The is one of community goals that each project could produce a single PDF file. The pdf should be in the output of openstack-tox-docs job. The list of changes: - copy the docs testenvs' dependencies from Ib3bb34191582f581c28f2f8a0281cf3ae44003e8 - do not place unrelated to the docs testenvs entries for the test-requieremets.txt, add missing flake8 - add the missing sphinxcontrib-mermaid docs requirements - render mermaid diagrams only for html builds, for PDF use a hand-made quick and dirty approximation instead (if used for PDF builds, it fails on the py3 deprecated warn() methos) - add the project architecture and components into the main ToC, omit rendering additional contents pages for PDF builds - add a new pdf-docs environment to enable PDF build, - sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter is used to handle SVG properly, - Add requirements for sphinx and poke it for openstackdocstheme, - disable usage of xindy for tex, - do not generate empty pages, More about the goal: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/train/pdf-doc-generation.html https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/train-pdf-support-goal https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/pdf-goal-train-common-problems TeX and few more packages may be needed to build PDF locally (listed for bindep): inkscape [doc platform:dpkg] fonts-liberation [doc platform:dpkg] texlive-latex-base [doc platform:dpkg] texlive-latex-extra [doc platform:dpkg] texlive-xetex [doc platform:dpkg] texlive-fonts-recommended [doc platform:dpkg] xindy [doc platform:dpkg] latexmk [doc platform:dpkg] texlive [doc platform:rpm] texlive-fncychap [doc platform:rpm] texlive-titlesec [doc platform:rpm] texlive-tabulary [doc platform:rpm] texlive-framed [doc platform:rpm] texlive-wrapfig [doc platform:rpm] texlive-upquote [doc platform:rpm] texlive-capt-of [doc platform:rpm] texlive-needspace [doc platform:rpm] texlive-polyglossia [doc platform:rpm] latexmk [doc platform:rpm] python3-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter-common [doc platform:rpm] librsvg2-tools [doc platform:rpm] librsvg2-bin [doc platform:dpkg] Change-Id: Ib3bb34191582f581c28f2f8a0281cf3ae44003e8 Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobreli@redhat.com>
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TripleO Documentation
This is the documentation source for the TripleO project. You can read the generated documentation at TripleO Docs.
You can find out more about TripleO at the TripleO Wiki.
Getting Started
Documentation for the TripleO project is hosted on the OpenStack
Gerrit site. You can view all open and resolved issues in the
project at TripleO
General information about contributing to the OpenStack documentation available at OpenStack Documentation Contributor Guide
Quick Start
The following is a quick set of instructions to get you up and running by building the TripleO documentation locally. The first step is to get your Python environment configured. Information on configuring is available at Python Project Guide
Next you can generate the documentation using the following command. Be sure to run all the commands from within the recently checked out repository.
tox -edocs,pdf-docs,deploy-guide
Now you have the documentation generated for the various available
formats from the local source. The resulting documentation will be
available within the doc/build/