisioned with the following command::
openstack overcloud node provision \
--stack overcloud \
--output ~/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml \
The overcloud can then be deployed using the output from the provision command::
openstack overcloud deploy \
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/deployed-server-environment.yaml \
-e ~/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml \
--deployed-server \
--disable-validations \
# other CLI arguments
Viewing Provisioned Node Details
The commands ``openstack baremetal node list`` and ``openstack baremetal node
show`` continue to show the details of all nodes, however there are some new
commands which show a further view of the provisioned nodes.
The `metalsmith`_ tool provides a unified view of provisioned nodes, along with
allocations and neutron ports. This is similar to what Nova provides when it
is managing baremetal nodes using the Ironic driver. To list all nodes
managed by metalsmith, run::
metalsmith list
The baremetal allocation API keeps an association of nodes to hostnames,
which can be seen by running::
openstack baremetal allocation list
The allocation record UUID will be the same as the Instance UUID for the node
which is allocated. The hostname can be seen in the allocation record, but it
can also be seen in the ``openstack baremetal node show`` property
``instance_info``, ``display_name``.
Scaling the Overcloud
Scaling Up
To scale up an existing overcloud, edit ``~/overcloud_baremetal_deploy.yaml``
to increment the ``count`` in the roles to be scaled up (and add any desired
``instances`` entries) then repeat the :ref:`deploying-the-overcloud` steps.
.. _scaling-down:
Scaling Down
Scaling down an overcloud is different from scaling up for two reasons:
* Specific nodes need to be selected to unprovision
* After the overcloud deploy, an extra step is required to unprovision the
baremetal nodes
To scale down an existing overcloud edit
``~/overcloud_baremetal_deploy.yaml`` to decrement the ``count`` in the roles
to be scaled down, and also ensure there is an ``instances`` entry for each
node being unprovisioned which contains the following:
* The ``name`` of the baremetal node to remove from the overcloud
* The ``hostname`` which is assigned to that node
* A ``provisioned: false`` property
* A YAML comment explaining the reason for making the node unprovisioned (optional)
For example the following would remove ``overcloud-controller-1``
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Controller
count: 2
- hostname: overcloud-controller-0
name: node00
- hostname: overcloud-controller-1
name: node01
# Removed from cluster due to disk failure
provisioned: false
- hostname: overcloud-controller-2
name: node02
When the :ref:`deploying-the-overcloud` steps are then followed, the result
will be an overcloud which is configured to have those nodes removed, however
the removed nodes will still be running in a provisioned state, so the final
step is to unprovision those nodes::
openstack overcloud node unprovision \
--stack overcloud \
Before any node is unprovisioned a list of nodes to unprovision is displayed
with a confirmation prompt.
What to do when scaling back up depends on the situation. If the scale-down
was to temporarily remove baremetal which is later restored, then the
scale-up can increment the ``count`` and set ``provisioned: true`` on nodes
which were previously ``provisioned: false``. If that baremetal node is not
going to be re-used in that role then the ``provisioned: false`` can remain
indefinitely and the scale-up can specify a new ``instances`` entry, for
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Controller
count: 3
- hostname: overcloud-controller-0
name: node00
- hostname: overcloud-controller-1
name: node01
# Removed from cluster due to disk failure
provisioned: false
- hostname: overcloud-controller-2
name: node02
- hostname: overcloud-controller-3
name: node11
.. note::
This scale-down approach should be used instead of using the ``openstack
overcloud node delete`` command.
Unprovisioning All Nodes
After ``openstack overcloud delete`` is called, all of the baremetal nodes
can be unprovisioned without needing to edit
``~/overcloud_baremetal_deploy.yaml`` by running the unprovision command with
the ``--all`` argument::
openstack overcloud node unprovision --all \
--stack overcloud \
.. _metalsmith:

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@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ Documentation on how to do advanced configuration of baremetal nodes in