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Continually deploy an overcloud.


None needed.


Currently, continually deploying an overcloud results in the overcloud being discarded each deploy.


The service tripleo-cd runs tripleo-cd which loops deploying and redeploying an overcloud.


There is currently no configuration available: changes are made to directly.

Generating testenvs

To generate a testenv heat stack the deploy-testenv script can be used along with the a config file describing the testenv you want to generate. We currently hold config files for the HP and Red Hat racks along with a test config file that can be used to deploy a testenv on a devtest undercloud, e.g. to generate a single host testenv on your devtest undercloud (this may not allow you to run ci tests but will at the very least allow you to test the environment is setup correctly), it requires that you have unused barmetal nodes registered on your undercloud.

. undercloudrc
./bin/deploy-testenv configs/te\_localrc