Dan Prince cbac118888 os-net-config templates to configure vlans
This patch adds 5 new role templates to help configure
a vlans on top for each of the overcloud roles. This
patch adds vlans on top of a single NIC attached to
the control plane network (already used for provisioning).

The patch also includes an environment file to
enable configuration of vlans by simply sourcing this file.

Change-Id: Ibc40e452dec9b372ff10442aab2bddaf382b0a2f
2015-06-01 15:13:46 -04:00

This directory contains Heat environment file snippets which can be used to enable features in the Overcloud.


These can be enabled using the -e [path to environment yaml] option with heatclient.

Below is an example of how to enable the Ceph template using devtest_overcloud.sh:

export OVERCLOUD\_CUSTOM\_HEAT\_ENV=$TRIPLEO\_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph_devel.yaml