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Integrating 3rd Party Containers in TripleO

Building Containers

One of the following methods can be used to extend or build from scratch custom 3rd party containers.

Adding layers to existing containers

Any extra RPMs required by 3rd party drivers may need to be post-installed into our stock TripleO containers. In this case the 3rd party vendor may opt to add a layer to an existing container in order to deploy their software.

The example below demonstrates how to extend a container on the Undercloud host machine. It assumes you are running a local docker registry on the undercloud. We recommend that you create a Dockerfile to extend the existing container. Here is an example extending the cinder-volume container:

LABEL name="tripleo/centos-binary-cinder-volume-vendorx" vendor="Vendor X" version="2.1" release="1"

# switch to root and install a custom RPM, etc.
USER root
COPY vendor_x.rpm /tmp
RUN rpm -ivh /tmp/vendor_x.rpm

# switch the container back to the default user
USER cinder

Docker build the container above using docker build on the command line. This will output a container image <ID> (used below to tag it). Create a docker tag and push it into the local registry:

docker tag <ID>
docker push

Start an overcloud deployment as normal with the extra custom Heat environment above to obtain the new container.


Note that the new container will have the complete software stack built into it as is normal for containers. When other containers are updated and include security fixes in these lower layers, this container will NOT be updated as a result and will require rebuilding.

Building new containers with kolla-build

To create new containers, or modify existing ones, you can use kolla-build from the Kolla project to build and push the images yourself. The command to build a new containers is below. Note that this assumes you are on an undercloud host where the registry IP address is

kolla-build --base centos --type binary --namespace master --registry --tag latest --template-override /usr/share/tripleo-common/container-images/tripleo_kolla_template_overrides.j2 --push

Notice that TripleO already uses the /usr/share/tripleo-common/container-images/tripleo_kolla_template_overrides.j2 to add or change specific aspects of the containers. This file can be copied and modified to create custom containers. The original copy of this file can be found in the tripleo-common repository.

To build specific containers you can add a custom section to the kolla configuration. For example, to build the cron containers you would add:


The following template is an example of the template used for building the base images that are consumed by TripleO. In this case we are adding the puppet RPM to the base image:

{% extends parent_template %}
{% set base_centos_binary_packages_append = ['puppet'] %}
{% set nova_scheduler_packages_append = ['openstack-tripleo-common'] %}

Integrating 3rd party containers with tripleo-heat-templates

The TripleO Heat Templates repo is where most of the logic resides in the form of heat templates. These templates define each service, the containers' configuration and the initialization or post-execution operations.

The docker templates can be found under the docker sub directory in the tripleo-heat-templates root. The services files are under the docker/service directory.

For more information on how to integrate containers into the TripleO Heat templates, see the install/containers_deployment/architecture.rst document. (FIXME: proper link)

If all you need to do is change out a container for a specific service, you can create a custom heat environment file that contains your override. To swap out the cinder container from our previous example we would add:

    DockerCinderVolumeImage: centos-binary-cinder-volume-vendorx:rev1