To migrate to using Neutron's DHCP agent (and get away from file injection) we need to stop using the workaround pool based dnsmasq DHCP server. We may need to build either configuration until the Neutron DHCP agent is stable and working, so rather than deleting, lets split it into a dedicated element. Change-Id: I11a048c6d0974dc613cd27509e3e9574a85cbc45
610 B
610 B
Nova baremetal services
Configures the nova-baremetal directories on disk and restarts the deploy helper service in os-refresh-config.
An iptables rule to capture incoming EC2 metadata API requests and redirect them to the nova API is automatically added to the neutron.ovs.physical_bridge interface. See the neutron-openvswitch-agent for the full set of ovs parameters. For example:
physical_bridge: br-ctlplane
In the future we may create a dedicated parameter to permit nova-baremetal to run separately from the neutron agents in the undercloud.