A swift-ring element consists of the basic swift package and the swift-ring-builder tool. The purpose of this element is exclusively to create and update swift ring files. The benefit here is that it may be used on an undercloud or overcloud controller node without having to install the entire swift service. Also, updates to a ring/creation of a new ring may be performed on a single, centralised node in the under/overcloud and distributed to all the swift nodes in a system. This is not intended to replace anything in the existing swift element. Unlike the swift element, it does not require any heat-teamplate which is used to generate swift rings on the node in question (as well as other things) so right now any node with the swift element must be a part of the swift rings. Therefore, the swift-ring element could be added to any node in a system without any other swift services or presence in the rings required. Change-Id: I018bdb7a8c6f2f7f83a0a7fb6d27332b6ca266a8
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Element that provides a node with the tools to build a swift ring