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Deploying DNSaaS (Designate)

Because some aspects of a Designate deployment are specific to the environment in which it is deployed, there is some additional configuration required beyond just including an environment file. The following instructions will explain this configuration.

First, make a copy of the designate-config.yaml environment.


For HA deployments, there is a separate designate-config-ha.yaml file that should be used instead.

cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/designate-config.yaml .

This file contains a sample pool configuration which must be edited to match the intended environment. Each section has comments that explain how to configure it.

  • ns_records: There should be one of these for each node running designate, and they should point at the public IP of the node.
  • nameservers: There should be one of these for each node running BIND. The host value should be the public IP of the node.
  • targets: There should be one of these for each node running BIND. Each target has the following attributes which need to be configured:
    • masters: There should be one of these for each node running designate-mdns. The host value should be the public IP of the node.
    • options: This specifies where the target BIND instance will be listening. host should be the public IP of the node, and rndc_host should be the internal_api IP of the node.

Because this configuration requires the node IPs to be known ahead of time, it is necessary to use predictable IPs. Full details on configuring those can be found at ../provisioning/node_placement.

Only the external (public) and internal_api networks need to be predictable for Designate. The following is an example of the addresses that need to be set:


Include enable-designate.yaml, ips-from-pool.yaml, and either designate-config.yaml or designate-config-ha.yaml in the deploy command:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/enable-designate.yaml -e ips-from-pool.yaml -e designate-config.yaml [...]